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Created October 1, 2018 07:50
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pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract CText {
struct TextThatDoesNotWork {
bytes32 text;
uint reads;
address addr;
TextThatDoesNotWork[] textArray;
function put(bytes32 _text, uint _reads) public {
text: _text,
reads: _reads,
addr: msg.sender
function listTexts() public view returns (bytes32[], uint[], address[]) {
bytes32[] memory texts = new bytes32[](textArray.length);
uint[] memory readsArray = new uint[](textArray.length);
address[] memory addresses = new address[](textArray.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++){
texts[i] = textArray[i].text;
readsArray[i] = textArray[i].reads;
addresses[i] = textArray[i].addr;
return (texts, readsArray, addresses);
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