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Created June 10, 2015 16:38
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  • Save apsdehal/7f6c012ab3e487af7877 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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( function() {
paths: {
"globalize": "../../../external/globalize/globalize",
"globalize/ja-JP": "../../../external/globalize/globalize.culture.ja-JP",
"jquery": jqueryUrl(),
"jquery-simulate": "../../../external/jquery-simulate/jquery.simulate",
"jshint": "../../../external/jshint/jshint",
"lib": "../../lib",
"phantom-bridge": "../../../node_modules/grunt-contrib-qunit/phantomjs/bridge",
"qunit-assert-classes": "../../../external/qunit-assert-classes/qunit-assert-classes",
"qunit-assert-close": "../../../external/qunit-assert-close/qunit-assert-close",
"qunit": "../../../external/qunit/qunit",
"testswarm": "" + (new Date()).getTime(),
"ui": "../../../ui"
shim: {
"globalize/ja-JP": [ "globalize" ],
"jquery-simulate": [ "jquery" ],
"qunit-assert-close": [ "qunit" ],
"testswarm": [ "qunit" ]
// Create a module that disables back compat for UI modules
define( "jquery-no-back-compat", [ "jquery" ], function( $ ) {
$.uiBackCompat = false;
return $;
} );
// Create a dummy bridge if we're not actually testing in PhantomJS
if ( !/PhantomJS/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
define( "phantom-bridge", function() {} );
// Load all modules in series
function requireModules( dependencies, callback, modules ) {
if ( !dependencies.length ) {
if ( callback ) {
callback.apply( null, modules );
if ( !modules ) {
modules = [];
var dependency = dependencies.shift();
require( [ dependency ], function( module ) {
modules.push( module );
requireModules( dependencies, callback, modules );
} );
// Load a set of test file along with the required test infrastructure
function requireTests( dependencies, noBackCompat ) {
dependencies = [
noBackCompat ? "jquery-no-back-compat" : "jquery",
].concat( dependencies );
// Load the TestSwarm injector, if necessary
if ( parseUrl().swarmURL ) {
dependencies.push( "testswarm" );
requireModules( dependencies, function( QUnit ) {
} );
// Parse the URL into key/value pairs
function parseUrl() {
var data = {};
var parts = 1 ).split( "&" );
var length = parts.length;
var i = 0;
var current;
for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
current = parts[ i ].split( "=" );
data[ current[ 0 ] ] = current[ 1 ];
return data;
function jqueryUrl() {
var version = parseUrl().jquery;
var url;
if ( version === "git" || version === "compat-git" ) {
url = "" + version;
} else {
url = "../../../external/jquery-" + ( version || "1.11.3" ) + "/jquery";
return url;
// Load test modules based on data attributes
// - data-modules: list of test modules to load
// - data-widget: A widget to load test modules for
// - Automatically loads common, core, events, methods, and options
// - data-deprecated: Loads the deprecated test modules for a widget
// - data-no-back-compat: Set $.uiBackCompat to false
(function() {
// Find the script element
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( "script" );
var script = scripts[ scripts.length - 1 ];
// Read the modules
var modules = script.getAttribute( "data-modules" );
if ( modules ) {
modules = modules
.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" )
.split( /\s+/ );
} else {
modules = [];
var widget = script.getAttribute( "data-widget" );
var deprecated = !!script.getAttribute( "data-deprecated" );
var noBackCompat = !!script.getAttribute( "data-no-back-compat" );
if ( widget ) {
modules = modules.concat([
( deprecated ? "common-deprecated" : "common" ),
if ( deprecated ) {
modules = modules.concat( "deprecated" );
requireTests( modules, noBackCompat );
} )();
(function () {
var internPath = '../../' + location.pathname.replace(/\/+[^\/]*$/, '/') + 'node_modules/intern';
var initialBaseUrl = (function () {
var result = /[?&]initialBaseUrl=([^&]*)/.exec(;
if (result) {
var baseUrl = decodeURIComponent(result[1]);
if (/^(?:\w+:)?\/\//.test(baseUrl)) {
throw new Error('Cross-origin loading of test modules is not allowed for security reasons');
return baseUrl;
else {
// For users running client.html directly, assume that the initial base URL is two levels up
// (the parent directory of node_modules/intern); this is most common.
// Users that need something special can provide a different `initialBaseUrl`.
return internPath.replace(/(?:\/+[^\/]*){2}\/?$/, '/');
var internConfig = this.__internConfig = {
baseUrl: initialBaseUrl,
packages: [
{ name: 'intern', location: internPath }
map: {
intern: {
dojo: 'intern/node_modules/dojo',
chai: 'intern/node_modules/chai/chai',
diff: 'intern/node_modules/diff/diff'
'*': {
'intern/dojo': 'intern/node_modules/dojo'
require(internConfig, [ 'intern/client' ]);
} )();
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