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Last active January 9, 2017 00:32
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NodeRedis/node_redis benchmarks before and after nodejs/node#10677
clients: 1, NodeJS: 8.0.0-pre, Redis: 3.2.6, parser: javascript, connected by: socket
PING, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 7.52 2501ms total, 30315 ops/sec
PING, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.07/ 6.23 2501ms total, 668113 ops/sec
SET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 7.39 2501ms total, 26432 ops/sec
SET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.11/ 7.58 2501ms total, 446921 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.08/ 7.48 2501ms total, 12261 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.29/ 6.90 2501ms total, 171152 ops/sec
GET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 5.74 2501ms total, 28977 ops/sec
GET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.09/ 6.00 2501ms total, 525030 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 7.64 2501ms total, 27532 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.09/ 7.73 2501ms total, 523850 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 6.71 2501ms total, 23892 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.32/ 5.68 2501ms total, 154618 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.08/ 6.25 2501ms total, 11967 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.38/ 6.75 2501ms total, 129128 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 5.71 2501ms total, 25663 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.26/ 7.91 2501ms total, 187105 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 5.03 2501ms total, 26569 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.30/ 21.64 2501ms total, 163794 ops/sec
INCR, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 7.62 2501ms total, 27120 ops/sec
INCR, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.09/ 4.75 2501ms total, 534386 ops/sec
LPUSH, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 7.62 2501ms total, 26746 ops/sec
LPUSH, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.11/ 7.62 2501ms total, 441743 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 5.91 2501ms total, 25018 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.21/ 7.71 2501ms total, 236106 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 7.50 2501ms total, 17351 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, batch 50/1 avg/max: 1.32/ 7.66 2502ms total, 37870 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 4.64/ 33.40 2502ms total, 215 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 90.65/110.42 2538ms total, 221 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 2.16/ 7.60 2501ms total, 461 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 42.76/ 52.07 2523ms total, 468 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 2.14/ 9.84 2502ms total, 466 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 87.95/143.84 2551ms total, 227 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 3.11/ 31.37 2502ms total, 321 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 62.85/ 76.09 2515ms total, 318 ops/sec
End of tests. Total time elapsed: 85161 ms
Comparing before, linux-before.txt ( 37 lines) to after, linux-after.txt ( 37 lines)
clients: 1: 0 -> 0 ops/sec (∆ - 0 - NaN%)
PING: 27089 -> 30315 ops/sec (∆ + 3226 + 11.91%)
PING: 618513 -> 668113 ops/sec (∆ + 49600 + 8.02%)
SET 4B str: 25407 -> 26432 ops/sec (∆ + 1025 + 4.03%)
SET 4B str: 432767 -> 446921 ops/sec (∆ + 14154 + 3.27%)
SET 4B buf: 12026 -> 12261 ops/sec (∆ + 235 + 1.95%)
SET 4B buf: 17086 -> 171152 ops/sec (∆ + 154066 + 901.71%)
GET 4B str: 28040 -> 28977 ops/sec (∆ + 937 + 3.34%)
GET 4B str: 507737 -> 525030 ops/sec (∆ + 17293 + 3.41%)
GET 4B buf: 23984 -> 27532 ops/sec (∆ + 3548 + 14.79%)
