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aqade/config.lua Secret

Created August 5, 2023 07:16
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-- █████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗ ███████╗████████╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
--██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝╚██╗██╔╝ ██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██║ ██║██╔══██╗██║██╔═══██╗██╔════╝
--███████║██████╔╝█████╗ ╚███╔╝ ███████╗ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║██║██║ ██║███████╗
--██╔══██║██╔═══╝ ██╔══╝ ██╔██╗ ╚════██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║██║██║ ██║╚════██║
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Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
--███████╗███████╗████████╗████████╗██╗███╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
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--╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝
Config.Features = {
Jetski = true,
JetskiSettings = {
PedModel = 's_m_y_baywatch_01',
Model = "seashark",
SpawnPoint = vector4(1116.51, -661.62, 55.25, 193.0),
Depositum = 500,
ActivityTime = 5,
Target = {
points = vector3(1115.34, -663.49, 56.81),
heading = 105.04,
minZ = 56.81-1.0,
maxZ = 56.81+0.8,
Size = {0.8, 0.8},
distance = 3.0,
CozyCorner = true,
CozyCornerSettings = {
Fireplace = {
Enabled = true,
Target = {
points = vector3(1079.17, -688.08, 56.62),
radius = 0.5,
distance = 2.0,
WarmUpDuration = 30, -- In seconds
HealthGain = 10, -- How much health you gain
Guitar = {
Enabled = true,
Target = {
points = vector3(1074.6, -685.04, 56.64),
radius = 0.5,
distance = 1.5,
StandLocation = vector4(1074.15, -685.98, 57.68, 239.03),
Duration = 30, -- In seconds
Boombox = {
Enabled = true,
Prop = {
Enabled = true,
Propname = 'prop_boombox_01',
Target = {
points = vector3(1071.74, -689.41, 57.51),
heading = 277.0,
minZ = 57.51-0.4,
maxZ = 57.51+0.1,
Size = {0.3, 0.7},
distance = 2.0,
AudioVolume = 0.1,
AudioRange = 10.0,
WaterDispenser = true,
WaterDispenserSettings = {
Duration = 5, -- In seconds
ReduceThirst = math.random(90, 100),
Target = {
points = vector3(1126.05, -665.42, 56.76),
heading = 290.0,
minZ = 56.76-1.0,
maxZ = 56.76,
Size = {0.25, 0.9},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1145.97, -634.98, 56.79),
heading = 0.0,
minZ = 56.79-1.0,
maxZ = 56.79,
Size = {0.25, 0.9},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1131.35, -600.9, 56.75),
heading = 219.0,
minZ = 56.75-1.0,
maxZ = 56.75,
Size = {0.25, 0.9},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1061.1, -608.12, 56.8),
heading = 235.0,
minZ = 56.8-1.0,
maxZ = 56.8,
Size = {0.25, 0.9},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1029.11, -618.55, 58.65),
heading = 256.0,
minZ = 56.65-1.0,
maxZ = 56.65,
Size = {0.25, 0.9},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1052.42, -710.88, 56.84),
heading = 304.0,
minZ = 56.84-1.0,
maxZ = 56.84,
Size = {0.25, 0.9},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1137.79, -736.8, 56.86),
heading = 274.0,
minZ = 56.86-1.0,
maxZ = 56.86,
Size = {0.25, 0.9},
distance = 2.0,
Yoga = true,
YogaSettings = {
Duration = 30, -- In seconds
StressRelief = math.random(10, 100),
Target = {
points = vector3(1037.23, -692.93, 57.36),
heading = 75.0,
