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aqade/config.lua Secret

Created August 5, 2023 07:16
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Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
--███████╗███████╗████████╗████████╗██╗███╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
--██╔════╝██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝╚══██╔══╝██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝ ██╔════╝
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--╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝
Config.Features = {
Magicdoor = true,
MagicdoorSettings = {
Target = {
points = vector3(203.08, -979.09, 29.46),
heading = 340.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.0,
maxZ = 29.46+1.5,
Size = {0.1, 1.2},
distance = 2.0,
RandomLocations = {
vector4(202.91, -979.35, 29.46, 165.25),
vector4(-74.97, -824.1, 321.31, 161.91),
vector4(406.28, -1348.32, 41.14, 321.88),
vector4(-823.39, -1065.94, 11.65, 30.13),
vector4(-371.19, 277.35, 86.42, 312.76),
vector4(2146.06, 4782.18, 41.0, 119.48),
vector4(125.75, 6644.12, 31.8, 53.98),
WishFountain = true,
WishFountainSettings = {
Target = {
points = vector3(181.71, -977.21, 29.46),
radius = 3.0,
distance = 4.0,
Price = 1, -- Price to throw a coin in the fountain
Duration = 10, -- In seconds
Delay = math.random(1, 10), -- In minutes
Rewards = {
Common = {'sandwich', 'phone'},
Rare = {'beer', 'radio'},
RewardAmount = 1,
NothingChance = 50, -- In percent
CommonChance = 40, -- In percent
-- That will give rare 10% chance
Yoga = true,
YogaSettings = {
Duration = 30, -- In seconds
StressRelief = math.random(10, 100),
Target = {
points = vector3(174.32, -953.09, 29.46),
heading = 224.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.5,
maxZ = 29.46-0.8,
Size = {1.0, 1.8},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(169.22, -954.97, 29.46),
heading = 44.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.5,
maxZ = 29.46-0.8,
Size = {1.0, 1.8},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(170.78, -956.54, 29.46),
heading = 44.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.5,
maxZ = 29.46-0.8,
Size = {1.0, 1.8},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(172.37, -958.26, 29.46),
heading = 44.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.5,
maxZ = 29.46-0.8,
Size = {1.0, 1.8},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(167.93, -957.7, 29.46),
heading = 44.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.5,
maxZ = 29.46-0.8,
Size = {1.0, 1.8},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(169.53, -959.31, 29.46),
heading = 44.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.5,
maxZ = 29.46-0.8,
Size = {1.0, 1.8},
distance = 2.0,
Photoshoot = true,
PhotoshootSettings = {
PedModel = 'a_m_m_paparazzi_01',
Webhook = "YOUR_WEBHOOK", -- Webhook to send the photo to
CameraPosition = vector3(152.96, -973.42, 29.0),
CameraHeading = 10.0,
Target = {
points = vector3(153.93, -975.47, 29.31),
heading = 10.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.0,
maxZ = 29.46+0.8,
Size = {0.8, 0.8},
distance = 5.0,
CozyCorner = true,
CozyCornerSettings = {
Fireplace = {
Enabled = true,
Target = {
points = vector3(219.41, -957.2, 28.34),
radius = 1.0,
distance = 2.5,
WarmUpDuration = 30, -- In seconds
HealthGain = 10, -- How much health you gain
Guitar = {
Enabled = true,
Target = {
points = vector3(221.92, -956.75, 28.44),
radius = 0.5,
distance = 1.5,
StandLocation = vector4(222.19, -957.22, 29.43, 113.14),
Duration = 30, -- In seconds
Boombox = {
Enabled = true,
Prop = {
Enabled = true,
Propname = 'prop_boombox_01',
Target = {
points = vector3(216.16, -961.52, 29.10),
heading = 160.0,
minZ = 29.44-0.4,
maxZ = 29.44+0.1,
Size = {0.2, 0.6},
distance = 2.0,
AudioVolume = 0.1,