GET 4B buf: 454798 -> 523850 ops/sec (∆ + 69052 + 15.18%)
SET 4KiB str: 20527 -> 23892 ops/sec (∆ + 3365 + 16.39%)
SET 4KiB str: 140304 -> 154618 ops/sec (∆ + 14314 + 10.20%)
SET 4KiB buf: 10802 -> 11967 ops/sec (∆ + 1165 + 10.79%)
SET 4KiB buf: 15961 -> 129128 ops/sec (∆ + 113167 + 709.02%)
GET 4KiB str: 23923 -> 25663 ops/sec (∆ + 1740 + 7.27%)
GET 4KiB str: 171351 -> 187105 ops/sec (∆ + 15754 + 9.19%)
GET 4KiB buf: 23174 -> 26569 ops/sec (∆ + 3395 + 14.65%)
GET 4KiB buf: 144582 -> 163794 ops/sec (∆ + 19212 + 13.29%)
INCR: 25148 -> 27120 ops/sec (∆ + 1972 + 7.84%)
INCR: 471591 -> 534386 ops/sec (∆ + 62795 + 13.32%)
LPUSH: 24301 -> 26746 ops/sec (∆ + 2445 + 10.06%)
LPUSH: 383287 -> 441743 ops/sec (∆ + 58456 + 15.25%)
LRANGE 10: 23138 -> 25018 ops/sec (∆ + 1880 + 8.13%)
LRANGE 10: 204398 -> 236106 ops/sec (∆ + 31708 + 15.51%)
LRANGE 100: 15573 -> 17351 ops/sec (∆ + 1778 + 11.42%)
LRANGE 100: 33627 -> 37870 ops/sec (∆ + 4243 + 12.62%)
SET 4MiB str: 196 -> 215 ops/sec (∆ + 19 + 9.69%)
SET 4MiB str: 193 -> 221 ops/sec (∆ + 28 + 14.51%)
SET 4MiB buf: 398 -> 461 ops/sec (∆ + 63 + 15.83%)
SET 4MiB buf: 415 -> 468 ops/sec (∆ + 53 + 12.77%)
GET 4MiB str: 415 -> 466 ops/sec (∆ + 51 + 12.29%)
GET 4MiB str: 211 -> 227 ops/sec (∆ + 16 + 7.58%)
GET 4MiB buf: 295 -> 321 ops/sec (∆ + 26 + 8.81%)
GET 4MiB buf: 296 -> 318 ops/sec (∆ + 22 + 7.43%)
: 85250 -> 85161 ops/sec (∆ - 89 - 0.10%)
Mean difference in ops/sec: +18075.4
clients: 1, NodeJS: 8.0.0-pre, Redis: 3.2.6, parser: javascript, connected by: socket
PING, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 8.43 2501ms total, 27089 ops/sec
PING, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.08/ 6.87 2501ms total, 618513 ops/sec
SET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 24.85 2501ms total, 25407 ops/sec
SET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.11/ 13.01 2501ms total, 432767 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.08/ 7.69 2501ms total, 12026 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 2.92/ 10.12 2502ms total, 17086 ops/sec
GET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 7.52 2501ms total, 28040 ops/sec
GET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 6.04 2501ms total, 507737 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 9.10 2501ms total, 23984 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.11/ 8.26 2501ms total, 454798 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 7.27 2501ms total, 20527 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.35/ 8.66 2501ms total, 140304 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.09/ 7.47 2501ms total, 10802 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 3.13/ 9.13 2503ms total, 15961 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 4.08 2501ms total, 23923 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.29/ 6.16 2501ms total, 171351 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 4.19 2501ms total, 23174 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.34/ 20.70 2501ms total, 144582 ops/sec
INCR, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 8.89 2501ms total, 25148 ops/sec
INCR, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 4.61 2501ms total, 471591 ops/sec
LPUSH, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 6.19 2501ms total, 24301 ops/sec
