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Created November 16, 2020 05:24
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using namespace std;
//create a structure for Node which will
// contain data and pointer to next Node
struct Node{
int data;
struct Node *next;
//Function to create new node
//with Next Pointing to NULL
Node(int x){
data = x;
next = NULL;
//Function to display List
void display(Node* head){
//Pass the Head to traverse
//list from start to end
Node* temp = head;
//Iterate until we reach NULL/End of List
while(temp != NULL){
cout<<temp->data<<" ";
temp = temp->next;
//Function to insert Element in List
void InsertNode(Node* head, int data, int key)
//create a pointer which will point to head
Node* temp = head;
//Node to prev element used at the time of inserting
Node* prev = NULL;
//Node which is inserted in between
Node* insert = new Node(data);
key++; //increamented key because we need to insert next to key
prev = temp;
temp = temp->next;
// previous node's next will point to node insert we have created
prev->next = insert;
// now insert's next will point to temp
insert->next = temp;
//Function to Count Number of Elements in List
int countNode(Node* head){
Node* temp = head;
int len = 0; //Flag varaible to store length
while(temp != NULL){
len++; //incrented flag to calculate
temp = temp->next;
return len;
//Function to calculate Sum of Node in List
int sumNode(Node* head){
Node* temp = head;
int sum = 0; //Flag varaible to store sum of List
while(temp != NULL){
sum += temp->data; //Adding previous result with curretn values
temp = temp->next; //moving temp node forward
return sum;
//int ans = 0;
int sumNodeRec(Node* head,int ans){
Node* temp = head; //NULL
if(temp == NULL) return ans;
ans = ans + temp->data; //ans = 6;
return sumNodeRec(temp->next,ans);
i/p => 1->2->3->NULL
ans = 0
//Function to Find Maximum Node in the list
int maxNode(Node* head){
int max_ele = head->data; //to store max value
Node* temp = head;
while(temp != NULL){
if(temp->data >= max_ele){
//comparing and replacing max
//value with current if it is smaller
max_ele = temp->data; //moving temp node forward
temp = temp->next;
//Function to search Node in list
bool searchNode(Node* head,int val){
Node* temp = head;
while(temp != NULL){
if(temp->data == val){
//if we found element searching then return true
return true;
temp = temp->next;
//if we can find value return false
return false;
void reverse(Node* head){
Node* curr = head;
Node* prev = NULL;
Node* next = NULL;
while(curr != NULL){
next = curr->next;
curr->next = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
head = prev;
//Function to find the middle element of list
void middleNode(Node* head){
Node* slow = head; //this pointer will move one by one
Node* fast = head; //this pointer will move two steps
while(fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL){
slow = slow->next;
fast = fast->next->next;
//so when fast is at end then slow
// will be at middle of the list
int main(){
//input data variable to create list
int n,data,index,val;
cout<<"Enter the Number of Nodes -: ";
cin>>n; //input no. of nodes
cout<<"Enter data -: ";
cin>>data; //input data
//create two pointer head and tail
//create head node and fill data in it
Node* head = new Node(data);
//assign tail as head
Node* tail = head;
//move tail pointer to forward
for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++){
//create a new node by passing input data
tail->next = new Node(data);
tail = tail->next;
int operation;
//Menu List for operations
cout<<"List Menu"<<endl;
cout<<"1. Display List"<<endl;
cout<<"2. Count Nodes"<<endl;
cout<<"3. Sum of Nodes"<<endl;
cout<<"4. Search Node"<<endl;
cout<<"5. Max of Nodes"<<endl;
cout<<"6. Insert Node"<<endl;
cout<<"7.Reverse List"<<endl;
cout<<"8.Middle of List"<<endl;
cout<<"9. Sum Rec"<<endl;
cout<<"10. Exit"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Your Choice"<<endl;
//Switch case to perform those list operation
case 1: display(head);
case 2: cout<<"Total No. of Nodes -:"<<countNode(head)<<endl;
case 3: cout<<"Sum of All Nodes -:"<<sumNode(head)<<endl;
case 4: cout<<"Enter the value to search -:";
cout<<"Element is -:"<<searchNode(head,val)<<endl;
case 5: cout<<"Maximum Node"<<maxNode(head)<<endl;
case 6: cout<<"Enter data to insert -: ";
cout<<"Enter Index -: ";
case 7 :reverse(head);
case 8: middleNode(head);
case 9 : cout<<"Sum of Nodes"<<sumNodeRec(head,0)<<endl;
case 10 : exit(0);
return 0;
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