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Created May 28, 2019 08:08
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npm audit --json
"actions": [
"action": "install",
"module": "lodash",
"target": "4.17.11",
"isMajor": true,
"resolves": [
"id": 782,
"path": "lodash",
"dev": true,
"optional": false,
"bundled": false
"id": 577,
"path": "lodash",
"dev": true,
"optional": false,
"bundled": false
"action": "review",
"module": "hoek",
"resolves": [
"id": 566,
"path": "hoek",
"dev": false,
"optional": false,
"bundled": false
"advisories": {
"566": {
"findings": [
"version": "2.16.3",
"paths": [
"dev": false,
"optional": false,
"bundled": false
"id": 566,
"created": "2018-04-20T21:25:58.421Z",
"updated": "2019-02-14T16:00:33.922Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Prototype Pollution",
"found_by": {
"name": "HoLyVieR"
"reported_by": {
"name": "HoLyVieR"
"module_name": "hoek",
"cves": [],
"vulnerable_versions": "<= 4.2.0 || >= 5.0.0 < 5.0.3",
"patched_versions": "> 4.2.0 < 5.0.0 || >= 5.0.3",
"overview": "Versions of `hoek` prior to 4.2.1 and 5.0.3 are vulnerable to prototype pollution.\n\nThe `merge` function, and the `applyToDefaults` and `applyToDefaultsWithShallow` functions which leverage `merge` behind the scenes, are vulnerable to a prototype pollution attack when provided an _unvalidated_ payload created from a JSON string containing the `__proto__` property.\n\nThis can be demonstrated like so:\n\n```javascript\nvar Hoek = require('hoek');\nvar malicious_payload = '{\"__proto__\":{\"oops\":\"It works !\"}}';\n\nvar a = {};\nconsole.log(\"Before : \" + a.oops);\nHoek.merge({}, JSON.parse(malicious_payload));\nconsole.log(\"After : \" + a.oops);\n```\n\nThis type of attack can be used to overwrite existing properties causing a potential denial of service.",
"recommendation": "Update to version 4.2.1, 5.0.3 or later.",
"references": "",
"access": "public",
"severity": "moderate",
"cwe": "CWE-471",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "",
"exploitability": 5,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"577": {
"findings": [
"version": "1.2.0",
"paths": [
"dev": true,
"optional": false,
"bundled": false
"id": 577,
"created": "2018-04-24T14:27:02.796Z",
"updated": "2018-04-24T14:27:13.049Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Prototype Pollution",
"found_by": {
"name": "Olivier Arteau (HoLyVieR)"
"reported_by": {
"name": "Olivier Arteau (HoLyVieR)"
"module_name": "lodash",
"cves": [
"vulnerable_versions": "<4.17.5",
"patched_versions": ">=4.17.5",
"overview": "Versions of `lodash` before 4.17.5 are vulnerable to prototype pollution. \n\nThe vulnerable functions are 'defaultsDeep', 'merge', and 'mergeWith' which allow a malicious user to modify the prototype of `Object` via `__proto__` causing the addition or modification of an existing property that will exist on all objects.\n\n",
"recommendation": "Update to version 4.17.5 or later.",
"references": "- [HackerOne Report](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "low",
"cwe": "CWE-471",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "",
"exploitability": 1,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"782": {
"findings": [
"version": "1.2.0",
"paths": [
"dev": true,
"optional": false,
"bundled": false
"id": 782,
"created": "2019-02-13T16:16:53.770Z",
"updated": "2019-02-13T16:16:53.770Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Prototype Pollution",
"found_by": {
"link": "",
"name": "asgerf"
"reported_by": {
"link": "",
"name": "asgerf"
"module_name": "lodash",
"cves": [
"vulnerable_versions": "<4.17.11",
"patched_versions": ">=4.17.11",
"overview": "Versions of `lodash` before 4.17.5 are vulnerable to prototype pollution. \n\nThe vulnerable functions are 'defaultsDeep', 'merge', and 'mergeWith' which allow a malicious user to modify the prototype of `Object` via `{constructor: {prototype: {...}}}` causing the addition or modification of an existing property that will exist on all objects.\n\n",
"recommendation": "Update to version 4.17.11 or later.",
"references": "- [HackerOne Report](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "moderate",
"cwe": "CWE-471",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "",
"exploitability": 3,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"muted": [],
"metadata": {
"vulnerabilities": {
"info": 0,
"low": 1,
"moderate": 2,
"high": 0,
"critical": 0
"dependencies": 1,
"devDependencies": 1,
"optionalDependencies": 0,
"totalDependencies": 2
"runId": "7ee29164-795b-49d2-932a-ccd10d7e03b2"
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