LPUSH, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.13/ 7.99 2501ms total, 383287 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 5.33 2501ms total, 23138 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.24/ 5.09 2501ms total, 204398 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, 1/1 avg/max: 0.06/ 4.02 2501ms total, 15573 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, batch 50/1 avg/max: 1.48/ 11.09 2501ms total, 33627 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 5.09/ 19.63 2504ms total, 196 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 103.38/135.45 2585ms total, 193 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 2.50/ 11.35 2502ms total, 398 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 48.16/101.08 2505ms total, 415 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 2.40/ 10.01 2502ms total, 415 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 94.67/132.19 2557ms total, 211 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 3.38/ 30.77 2502ms total, 295 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 67.45/ 88.12 2564ms total, 296 ops/sec
End of tests. Total time elapsed: 85250 ms
Comparing before, linux-tcp.txt ( 37 lines) to after, linux-after.txt ( 37 lines)
clients: 1: 0 -> 0 ops/sec (∆ - 0 - NaN%)
PING: 23156 -> 30315 ops/sec (∆ + 7159 + 30.92%)
PING: 593203 -> 668113 ops/sec (∆ + 74910 + 12.63%)
SET 4B str: 21372 -> 26432 ops/sec (∆ + 5060 + 23.68%)
SET 4B str: 419532 -> 446921 ops/sec (∆ + 27389 + 6.53%)
SET 4B buf: 9521 -> 12261 ops/sec (∆ + 2740 + 28.78%)
SET 4B buf: 166933 -> 171152 ops/sec (∆ + 4219 + 2.53%)
GET 4B str: 23089 -> 28977 ops/sec (∆ + 5888 + 25.50%)
GET 4B str: 482967 -> 525030 ops/sec (∆ + 42063 + 8.71%)
GET 4B buf: 22465 -> 27532 ops/sec (∆ + 5067 + 22.56%)
GET 4B buf: 477009 -> 523850 ops/sec (∆ + 46841 + 9.82%)
SET 4KiB str: 20085 -> 23892 ops/sec (∆ + 3807 + 18.95%)
SET 4KiB str: 141423 -> 154618 ops/sec (∆ + 13195 + 9.33%)
SET 4KiB buf: 8852 -> 11967 ops/sec (∆ + 3115 + 35.19%)
SET 4KiB buf: 120772 -> 129128 ops/sec (∆ + 8356 + 6.92%)
GET 4KiB str: 21940 -> 25663 ops/sec (∆ + 3723 + 16.97%)
GET 4KiB str: 183427 -> 187105 ops/sec (∆ + 3678 + 2.01%)
GET 4KiB buf: 22218 -> 26569 ops/sec (∆ + 4351 + 19.58%)
GET 4KiB buf: 157417 -> 163794 ops/sec (∆ + 6377 + 4.05%)
INCR: 22515 -> 27120 ops/sec (∆ + 4605 + 20.45%)
INCR: 493123 -> 534386 ops/sec (∆ + 41263 + 8.37%)
LPUSH: 21913 -> 26746 ops/sec (∆ + 4833 + 22.06%)
LPUSH: 410456 -> 441743 ops/sec (∆ + 31287 + 7.62%)
LRANGE 10: 20931 -> 25018 ops/sec (∆ + 4087 + 19.53%)
LRANGE 10: 216114 -> 236106 ops/sec (∆ + 19992 + 9.25%)
LRANGE 100: 15448 -> 17351 ops/sec (∆ + 1903 + 12.32%)
LRANGE 100: 36505 -> 37870 ops/sec (∆ + 1365 + 3.74%)
SET 4MiB str: 209 -> 215 ops/sec (∆ + 6 + 2.87%)
SET 4MiB str: 216 -> 221 ops/sec (∆ + 5 + 2.31%)
SET 4MiB buf: 420 -> 461 ops/sec (∆ + 41 + 9.76%)
SET 4MiB buf: 418 -> 468 ops/sec (∆ + 50 + 11.96%)
GET 4MiB str: 472 -> 466 ops/sec (∆ - 6 - 1.27%)
GET 4MiB str: 230 -> 227 ops/sec (∆ - 3 - 1.30%)
GET 4MiB buf: 349 -> 321 ops/sec (∆ - 28 - 8.02%)
GET 4MiB buf: 326 -> 318 ops/sec (∆ - 8 - 2.45%)
: 85248 -> 85161 ops/sec (∆ - 87 - 0.10%)
Mean difference in ops/sec: +10479.0
Comparing before, linux-tcp.txt ( 37 lines) to after, linux-before.txt ( 37 lines)
clients: 1: 0 -> 0 ops/sec (∆ - 0 - NaN%)
PING: 23156 -> 27089 ops/sec (∆ + 3933 + 16.98%)
PING: 593203 -> 618513 ops/sec (∆ + 25310 + 4.27%)
SET 4B str: 21372 -> 25407 ops/sec (∆ + 4035 + 18.88%)
SET 4B str: 419532 -> 432767 ops/sec (∆ + 13235 + 3.15%)
SET 4B buf: 9521 -> 12026 ops/sec (∆ + 2505 + 26.31%)
SET 4B buf: 166933 -> 17086 ops/sec (∆ - 149847 - 89.76%)
GET 4B str: 23089 -> 28040 ops/sec (∆ + 4951 + 21.44%)
GET 4B str: 482967 -> 507737 ops/sec (∆ + 24770 + 5.13%)
GET 4B buf: 22465 -> 23984 ops/sec (∆ + 1519 + 6.76%)
GET 4B buf: 477009 -> 454798 ops/sec (∆ - 22211 - 4.66%)
SET 4KiB str: 20085 -> 20527 ops/sec (∆ + 442 + 2.20%)
SET 4KiB str: 141423 -> 140304 ops/sec (∆ - 1119 - 0.79%)
SET 4KiB buf: 8852 -> 10802 ops/sec (∆ + 1950 + 22.03%)
SET 4KiB buf: 120772 -> 15961 ops/sec (∆ - 104811 - 86.78%)
GET 4KiB str: 21940 -> 23923 ops/sec (∆ + 1983 + 9.04%)
GET 4KiB str: 183427 -> 171351 ops/sec (∆ - 12076 - 6.58%)
GET 4KiB buf: 22218 -> 23174 ops/sec (∆ + 956 + 4.30%)
GET 4KiB buf: 157417 -> 144582 ops/sec (∆ - 12835 - 8.15%)
INCR: 22515 -> 25148 ops/sec (∆ + 2633 + 11.69%)
