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Last active February 2, 2024 16:33
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aliases file
# Utilities
alias b="brew"
alias c="clear && reset"
alias re="reset"
alias e="exit"
alias s="sudo su"
alias m="make"
alias n="node"
alias p="php"
alias hist="history"
alias g="git"
alias ll="ls -l --color=auto"
alias lll="ls -rtls --color=auto"
alias lss="exa -l --icons"
alias ip="ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | grep -v"
alias ports="sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN"
alias s-aliases="source ~/.bash_aliases"
alias o-aliases="code ~/.bash_aliases"
alias reset-lunchpad="defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock"
alias pcat='pygmentize -f terminal256 -O style=native -g'
alias d2u-current="find . -type f -exec dos2unix '{}' '+'"
# Git
alias lg='lazygit'
alias git-re-master="git fetch origin && git rebase origin/master"
alias git-me-master="git fetch origin && git merge origin/master"
alias git-f="git fetch origin"
alias git-s="git status"
alias git-b-clean="git fetch -p && for branch in \$(git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print \$1}'); do git branch -D \$branch; done"
alias git-ai="git add -i"
alias git-pl="git pull"
alias git-ph="git push"
alias git-s-master="git switch master"
alias git-b="git branch"
alias git-ba="git branch -v -a"
alias git-co-mof="git status | awk '/modified/{split(\$0,a,\":\"); print \"git checkout \" a[2]}' | sh"
alias git-reset-last-commit="git reset HEAD~"
alias git-restore="git restore ."
alias git-log-graph="git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph"
alias git-st="git stash"
alias git-st-list="git stash list"
alias git-st-pop="git stash pop"
# grep
alias grep-all="grep -r -i -n"
alias grep-js="grep -r -i -n --include=\*.js"
alias grep-html="grep -r -i -n --include=\*.html"
alias grep-cpp="grep -r -i -n --include=\*.cpp --include=\*.h"
alias grep-sql="grep -r -i -n --include=\*.sql"
# Network
alias list-ip-port="netstat -tunlp"
# Search File(s)
alias search-xml="find . -type f -name '*.xml'"
# Find Max File Size
alias ducks='du -cks * | sort -rn | head'
# List
alias list-path="cat ~/.aliases | grep 'path-'"
alias list-ssh="cat ~/.aliases | grep 'ssh-'"
# VSCode
alias vscode-kill-server-processes="kill -9 `ps aux | \grep vscode-server | \grep USER | \grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`"
alias vscode-extension-processes="ps aux | grep vscode | grep extensions"
# Ubuntu
alias ubuntu-update="sudo apt-get update && time sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y"
alias aws-ec2-info="aws ec2 describe-instances"
# Apache
alias apache-config="cd /usr/local/etc/apache2"
alias apache-start="sudo apachectl start"
alias apache-stop="sudo apachectl stop"
alias apache-restart="sudo apachectl -k restart"
alias apache-checkcfg="sudo apachectl configtest"
# Nginx
alias brew-start-nginx="brew services start nginx"
alias brew-stop-nginx="brew services stop nginx"
alias brew-restart-nginx="brew services restart nginx"
alias o-nginx="code /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
alias nginx-start="sudo nginx"
alias nginx-stop="sudo nginx -s stop"
alias nginx-reload="sudo nginx -s reload"
# Hosts
alias o-httpd="code /usr/local/etc/apache2/2.4/httpd.conf"
alias o-vhosts="code /usr/local/etc/apache2/2.4/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf"
alias o-hosts="code /etc/hosts"
alias path-php="cd /usr/local/etc/php"
# PHP - tools
alias phinx="./vendor/bin/phinx"
alias comp-dump="composer dumpautoload"
alias comp-r="composer require"
# Python
alias remove-all-pyc="find . -name '*.pyc' -delete"
alias venv-activate=". venv/bin/activate"
# Jupyter
alias j-notebook="jupyter notebook"
# alembic
alias alembic-init-sync="alembic revision --autogenerate -m "
alias alembic-head="alembic upgrade head"
alias alembic-downgrade="alembic downgrade -1"
alias alembic-base="alembic downgrade base"
# Database
alias mysql-start="mysql.server start"
alias mysql-stop="mysql.server stop"
alias mysql-check="ps aux | grep 'mysql'"
alias postgres-start="lunchy start postgres"
alias postgres-stop="lunchy stop postgres"
# Docker
alias lzd='lazydocker'
alias dk="docker"
alias dkvls="docker volume ls"
alias dkvrm="docker volume rm"
alias dkc="docker-compose"
alias dkc-up="docker-compose up -d"
alias dkm="docker-machine"
alias dkm-ip="docker-machine ip default"
# Vagrant
alias vg="vagrant"
alias vg-g-status="vagrant global-status"
alias vg-status="vagrant status"
# Terraform
alias tf="terraform"
# SeleniumHQ
alias sel="selenium-server"
# WildFly
alias wildfly="/usr/local/opt/wildfly-as/libexec/bin/ --server-config=standalone-full.xml"
alias ssh-agent-start="eval \"$(ssh-agent -s)\""
# tmux
alias tmux-dev="tmux -CC a -t dev"
alias tmux-kill-all="tmux kill-session"
# SSH - Web Servers
# Path
# export
export LESS=FRX
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