minZ = 57.36-1.1,
maxZ = 57.36-1.0,
Size = {1.8, 1.0},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1034.47, -690.58, 57.32),
heading = 255.0,
minZ = 57.32-1.1,
maxZ = 57.32-1.0,
Size = {1.8, 1.0},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1034.06, -692.12, 57.32),
heading = 255.0,
minZ = 57.32-1.1,
maxZ = 57.32-1.0,
Size = {1.8, 1.0},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1033.64, -693.68, 57.32),
heading = 255.0,
minZ = 57.32-1.1,
maxZ = 57.32-1.0,
Size = {1.8, 1.0},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1031.61, -690.58, 57.32),
heading = 255.0,
minZ = 57.32-1.1,
maxZ = 57.32-1.0,
Size = {1.8, 1.0},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1031.15, -692.20, 57.32),
heading = 255.0,
minZ = 57.32-1.1,
maxZ = 57.32-1.0,
Size = {1.8, 1.0},
distance = 2.0,
Shops = true,
ShopsSettings = {
Foodstand = {
Enabled = true,
Target = {
points = vector3(1061.13, -736.78, 57.04),
heading = 27.0,
minZ = 57.04-1.0,
maxZ = 57.04+1.6,
Size = {3.8, 2.4},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1057.07, -737.26, 57.16),
heading = 278.0,
minZ = 57.16-1.0,
maxZ = 57.16+1.8,
Size = {3.8, 2.4},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1047.23, -735.58, 57.36),
heading = 45.0,
minZ = 57.36-1.0,
maxZ = 57.36+1.8,
Size = {3.8, 2.4},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(1148.1, -638.34, 56.74),
heading = 25.0,
minZ = 56.74-1.0,
maxZ = 56.74+1.8,
Size = {3.8, 2.4},
distance = 2.0,
-- {
-- points = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
-- heading = 0.0,
-- minZ = 0.0-0.0,
-- maxZ = 0.0+0.0,
-- Size = {0.0, 0.0},
-- distance = 0.0,
-- },
Shop = {
label = "Food stand",
slots = 15,
items = {
name = "sandwich",
price = 5,
amount = 20,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1,
-- {
-- name = "itemname",
-- price = 0,
-- amount = 0,
-- info = {},
-- type = "item",
-- slot = 2,
-- },
Coffeestand = {
Enabled = true,
Target = {
points = vector3(1053.2, -724.35, 57.29),
heading = 0.0,
minZ = 57.29-1.0,
maxZ = 57.29+1.4,
Size = {1.6, 2.8},
distance = 2.0,
-- {
-- points = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
-- heading = 0.0,
-- minZ = 0.0-0.0,
-- maxZ = 0.0+0.0,
-- Size = {0.0, 0.0},
-- distance = 0.0,
-- },
Shop = {
label = "Coffee stand",
slots = 15,
items = {
name = "coffee",
price = 5,
amount = 20,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1,
-- {
-- name = "itemname",
-- price = 0,
-- amount = 0,
-- info = {},
-- type = "item",
-- slot = 2,
-- },
Fruitstand = {
Enabled = true,
Target = {
points = vector3(1041.21, -722.6, 57.11),
heading = 350.0,
minZ = 57.11-1.0,
maxZ = 57.11+2.0,
Size = {5.6, 4.8},
distance = 2.0,
-- {
-- points = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
-- heading = 0.0,
-- minZ = 0.0-0.0,
-- maxZ = 0.0+0.0,
-- Size = {0.0, 0.0},
-- distance = 0.0,
-- },
Shop = {
label = "Fruit stand",
slots = 15,
items = {
name = "orange",
price = 5,
amount = 20,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1,
-- {
-- name = "itemname",
-- price = 0,
-- amount = 0,
-- info = {},
-- type = "item",
-- slot = 2,
-- },
Secret = true,
SecretSettings = {
PedModel = 'cs_taostranslator',
Availeblity = {
Enabled = true,
From = 22, -- In game time -- 22 = 10pm
To = 6, -- In game time -- 6 = 6am
Target = {
points = vector3(1001.77, -674.26, 56.85),