INCR: 493123 -> 471591 ops/sec (∆ - 21532 - 4.37%)
LPUSH: 21913 -> 24301 ops/sec (∆ + 2388 + 10.90%)
LPUSH: 410456 -> 383287 ops/sec (∆ - 27169 - 6.62%)
LRANGE 10: 20931 -> 23138 ops/sec (∆ + 2207 + 10.54%)
LRANGE 10: 216114 -> 204398 ops/sec (∆ - 11716 - 5.42%)
LRANGE 100: 15448 -> 15573 ops/sec (∆ + 125 + 0.81%)
LRANGE 100: 36505 -> 33627 ops/sec (∆ - 2878 - 7.88%)
SET 4MiB str: 209 -> 196 ops/sec (∆ - 13 - 6.22%)
SET 4MiB str: 216 -> 193 ops/sec (∆ - 23 - 10.65%)
SET 4MiB buf: 420 -> 398 ops/sec (∆ - 22 - 5.24%)
SET 4MiB buf: 418 -> 415 ops/sec (∆ - 3 - 0.72%)
GET 4MiB str: 472 -> 415 ops/sec (∆ - 57 - 12.08%)
GET 4MiB str: 230 -> 211 ops/sec (∆ - 19 - 8.26%)
GET 4MiB buf: 349 -> 295 ops/sec (∆ - 54 - 15.47%)
GET 4MiB buf: 326 -> 296 ops/sec (∆ - 30 - 9.20%)
: 85248 -> 85250 ops/sec (∆ + 2 + 0.00%)
Mean difference in ops/sec: - 7596.4
clients: 1, NodeJS: 8.0.0-pre, Redis: 3.2.6, parser: javascript, connected by: tcp
PING, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 7.17 2501ms total, 23156 ops/sec
PING, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.08/ 8.47 2501ms total, 593203 ops/sec
SET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 7.66 2501ms total, 21372 ops/sec
SET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.12/ 6.61 2501ms total, 419532 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 5.73 2501ms total, 9521 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.30/ 7.20 2501ms total, 166933 ops/sec
GET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 6.76 2501ms total, 23089 ops/sec
GET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 8.76 2501ms total, 482967 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 6.92 2501ms total, 22465 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 7.44 2501ms total, 477009 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 7.83 2501ms total, 20085 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.35/ 5.01 2501ms total, 141423 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.11/ 7.90 2501ms total, 8852 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.41/ 6.96 2501ms total, 120772 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 8.24 2501ms total, 21940 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.27/ 5.35 2501ms total, 183427 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 9.62 2501ms total, 22218 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.31/ 13.66 2501ms total, 157417 ops/sec
INCR, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 5.82 2501ms total, 22515 ops/sec
INCR, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 4.25 2501ms total, 493123 ops/sec
LPUSH, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 7.69 2501ms total, 21913 ops/sec
LPUSH, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.12/ 4.58 2501ms total, 410456 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 7.39 2501ms total, 20931 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.23/ 7.63 2501ms total, 216114 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, 1/1 avg/max: 0.06/ 4.47 2501ms total, 15448 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, batch 50/1 avg/max: 1.36/ 8.57 2501ms total, 36505 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 4.79/ 17.68 2503ms total, 209 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 92.54/107.31 2592ms total, 216 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 2.37/ 15.55 2501ms total, 420 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 47.77/ 53.62 2533ms total, 418 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 2.11/ 15.76 2502ms total, 472 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 86.77/108.71 2517ms total, 230 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 2.85/ 21.27 2501ms total, 349 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 61.24/ 85.60 2573ms total, 326 ops/sec
