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Last active June 27, 2017 16:20
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Build guide/script for Dendrite experimentation
# Dendrite guide
# start with Debian Stretch
apt-get install golang-1.8 postgresql
apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless # needed for kafka (which in future will be an optional dependency)
# Set up DBs
su postgres -c 'createuser dendrite'
# N.B. these are the current default DB names, which are daft - surely they should be prefixed to dendrite
# We deliberately create separate DBs for each one though to highlight that the services are completely separate
# Although in practice you could combine them into a single DB (assuming the tables prefix nicely) if you wanted.
for i in account device mediaapi syncapi roomserver serverkey federationsender; do su postgres -c "createdb -O dendrite dendrite_$i"; done
# Create the dendrite user
adduser dendrite
su dendrite
# get Go set up and on the path
cat <<EOT >> ~/.bash_profile
export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go-1.8
export GOPATH=\$HOME/go
export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOROOT/bin:\$GOPATH/bin
export PGHOST=/var/run/postgresql
# Get the code
git clone
cd dendrite
# Get the right branch if needed
#git checkout markjh/federation_egress
# Build it
go get
gb build
# Install and start Kafka
# generate self-signed SSL cert (unlike synapse, dendrite doesn't autogen yet)
# N.B. to specify the right CN if needed
test -f server.key || openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 3650 -nodes -subj /CN=$(hostname)
# generate ed25519 signing key
test -f matrix.key || python3 > matrix.key <<EOF
import base64;
r = lambda n: base64.b64encode(open("/dev/urandom", "rb").read(n)).decode("utf8");
print("-----BEGIN MATRIX PRIVATE KEY-----")
print("Key-ID:", "ed25519:" + r(3).rstrip("="))
print("-----END MATRIX PRIVATE KEY-----")
# Get a config:
# (This taken from which hadn't merged at the time of writing)
curl > dendrite-config.yaml
# fixup the server_name and various paths in the config (especially the cert & key genreated above)
mkdir -p ~/media
mkdir -p ~/var
# Run it!
# XXX: how should these be run from a process runner perspective? for now just use screen sessions...
cd ~/dendrite/bin
# Set client-api-proxy running: this is a helper intended purely for development/experimentation
# which exposes all the client-facing dendrite services behind a single HTTP API facade.
# In the future this will be replaced by a proper loadbalancer config or a standalone dendrite process
# which simply runs all the different services in a single executable.
# these URLs need to match the main config. The *-api-proxy helpers don't yet read the main config.
screen -dmS client-api-proxy -L ~/var/client-api-proxy.log ./client-api-proxy \
--sync-api-server-url http://localhost:7773 \
--client-api-server-url http://localhost:7771 \
--media-api-server-url http://localhost:7774 \
--bind-address :8443 \
--tls-cert ~/dendrite/server.crt \
--tls-key ~/dendrite/server.key
# ...and now the equivalent federation-api-proxy helper:
screen -dmS federation-api-proxy -L ~/var/federation-api-proxy.log ./federation-api-proxy \
--federation-api-url http://localhost:7772 \
--media-api-url http://localhost:7774 \
--bind-address :8449 \
--tls-cert ~/dendrite/server.crt \
--tls-key ~/dendrite/server.key
# ...and now the actual services:
for i in room client-api federation-api media-api sync-api federation-sender
screen -dmS dendrite-$i-server -L ~/var/dendrite-$i-server.log ./dendrite-$i-server --config ~/dendrite/dendrite-config.yaml
# point your browser at https://wherever:8443 and trust the self-signed certificate...
# ...and then point Riot/Web at the homeserver at https://wherever:8443 and see what happens!
# after registering, you'll get a room creation error; hit refresh and it should work.
# to kill them:
screen -ls | egrep 'dendrite-|-api-proxy' | cut -f1 -d'.' | xargs kill
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