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Last active July 24, 2016 19:24
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Blackjack Advisor for the Coder Radio Coding Challenge

Blackjack Advisor

Blackjack Advisor for Dealer Hits on Soft 17


usage: [-h] [-D] [-X] dealer player player [player ...]

Enter any card values for the dealer's card and player's hand

positional arguments:
  dealer           A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K
  player           A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -D, --double     allow doubling
  -X, --surrender  allow surrendering



Argument Description Required Acceptable Values Type
dealer The card the dealer has face up Yes A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K string
player The your first card Yes A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K list


Flag Argument Description Required Default
-h, --help None show this help message and exit No False
-D, --double None allow doubling No False
-X, --surrender None allow surrendering No False

Examples A 8 8
Split -X A 8 8
Surrender 8 8 2
Hit -D 8 8 2
Double -XD 6 A 7
Double -XD A 8 8 
Surrender -XD 6 6 6
Split -XD A A A A
import argparse
Blackjack Advisor for Dealer Hits on Soft 17
This will always respond with Hit, Stand, or Split.
It may emit Surrender if it is most advisable and the move is legal.
It may emit Double if it is most advisable and the move is legal
Author: Kyle Bloom
All values must have either 1 or 2 values.
If the first value is H, S, or P, it is ok if it is alone, for they are always legal moves.
If the first value is X or D, they must be accompanied with either H, S, or P, for X or D may not be legal moves.
strategy_chart = {
'9': {'2': 'H', '3': 'DH', '4': 'DH', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'10': {'2': 'DH', '3': 'DH', '4': 'DH', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'DH', '8': 'DH', '9': 'DH', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'11': {'2': 'DH', '3': 'DH', '4': 'DH', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'DH', '8': 'DH', '9': 'DH', '10': 'DH', 'A': 'DH'},
'12': {'2': 'H', '3': 'H', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'13': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'14': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'15': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'XH', 'A': 'XH'},
'16': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'XH', '10': 'XH', 'A': 'XH'},
'17': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'S', '8': 'S', '9': 'S', '10': 'S', 'A': 'XS'},
'2,A': {'2': 'H', '3': 'H', '4': 'H', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'3,A': {'2': 'H', '3': 'H', '4': 'H', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'4,A': {'2': 'H', '3': 'H', '4': 'DH', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'5,A': {'2': 'H', '3': 'H', '4': 'DH', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'6,A': {'2': 'H', '3': 'DH', '4': 'DH', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'7,A': {'2': 'S', '3': 'DS', '4': 'DS', '5': 'DS', '6': 'DS', '7': 'S', '8': 'S', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'8,A': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'S', '8': 'S', '9': 'S', '10': 'S', 'A': 'S'},
'9,A': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'S', '8': 'S', '9': 'S', '10': 'S', 'A': 'S'},
'10,A': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'S', '8': 'S', '9': 'S', '10': 'S', 'A': 'S'},
'2,2': {'2': 'P', '3': 'P', '4': 'P', '5': 'P', '6': 'P', '7': 'P', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'3,3': {'2': 'P', '3': 'P', '4': 'P', '5': 'P', '6': 'P', '7': 'P', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'4,4': {'2': 'H', '3': 'H', '4': 'H', '5': 'P', '6': 'P', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'5,5': {'2': 'DH', '3': 'DH', '4': 'DH', '5': 'DH', '6': 'DH', '7': 'DH', '8': 'DH', '9': 'DH', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'6,6': {'2': 'P', '3': 'P', '4': 'P', '5': 'P', '6': 'P', '7': 'H', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'7,7': {'2': 'P', '3': 'P', '4': 'P', '5': 'P', '6': 'P', '7': 'P', '8': 'H', '9': 'H', '10': 'H', 'A': 'H'},
'8,8': {'2': 'P', '3': 'P', '4': 'P', '5': 'P', '6': 'P', '7': 'P', '8': 'P', '9': 'P', '10': 'P', 'A': 'XP'},
'9,9': {'2': 'P', '3': 'P', '4': 'P', '5': 'P', '6': 'P', '7': 'S', '8': 'P', '9': 'P', '10': 'S', 'A': 'S'},
'10,10': {'2': 'S', '3': 'S', '4': 'S', '5': 'S', '6': 'S', '7': 'S', '8': 'S', '9': 'S', '10': 'S', 'A': 'S'},