End of tests. Total time elapsed: 85248 ms
clients: 1, NodeJS: 8.0.0-pre, Redis: 3.2.6, parser: javascript, connected by: socket
PING, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.25 2501ms total, 47715 ops/sec
PING, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.07/ 1.28 2501ms total, 714414 ops/sec
SET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 1.48 2501ms total, 41586 ops/sec
SET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.11/ 1.92 2501ms total, 428768 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 1.50 2501ms total, 31310 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.42/ 1.37 2501ms total, 117013 ops/sec
GET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.41 2501ms total, 39564 ops/sec
GET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 1.82 2501ms total, 491463 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.23 2501ms total, 40308 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.11/ 1.19 2501ms total, 464654 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 1.07 2501ms total, 31770 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.59/ 1.51 2501ms total, 83707 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 1.80 2501ms total, 27283 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.61/ 2.64 2501ms total, 81687 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 7.89 2501ms total, 22953 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 1.05/ 13.20 2502ms total, 47642 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 19.93 2501ms total, 21384 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 1.18/ 42.79 2533ms total, 41650 ops/sec
INCR, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.74 2501ms total, 38728 ops/sec
INCR, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.11/ 0.95 2501ms total, 465314 ops/sec
LPUSH, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.36 2501ms total, 38296 ops/sec
LPUSH, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.14/ 0.63 2501ms total, 362255 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 1.96 2501ms total, 34242 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.32/ 2.11 2501ms total, 154358 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 1.66 2501ms total, 19575 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, batch 50/1 avg/max: 2.19/ 6.30 2501ms total, 22791 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 10.75/ 53.62 2517ms total, 93 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 201.84/242.11 2624ms total, 99 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 5.61/ 9.70 2505ms total, 178 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 109.64/120.08 2522ms total, 182 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 19.65/ 70.75 2515ms total, 51 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 497.50/550.93 2985ms total, 40 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 23.39/174.04 2504ms total, 43 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 365.38/431.47 2558ms total, 55 ops/sec
End of tests. Total time elapsed: 85789 ms
Comparing before, mac-before.txt ( 37 lines) to after, mac-after.txt ( 37 lines)
clients: 1: 0 -> 0 ops/sec (∆ - 0 - NaN%)
PING: 48100 -> 47715 ops/sec (∆ - 385 - 0.80%)
PING: 730068 -> 714414 ops/sec (∆ - 15654 - 2.14%)
SET 4B str: 42414 -> 41586 ops/sec (∆ - 828 - 1.95%)
SET 4B str: 424430 -> 428768 ops/sec (∆ + 4338 + 1.02%)
SET 4B buf: 31698 -> 31310 ops/sec (∆ - 388 - 1.22%)
SET 4B buf: 60656 -> 117013 ops/sec (∆ + 56357 + 92.91%)
GET 4B str: 43297 -> 39564 ops/sec (∆ - 3733 - 8.62%)
GET 4B str: 470592 -> 491463 ops/sec (∆ + 20871 + 4.44%)
GET 4B buf: 40715 -> 40308 ops/sec (∆ - 407 - 1.00%)
GET 4B buf: 479248 -> 464654 ops/sec (∆ - 14594 - 3.05%)
SET 4KiB str: 32492 -> 31770 ops/sec (∆ - 722 - 2.22%)
SET 4KiB str: 81787 -> 83707 ops/sec (∆ + 1920 + 2.35%)
