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Last active January 18, 2019 05:03
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apropos-cast commented Jan 17, 2019

Solution 2

We wanted the writes to be thread-safe.

(def db (atom {}))

(def die? false)

(def t (doto (Thread. (fn []
                        (loop [old-state @db]
                          (when (not die?)
                            (Thread/sleep 1000)
                            (let [new-state @db]
                              (when (not= old-state new-state)
                                (spit "dbsave.edn" (pr-str new-state)))
                              (recur new-state))))))

(defn read-db []
  (clojure.edn/read-string (slurp "dbsave.edn")))

(defn restore-db []
  (reset! db (read-db)))

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