AudioRange = 10.0,
Swing = {
Enabled = true,
Target = {
points = vector3(214.37, -959.63, 29.46),
heading = 5.0,
minZ = 29.46-0.5,
maxZ = 29.46+0.5,
Size = {1, 1},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(213.34, -959.71, 29.46),
heading = 5.0,
minZ = 29.46-0.5,
maxZ = 29.46+0.5,
Size = {1, 1},
distance = 2.0,
Shops = true,
ShopsSettings = {
Target = {
points = vector3(177.15, -969.04, 29.46),
heading = 300.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.0,
maxZ = 29.46+1.4,
Size = {2.8, 1.4},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(190.93, -975.17, 29.46),
heading = 15.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.0,
maxZ = 29.46+1.4,
Size = {2.8, 1.4},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(177.97, -985.8, 29.46),
heading = 70.0,
minZ = 29.46-1.0,
maxZ = 29.46+1.4,
Size = {2.8, 1.4},
distance = 2.0,
Shop = {
label = "Park Shop",
slots = 15,
items = {
name = "coffee",
price = 5,
amount = 20,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1,
-- {
-- name = "itemname",
-- price = 0,
-- amount = 0,
-- info = {},
-- type = "item",
-- slot = 2,
-- },
Secret = true,
SecretSettings = {
PedModel = 'cs_taostranslator',
Availeblity = {
Enabled = true, -- If set to false, he will always be open for business
From = 22, -- In game time -- 22 = 10pm
To = 6, -- In game time -- 6 = 6am
Target = {
points = vector3(153.65, -961.93, 29.71),
heading = 300.0,
minZ = 29.71-1.0,
maxZ = 29.71+0.8,
Size = {0.8, 0.8},
distance = 2.0,
Shop = {
label = "Secret Shop",
slots = 15,
items = {
name = "weapon_pistol",
price = 5000,
amount = 2,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1,
name = "pistol_ammo",
price = 200,
amount = 10,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 2,
-- {
-- name = "itemname",
-- price = 0,
-- amount = 0,
-- info = {},
-- type = "item",
-- slot = 3,
-- },
--███████╗███████╗ █████╗ ████████╗███████╗
--███████╗█████╗ ███████║ ██║ ███████╗
--╚════██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██║ ██║ ╚════██║
--███████║███████╗██║ ██║ ██║ ███████║
--╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝
Config.Seats = {
--[[ LEGION PARK ]]--
{ coords = vector4(172.57, -980.61, 29.46, 302.75), stand = vector3(173.46, -980.91, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(173.14, -981.66, 29.46, 302.20), stand = vector3(173.46, -980.91, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(183.61, -986.71, 29.46, 21.420), stand = vector3(184.04, -985.93, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(184.77, -986.34, 29.46, 18.700), stand = vector3(184.04, -985.93, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(190.24, -981.94, 29.46, 68.080), stand = vector3(189.91, -981.06, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(190.62, -980.86, 29.46, 66.490), stand = vector3(189.91, -981.06, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(188.39, -970.14, 29.46, 142.48), stand = vector3(187.51, -970.20, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(187.40, -969.39, 29.46, 159.57), stand = vector3(187.51, -970.20, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(181.44, -967.49, 29.46, 193.05), stand = vector3(180.84, -968.34, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(180.15, -967.68, 29.46, 200.75), stand = vector3(180.84, -968.34, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(173.71, -971.83, 29.46, 242.08), stand = vector3(173.94, -972.77, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(173.09, -973.03, 29.46, 249.28), stand = vector3(173.94, -972.77, 29.46)},
{ coords = vector4(214.33, -867.11, 29.34, 122.80), stand = vector3(213.46, -866.78, 29.34)},
{ coords = vector4(213.72, -866.20, 29.34, 123.87), stand = vector3(213.46, -866.78, 29.34)},
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