SET 4KiB buf: 27846 -> 27283 ops/sec (∆ - 563 - 2.02%)
SET 4KiB buf: 56837 -> 81687 ops/sec (∆ + 24850 + 43.72%)
GET 4KiB str: 21810 -> 22953 ops/sec (∆ + 1143 + 5.24%)
GET 4KiB str: 52339 -> 47642 ops/sec (∆ - 4697 - 8.97%)
GET 4KiB buf: 21139 -> 21384 ops/sec (∆ + 245 + 1.16%)
GET 4KiB buf: 41423 -> 41650 ops/sec (∆ + 227 + 0.55%)
INCR: 41757 -> 38728 ops/sec (∆ - 3029 - 7.25%)
INCR: 478469 -> 465314 ops/sec (∆ - 13155 - 2.75%)
LPUSH: 40705 -> 38296 ops/sec (∆ - 2409 - 5.92%)
LPUSH: 365814 -> 362255 ops/sec (∆ - 3559 - 0.97%)
LRANGE 10: 34850 -> 34242 ops/sec (∆ - 608 - 1.74%)
LRANGE 10: 150860 -> 154358 ops/sec (∆ + 3498 + 2.32%)
LRANGE 100: 19941 -> 19575 ops/sec (∆ - 366 - 1.84%)
LRANGE 100: 23461 -> 22791 ops/sec (∆ - 670 - 2.86%)
SET 4MiB str: 95 -> 93 ops/sec (∆ - 2 - 2.11%)
SET 4MiB str: 100 -> 99 ops/sec (∆ - 1 - 1.00%)
SET 4MiB buf: 187 -> 178 ops/sec (∆ - 9 - 4.81%)
SET 4MiB buf: 188 -> 182 ops/sec (∆ - 6 - 3.19%)
GET 4MiB str: 43 -> 51 ops/sec (∆ + 8 + 18.60%)
GET 4MiB str: 38 -> 40 ops/sec (∆ + 2 + 5.26%)
GET 4MiB buf: 59 -> 43 ops/sec (∆ - 16 - 27.12%)
GET 4MiB buf: 62 -> 55 ops/sec (∆ - 7 - 11.29%)
: 85460 -> 85789 ops/sec (∆ + 329 + 0.38%)
Mean difference in ops/sec: + 1332.8
clients: 1, NodeJS: 8.0.0-pre, Redis: 3.2.6, parser: javascript, connected by: socket
PING, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.73 2501ms total, 48100 ops/sec
PING, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.07/ 1.57 2501ms total, 730068 ops/sec
SET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 1.63 2501ms total, 42414 ops/sec
SET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.12/ 1.53 2501ms total, 424430 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 1.63 2501ms total, 31698 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.82/ 1.63 2501ms total, 60656 ops/sec
GET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.25 2501ms total, 43297 ops/sec
GET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 0.88 2501ms total, 470592 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.09 2501ms total, 40715 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 0.64 2501ms total, 479248 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 1.15 2501ms total, 32492 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.61/ 1.59 2501ms total, 81787 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 1.90 2501ms total, 27846 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.88/ 1.79 2501ms total, 56837 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 7.46 2501ms total, 21810 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.95/ 10.20 2501ms total, 52339 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 23.92 2501ms total, 21139 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 1.18/ 42.35 2501ms total, 41423 ops/sec
INCR, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 20.93 2501ms total, 41757 ops/sec
INCR, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 1.58 2501ms total, 478469 ops/sec
LPUSH, 1/1 avg/max: 0.02/ 2.28 2501ms total, 40705 ops/sec
LPUSH, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.13/ 0.60 2501ms total, 365814 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, 1/1 avg/max: 0.03/ 1.84 2501ms total, 34850 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.33/ 0.95 2501ms total, 150860 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 1.54 2501ms total, 19941 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, batch 50/1 avg/max: 2.13/ 6.08 2502ms total, 23461 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 10.52/ 40.47 2506ms total, 95 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 200.45/243.28 2606ms total, 100 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 5.33/ 8.80 2503ms total, 187 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 106.44/117.91 2554ms total, 188 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 23.43/159.92 2508ms total, 43 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 531.12/633.86 2655ms total, 38 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 16.81/ 80.16 2506ms total, 59 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 324.40/368.80 2595ms total, 62 ops/sec
