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Last active July 29, 2020 20:05
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Starting point repos

Forked repo with some modifications to the docker file

Roughly followed instructions here

git clone
cd loomio

added a heroku.yml with this content

I did this on the fork of loomio here

    web: Dockerfile
  web: ./
git add heroku.yml 
git commit -m 'add heroku.yml'

create an instance on heroku and get the app name

heroku git:remote -a the-app-name
heroku stack:set container
git push heroku master

Had trouble authenticating to the container so, just went to the heroku web, selected console and ran:

rake db:schema:load

Got to the bash shell on the docker container by running:

heroku login
heroku run bash


Attach a free versions of Heroku extensions for:

  • Heroku Redis
  • MailGun SMTP Mail Server
  • Postgres Server

These are the SMTP fields we need from the rails config file


Had to switch to Heroku Hobby tier of $7/mo to get free SSL cert. Other SSL addons were > $20/mo. Configuring and maintaing lets encrypt or buying an SSL cert is too much admin

next up

  • Setup MailGun SMTP env variables
  • confirm ssl forwarding is working
  • create admin user
  • add more sys admins


You can't run rake db:setup because you can't create a new postgres db from the container

It was tricky to get to the heroku container because bin/bash was not installed in the image see:

Supposedly I coul have added this to the Dockerfile to make heroku ps:exec work but running it from Heroku web didn't fix it:

RUN rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

That said you can get to the bash shell on the docker container by running:

heroku login
heroku run bash
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