heading = 135.0,
minZ = 56.85-1.0,
maxZ = 56.85+0.8,
Size = {0.8, 0.8},
distance = 2.0,
Shop = {
label = "Secret Shop",
slots = 15,
items = {
name = "weapon_pistol",
price = 5000,
amount = 2,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1,
name = "pistol_ammo",
price = 200,
amount = 10,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 2,
-- {
-- name = "itemname",
-- price = 0,
-- amount = 0,
-- info = {},
-- type = "item",
-- slot = 2,
-- },
--███████╗███████╗ █████╗ ████████╗███████╗
--███████╗█████╗ ███████║ ██║ ███████╗
--╚════██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██║ ██║ ╚════██║
--███████║███████╗██║ ██║ ██║ ███████║
--╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝
Config.Seats = {
--[[ MIRROR PARK ]]--
{ coords = vector4(1144.84, -721.62, 56.74, 63.910), stand = vector3(1144.72, -720.81, 55.74)},
{ coords = vector4(1145.41, -720.55, 56.74, 63.660), stand = vector3(1144.72, -720.81, 55.74)},
{ coords = vector4(1139.87, -729.93, 56.74, 69.400), stand = vector3(1139.20, -730.23, 55.74)},
{ coords = vector4(1139.21, -731.01, 56.74, 64.550), stand = vector3(1139.20, -730.23, 55.74)},
{ coords = vector4(1140.86, -686.51, 56.74, 108.80), stand = vector3(1140.08, -686.06, 55.74)},
{ coords = vector4(1140.47, -685.27, 56.74, 111.94), stand = vector3(1140.08, -686.06, 55.74)},
{ coords = vector4(1124.20, -662.46, 56.81, 290.26), stand = vector3(1124.51, -661.61, 55.81)},
{ coords = vector4(1123.85, -661.32, 56.81, 301.85), stand = vector3(1124.51, -661.61, 55.81)},
{ coords = vector4(1122.02, -649.58, 56.80, 285.35), stand = vector3(1122.53, -649.45, 55.80)},
{ coords = vector4(1120.57, -642.32, 56.79, 289.48), stand = vector3(1121.09, -642.19, 55.79)},
{ coords = vector4(1147.15, -649.93, 56.82, 8.9500), stand = vector3(1146.57, -649.32, 55.82)},
{ coords = vector4(1145.99, -649.96, 56.82, 7.6000), stand = vector3(1146.57, -649.32, 55.82)},
{ coords = vector4(1130.66, -565.84, 56.78, 127.77), stand = vector3(1129.98, -565.55, 55.78)},
{ coords = vector4(1130.08, -564.77, 56.78, 122.77), stand = vector3(1129.98, -565.55, 55.78)},
{ coords = vector4(1078.90, -570.35, 56.77, 258.72), stand = vector3(1079.65, -569.89, 55.77)},
{ coords = vector4(1079.22, -569.10, 56.77, 262.57), stand = vector3(1079.65, -569.89, 55.77)},
{ coords = vector4(1057.51, -611.78, 56.78, 229.71), stand = vector3(1057.54, -612.75, 55.78)},
{ coords = vector4(1056.69, -612.83, 56.78, 244.37), stand = vector3(1057.54, -612.75, 55.78)},
{ coords = vector4(1043.12, -631.27, 56.86, 232.40), stand = vector3(1043.19, -632.13, 55.86)},
{ coords = vector4(1042.21, -632.27, 56.86, 236.10), stand = vector3(1043.19, -632.13, 55.86)},
{ coords = vector4(1031.69, -644.18, 57.94, 225.50), stand = vector3(1031.60, -645.23, 55.94)},
{ coords = vector4(1030.67, -645.15, 57.94, 223.21), stand = vector3(1031.60, -645.23, 55.94)},
{ coords = vector4(1025.38, -705.83, 56.78, 333.81), stand = vector3(1026.33, -705.60, 55.78)},
{ coords = vector4(1026.59, -706.49, 56.78, 329.54), stand = vector3(1026.33, -705.60, 55.78)},
{ coords = vector4(1074.59, -735.52, 56.73, 325.28), stand = vector3(1075.55, -735.47, 55.73)},
{ coords = vector4(1075.64, -736.36, 56.73, 318.28), stand = vector3(1075.55, -735.47, 55.73)},
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