End of tests. Total time elapsed: 85460 ms
Comparing before, mac-tcp.txt ( 37 lines) to after, mac-after.txt ( 37 lines)
clients: 1: 0 -> 0 ops/sec (∆ - 0 - NaN%)
PING: 25375 -> 47715 ops/sec (∆ + 22340 + 88.04%)
PING: 557677 -> 714414 ops/sec (∆ + 156737 + 28.11%)
SET 4B str: 22652 -> 41586 ops/sec (∆ + 18934 + 83.59%)
SET 4B str: 336206 -> 428768 ops/sec (∆ + 92562 + 27.53%)
SET 4B buf: 14627 -> 31310 ops/sec (∆ + 16683 + 114.06%)
SET 4B buf: 128589 -> 117013 ops/sec (∆ - 11576 - 9.00%)
GET 4B str: 23869 -> 39564 ops/sec (∆ + 15695 + 65.75%)
GET 4B str: 393243 -> 491463 ops/sec (∆ + 98220 + 24.98%)
GET 4B buf: 19282 -> 40308 ops/sec (∆ + 21026 + 109.04%)
GET 4B buf: 378049 -> 464654 ops/sec (∆ + 86605 + 22.91%)
SET 4KiB str: 18702 -> 31770 ops/sec (∆ + 13068 + 69.87%)
SET 4KiB str: 111535 -> 83707 ops/sec (∆ - 27828 - 24.95%)
SET 4KiB buf: 13303 -> 27283 ops/sec (∆ + 13980 + 105.09%)
SET 4KiB buf: 96901 -> 81687 ops/sec (∆ - 15214 - 15.70%)
GET 4KiB str: 15619 -> 22953 ops/sec (∆ + 7334 + 46.96%)
GET 4KiB str: 149860 -> 47642 ops/sec (∆ - 102218 - 68.21%)
GET 4KiB buf: 9688 -> 21384 ops/sec (∆ + 11696 + 120.73%)
GET 4KiB buf: 97941 -> 41650 ops/sec (∆ - 56291 - 57.47%)
INCR: 21058 -> 38728 ops/sec (∆ + 17670 + 83.91%)
INCR: 380428 -> 465314 ops/sec (∆ + 84886 + 22.31%)
LPUSH: 18693 -> 38296 ops/sec (∆ + 19603 + 104.87%)
LPUSH: 289164 -> 362255 ops/sec (∆ + 73091 + 25.28%)
LRANGE 10: 20375 -> 34242 ops/sec (∆ + 13867 + 68.06%)
LRANGE 10: 166833 -> 154358 ops/sec (∆ - 12475 - 7.48%)
LRANGE 100: 12671 -> 19575 ops/sec (∆ + 6904 + 54.49%)
LRANGE 100: 23561 -> 22791 ops/sec (∆ - 770 - 3.27%)
SET 4MiB str: 166 -> 93 ops/sec (∆ - 73 - 43.98%)
SET 4MiB str: 147 -> 99 ops/sec (∆ - 48 - 32.65%)
SET 4MiB buf: 618 -> 178 ops/sec (∆ - 440 - 71.20%)
SET 4MiB buf: 334 -> 182 ops/sec (∆ - 152 - 45.51%)
GET 4MiB str: 488 -> 51 ops/sec (∆ - 437 - 89.55%)
GET 4MiB str: 198 -> 40 ops/sec (∆ - 158 - 79.80%)
GET 4MiB buf: 226 -> 43 ops/sec (∆ - 183 - 80.97%)
GET 4MiB buf: 265 -> 55 ops/sec (∆ - 210 - 79.25%)
: 85470 -> 85789 ops/sec (∆ + 319 + 0.37%)
Mean difference in ops/sec: +15643.0
Comparing before, mac-tcp.txt ( 37 lines) to after, mac-before.txt ( 37 lines)
clients: 1: 0 -> 0 ops/sec (∆ - 0 - NaN%)
PING: 25375 -> 48100 ops/sec (∆ + 22725 + 89.56%)
PING: 557677 -> 730068 ops/sec (∆ + 172391 + 30.91%)
SET 4B str: 22652 -> 42414 ops/sec (∆ + 19762 + 87.24%)
SET 4B str: 336206 -> 424430 ops/sec (∆ + 88224 + 26.24%)
SET 4B buf: 14627 -> 31698 ops/sec (∆ + 17071 + 116.71%)
SET 4B buf: 128589 -> 60656 ops/sec (∆ - 67933 - 52.83%)
GET 4B str: 23869 -> 43297 ops/sec (∆ + 19428 + 81.39%)
GET 4B str: 393243 -> 470592 ops/sec (∆ + 77349 + 19.67%)
GET 4B buf: 19282 -> 40715 ops/sec (∆ + 21433 + 111.16%)
GET 4B buf: 378049 -> 479248 ops/sec (∆ + 101199 + 26.77%)
SET 4KiB str: 18702 -> 32492 ops/sec (∆ + 13790 + 73.74%)
SET 4KiB str: 111535 -> 81787 ops/sec (∆ - 29748 - 26.67%)
SET 4KiB buf: 13303 -> 27846 ops/sec (∆ + 14543 + 109.32%)
SET 4KiB buf: 96901 -> 56837 ops/sec (∆ - 40064 - 41.35%)
GET 4KiB str: 15619 -> 21810 ops/sec (∆ + 6191 + 39.64%)
GET 4KiB str: 149860 -> 52339 ops/sec (∆ - 97521 - 65.07%)
GET 4KiB buf: 9688 -> 21139 ops/sec (∆ + 11451 + 118.20%)
GET 4KiB buf: 97941 -> 41423 ops/sec (∆ - 56518 - 57.71%)
INCR: 21058 -> 41757 ops/sec (∆ + 20699 + 98.30%)
INCR: 380428 -> 478469 ops/sec (∆ + 98041 + 25.77%)
LPUSH: 18693 -> 40705 ops/sec (∆ + 22012 + 117.76%)
LPUSH: 289164 -> 365814 ops/sec (∆ + 76650 + 26.51%)
LRANGE 10: 20375 -> 34850 ops/sec (∆ + 14475 + 71.04%)
LRANGE 10: 166833 -> 150860 ops/sec (∆ - 15973 - 9.57%)
