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Last active August 9, 2020 05:43
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A practice of Algebraic Data Type implementation in Python
# python3.6 -m doctest
A practice that implement algebraic data type in Python.
> data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
Usage of `Maybe`:
>>> Just(3)
Just 3
>>> Just(3).__class__
<class 'algebraic_data_type.Maybe int'>
>>> Just(3).constructor
<bound method Maybe.just of <class 'algebraic_data_type.Maybe'>>
>>> Just(3)._a
>>> Just(3)._argument_classes
{'a': <class 'int'>}
>>> Just(3) == Just(1), Just(3) == Just(3)
(False, True)
>>> fmap(lambda x:x**3, Nothing())
>>> fmap(lambda x:x**3, Just(3))
Just 27
f : Maybe a → Maybe a
f Nothing = Nothing
g : Maybe a → Maybe a
g _ = Nothing
h : Maybe Int → Maybe Int
h _ = Just 2
>>> h(g(f(Nothing())))
Just 2
class Mock:
def generate_name(_c = __import__('itertools').count()):
return 'a' + str(next(_c))
def wrap_str(tn, n):
this function should be enhanced to support abstract data type with
multiple arguments like "M a b c" in the future
return f'{tn} ({n})' if ' ' in n else f'{tn} {n}'
class Maybe(type):
_classes = {}
def _instantiate(tcls, cls, constructor, a=None):
add requirements onto instance
instance = cls()
instance.constructor = constructor
if constructor == tcls.just:
instance._a = a
return instance
def just(tcls, a, base=None):
`just` constructor
if base is not None:
cls = base
cls = tcls._classes.setdefault(a.__class__, tcls(a.__class__))
return tcls._instantiate(tcls, cls, tcls.just, a)
def nothing(tcls, base=None):
`nothing` constructor
if base is not None:
cls = base
cls = tcls(type(generate_name(),(Mock,),{}))
return tcls._instantiate(tcls, cls, tcls.nothing)
def __new__(tcls, cls):
name = wrap_str(tcls.__name__, cls.__name__)
return tcls._classes.setdefault(name, type.__new__(tcls, name, (), {
'_argument_classes': {'a': cls} ,
'__repr__': lambda s: \
'Nothing' if s.constructor == tcls.nothing else wrap_str('Just',repr(s._a)) ,
'__eq__': lambda s, a: \
s.constructor == a.constructor and (s._a == a._a if hasattr(s, '_a') else True),
'_fmap': lambda s, f: \
tcls.nothing() if s.constructor == tcls.nothing else tcls.just(f(s._a)) ,
Just = Maybe.just
Nothing = Maybe.nothing
def fmap(f, fa):
functor map
return fa._fmap(f)
def f(n):
f : Maybe a → Maybe a
f Nothing = Nothing
>>> f(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> f(Nothing())
>>> f(Just(3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
if not isinstance(n.__class__, Maybe):
raise TypeError
if n.constructor == Nothing:
return n
raise NotImplementedError
def g(x):
g : Maybe a → Maybe a
g _ = Nothing
>>> g(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> j, n = Just(3), Nothing()
>>> g(j) == g(n)
>>> g(n).constructor == Nothing
>>> g(n) is n , g(n).__class__ is n.__class__
(False, True)
if not isinstance(x.__class__, Maybe):
raise TypeError
return Nothing(base=x.__class__)
def h(x):
h : Maybe Int → Maybe Int
h _ = Just 2
>>> n = Nothing()
>>> n._argument_classes['a'] is not int
>>> j = h(n)
>>> j._argument_classes['a'] is int and j._a is 2
if not isinstance(x.__class__, Maybe):
raise TypeError
elif x._argument_classes['a'] != int and issubclass(x._argument_classes['a'], Mock):
MaybeInt = Maybe(int)
x.__class__ = MaybeInt
x._argument_classes = (int,)
raise TypeError
return Just(2, base=x.__class__)
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