'A,A': {'2': 'P', '3': 'P', '4': 'P', '5': 'P', '6': 'P', '7': 'P', '8': 'P', '9': 'P', '10': 'P', 'A': 'P'}
legend = {
'H': 'Hit',
'S': 'Stand',
'P': 'Split',
'D': 'Double',
'X': 'Surrender'
def card(string):
Validates whether the entry is a valid card
string: the value to be validated
str equal to the value of the card
argparse.ArgumentError if the card is not valid
string = string.upper() # sets the string to upper case
if string in ['K', 'Q', 'J']: # if the card is a [K]ing, [Q]ueen, or [J]ack
string = '10' # sets string to 10
if string in ['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']: # checks if the card is a legal card
return string # returns best representation of the card
raise argparse.ArgumentError('Invalid Card') # raises error if the card is invalid
def optimize_hand(hand):
Optimizes hand for use with strategy_chart
['2', '5', 'A'] = ['7', 'A']
left hand side would normally advice Stay
right hand side advices Hit
hand: list of strings representing the cards in a hand
list of strings optimized for strategy_chart
total_aces = len([card for card in hand if card == 'A']) # total number of aces
if total_aces == 0 or len(hand) == 2 and total_aces == 2: # return if there are no aces or if hand is a pair of aces
return hand
hand = sorted(hand, reverse=True) # sort hand in reverse alphabetical order so aces are first
alt_total = sum([int(card) for card in hand[1:] if card != 'A']) + total_aces - 1 # calculate alternate sum assuming other aces are 1
if alt_total <= 9: # if alt_total is 9 or less then it will be in strategy_chart
return [str(alt_total), 'A']
return hand # return hand otherwise
def hand_sum(hand):
Sums all of the cards in the hand
hand: list of strings representing the cards in a hand
integer with the sum of the hands
non_ace_total = sum([int(card) for card in hand if card != 'A']) # total of all non ace cards
total_aces = len([card for card in hand if card == 'A']) # number of aces in hand
sum_options = [non_ace_total + (i * 11) + (total_aces - i) for i in range(total_aces + 1)] # list of possible sums
return sorted([option for option in sum_options if option <= 21], reverse=True)[0] # returns the greatest sum 21 or less
def digest_strategy(recommendation, surrender=False, double=False):
Figures out what recommendation to show based on the rules of the game
recommendation: a string with the recommendation
surrender: a boolean indicating whether surrender is a legal move
double: a boolean indicating whether doubling is a legal move
str containing the recommended move
if recommendation[0] == 'X' and surrender or recommendation[0] == 'D' and double: # checks if the first move is not legal
return legend[recommendation[0]] # sends initial move if option is legal
return legend[recommendation[1]] # sends second move if option is illegal
def action(dealer, player_hand):
Determines the action the player should take based on the cards dealt to them
dealer: a string representing the dealers card
player_hand: a list containing the players two cards
str containing the recommended move
total_cards = len(player_hand) # Stores the original number of cards in players hand
player_hand = sorted(optimize_hand(player_hand))
player_sum = hand_sum(player_hand)
if ','.join(player_hand) in strategy_chart: # checks if the cards are in the strategy_chart
return strategy_chart[','.join(player_hand)][dealer]
elif str(player_sum) in strategy_chart:
if total_cards > 2:
# if the player has more than two cards then you only return the always legal move
# if this code is reached it will be impossible to get a Split response so we do not have to worry about that scenario
return strategy_chart[str(player_sum)][dealer][-1]
return strategy_chart[str(player_sum)][dealer]
elif player_sum <= 8:
return 'H' # hand is not in strategy_chart and player_sum 8 or less
return 'S' # hand is not in the strategy_chart player_sum 18 or more
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [-h] [-D] [-X] dealer player player [player ...]',
description='Enter any card values for the dealer\'s card and player\'s hand')
parser.add_argument('-D', '--double',
help='allow doubling')
parser.add_argument('-X', '--surrender',
help='allow surrendering')
help='A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K')
help='A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K')
args = parser.parse_args()
player = list(args.others) # player is mutable list of players hand
print(digest_strategy(action(, player), surrender=args.surrender, double=args.double))
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