LRANGE 100: 12671 -> 19941 ops/sec (∆ + 7270 + 57.38%)
LRANGE 100: 23561 -> 23461 ops/sec (∆ - 100 - 0.42%)
SET 4MiB str: 166 -> 95 ops/sec (∆ - 71 - 42.77%)
SET 4MiB str: 147 -> 100 ops/sec (∆ - 47 - 31.97%)
SET 4MiB buf: 618 -> 187 ops/sec (∆ - 431 - 69.74%)
SET 4MiB buf: 334 -> 188 ops/sec (∆ - 146 - 43.71%)
GET 4MiB str: 488 -> 43 ops/sec (∆ - 445 - 91.19%)
GET 4MiB str: 198 -> 38 ops/sec (∆ - 160 - 80.81%)
GET 4MiB buf: 226 -> 59 ops/sec (∆ - 167 - 73.89%)
GET 4MiB buf: 265 -> 62 ops/sec (∆ - 203 - 76.60%)
: 85470 -> 85460 ops/sec (∆ - 10 - 0.01%)
Mean difference in ops/sec: +14310.2
clients: 1, NodeJS: 8.0.0-pre, Redis: 3.2.6, parser: javascript, connected by: tcp
PING, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 2.25 2501ms total, 25375 ops/sec
PING, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.09/ 1.37 2501ms total, 557677 ops/sec
SET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 1.29 2501ms total, 22652 ops/sec
SET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.15/ 1.67 2501ms total, 336206 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.07/ 1.82 2501ms total, 14627 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.39/ 1.71 2501ms total, 128589 ops/sec
GET 4B str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.04/ 2.36 2501ms total, 23869 ops/sec
GET 4B str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.12/ 1.38 2501ms total, 393243 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 2.79 2501ms total, 19282 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.13/ 1.73 2501ms total, 378049 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 1.44 2501ms total, 18702 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.44/ 1.52 2501ms total, 111535 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.07/ 1.80 2501ms total, 13303 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.51/ 1.96 2501ms total, 96901 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 0.06/ 5.74 2501ms total, 15619 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.33/ 3.32 2501ms total, 149860 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 0.10/ 26.11 2501ms total, 9688 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.51/ 27.94 2501ms total, 97941 ops/sec
INCR, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 9.90 2501ms total, 21058 ops/sec
INCR, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.13/ 4.89 2501ms total, 380428 ops/sec
LPUSH, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 2.95 2501ms total, 18693 ops/sec
LPUSH, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.17/ 1.91 2501ms total, 289164 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, 1/1 avg/max: 0.05/ 2.38 2501ms total, 20375 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, batch 50/1 avg/max: 0.30/ 1.09 2501ms total, 166833 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, 1/1 avg/max: 0.08/ 1.78 2501ms total, 12671 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, batch 50/1 avg/max: 2.12/ 11.65 2502ms total, 23561 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 6.02/ 37.42 2501ms total, 166 ops/sec
SET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 136.06/241.79 2585ms total, 147 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 1.61/ 32.28 2502ms total, 618 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 59.95/564.94 2758ms total, 334 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, 1/1 avg/max: 2.04/ 8.00 2502ms total, 488 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, batch 20/1 avg/max: 101.02/194.29 2525ms total, 198 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, 1/1 avg/max: 4.42/ 45.55 2502ms total, 226 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, batch 20/1 avg/max: 75.51/ 99.29 2568ms total, 265 ops/sec
End of tests. Total time elapsed: 85470 ms
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