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Last active March 1, 2018 17:47
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Creating random test from proposition using tactic library
open tactic
private constant mk_eq (sz:size) (x y:bitvector sz): x = y
constant smt_eq {sz:size}: sbitvec sz → sbitvec sz → Prop
theorem eq_add2 (sz:size): ∀ (x y: bitvector sz),
smt_eq (sbitvec.add (sbitvec.of_bv x) (sbitvec.of_bv y))
(sbitvec.of_bv (bitvector.add x y)) :=
by do
x ← intro `x,
y ← intro `y,
e ← target,
sz_expr ← to_expr ```(sz),
sz_val ← eval_expr size sz_expr,
match e with
| ( ( ( its_smt_eq _) lhs) rhs) := do
--( ( (expr.const s_op _) s1) s2))
--( _ ( ( (expr.const b_op _) b1) b2))) := do
-- Let's make `x = 0x....`
xeq ← to_expr ```(mk_eq sz %%x (bitvector.of_int sz 123)),
-- Let's make `y = 0x....`
yeq ← to_expr ```(mk_eq sz %%y (bitvector.of_int sz 456)),
e ← target, -- goal: expr (smt_eq (add (of_bv x) (of_bv y)) (of_bv (bitvector.add x y)))
(lhs, _, _) ← rewrite xeq lhs,
(lhs, _, _) ← rewrite yeq lhs,
trace lhs,
(rhs, _, _) ← rewrite xeq rhs,
(rhs, _, _) ← rewrite yeq rhs,
trace rhs,
-- Failed to synthesize [reflected (sbitvec sz_val)]
lhs_val ← eval_expr (sbitvec sz_val) lhs,
rhs_val ← eval_expr (sbitvec sz_val) rhs,
unsafe_run_io (run_smt_test lhs_val rhs_val) -- Run z3!
| _ := target >>= trace
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