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  • Save arabold/3a56def70f451c74956c26e1720a9778 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arabold/3a56def70f451c74956c26e1720a9778 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple, opinionated Logger for use with Node.js and Web Browsers
* Simple, opinionated Logger for use with Node.js and Web Browsers with no
* additional dependencies.
* The logger supports and auto-detects the following environments:
* - Node.js (with and without JSDOM)
* = Browser
* - Electron
* - React Native - Logs to console or browser window depending on whether a debugger is connected
* - Unit Test & CI/CD - Logs are disabled by default
* The default log level is `INFO` for Node.js production environments and `DEBUG` for
* anything else. A different default level can be specified using an environment
* variable `LOG_LEVEL` (for Node.js like environments) or by setting `window.LOG_LEVEL`
* (for Browser like environments).
* The logger will automatically detect if the used terminal supports colored output.
* To disable colored terminal output set `FORCE_COLOR` environment variable to `0` or
* `false`. To enforce colors regardless of any detected support, set `FORCE_COLOR` to
* `1` or `true`.
* @example
* import Logger from "./logger";
* const logger = Logger.create(__filename);
* function myFunc() {
* try {
*"With payload:", { foo: "bar" });
* // ...
* }
* catch (error) {
* logger.error("Oh no!", { error });
* }
* }
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, no-dupe-class-members, no-console, no-param-reassign, no-var */
// Avoid TypeScript errors when trying to access globals not available in our target environment
declare var global: any;
const process = global?.process;
const window = global?.window;
const document = global?.document;
const navigator = global?.navigator;
* Supported log levels. Use `NONE` to disable logging completely. By default
* only `DEBUG` and above are logged. To set a different default level set
* the `LOG_LEVEL` environment variable or explicitly set the
* {@see Logger.defaultLevel} property. Set to `NONE` to fully disable logging.
export enum LogLevels {
/** Lowest debug level; This will not be logged unless explicitly enabled */
SILLY = 0,
/** Debug messages for development environments */
DEBUG = 1,
/** Info messages will be logged in production environments by default */
INFO = 2,
/** Warning about a potential issue or an expected error occured */
WARN = 3,
/** An unexpected error occurred */
ERROR = 4,
/** Critical application error that cannot be recovered */
/** Disable logging */
NONE = 99
/** Names of the log levels used for display */
export const LogLevelNames: { [key in LogLevels]: string } = {
[LogLevels.SILLY]: 'SILLY',
[LogLevels.DEBUG]: 'DEBUG',
[LogLevels.INFO]: 'INFO',
[LogLevels.WARN]: 'WARN',
[LogLevels.ERROR]: 'ERROR',
[LogLevels.NONE]: 'NONE'
* Static mapping of error levels to `console.*` functions.
* While technically this can used to customize the log output to use a different
* function such as `process.stdout.write`, it is not recommended. Instead create
* a new log handler function and register it using {@see Logger.registerHandler}.
export const ConsoleLogFuncs: {
[key in LogLevels]: (...args: any[]) => void
} = {
[LogLevels.SILLY]: console.debug.bind(console),
[LogLevels.DEBUG]: console.debug.bind(console),
[LogLevels.WARN]: console.warn.bind(console),
[LogLevels.ERROR]: console.error.bind(console),
[LogLevels.CRITICAL]: console.error.bind(console),
[LogLevels.NONE]: () => {} // no-op
/** Any kind of payload data, a plain old JavaScript object */
export type Payload = { [key: string]: any; error?: Error };
/** A single log entry */
export interface LogEntry {
timestamp: Date;
level: LogLevels;
message: string;
payload?: Payload;
meta?: Payload;
/** A custom log handler */
export type LogHandlerFunc = (logEntry: LogEntry) => void;
* Logger
export default class Logger {
* Fields that will automatically be scrubbed from logs. Field names will automatically transformed to lower case
* and special characters stripped before matching the string, so e.g. "access_token", "access-token" and
* "accessToken" will all match "accesstoken".
* To disable scrubbing, set this to an empty array
static scrubValues = [
/** A list of class names, primarily from network libraries, that will be collapsed in the logs in order to keep it shorter and more readable */
static collapseClasses = [
"CDPSession", // Puppeteer
/** Regular expression that can be used to check for possible credit card numbers when scrubbing fields */
private static _creditCardRegEx = /^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|[25][1-7][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\d{3})\d{11})$/;
/** Metadata shared between all instances of the Logger */
private static _globalMetaData?: Payload;
/** List of log handler functions */
private static _handlers: LogHandlerFunc[] = [];
* Instantiates a new logger
* @param tag - Logger tag, e.g. the name of the current JavaScript file.
* For convenience, paths such as `__filename` will automatically be truncated
* to the file name only.
* @param meta - Logger meta, e.g. the if of the vessel currently logging
* @example
* const logger = Logger.create(__filename);
static create(tag?: string, meta?: Payload): Logger {
return new Logger(tag, meta);
/** Registers a new log handler */
static registerHandler(handlerFunc: LogHandlerFunc) {
/** Removes a log handler */
static unregisterHandler(handlerFunc: LogHandlerFunc) {
Logger._handlers = Logger._handlers.filter((func) => func === handlerFunc);
/** Removes all log handlers */
static clearHandlers() {
Logger._handlers = [];
* Returns `true` if code is running with JSDOM
static get isJSDOM(): boolean {
return navigator?.userAgent?.includes("Node.js") || navigator?.userAgent?.includes("jsdom");
* Returns `true` if code is running in a web browser environment
static get isWebWorker(): boolean {
return global && typeof global.WorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined" && global.self instanceof global.WorkerGlobalScope;
* Returns `true` if code is running in a web browser environment
static get isBrowser(): boolean {
return (typeof window !== "undefined" || Logger.isWebWorker) && !Logger.isJSDOM;
* Returns `true` if code is running in a web browser environment
static get isIE(): boolean {
return Logger.isBrowser && document && window && document.documentMode && window.StyleMedia;
* Returns `true` if code is running in React Native
static get isReactNative(): boolean {
return Logger.isBrowser && navigator && navigator.product === "ReactNative";
* Returns `true` if code is running in React Native and the Debugger is attached
static get isReactNativeDebugger(): boolean {
return Logger.isReactNative && typeof global?.DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined";
* Returns `true` if code is running in a Node.js-like environment (including Electron)
static get isNode(): boolean {
// Note that Webpack et al are often adding process, module, require, etc.
return typeof process === "object" && typeof process.env === "object" && !Logger.isBrowser;
/** Returns `true` if code is running in Electron */
static get isElectron(): boolean {
const userAgent = navigator?.userAgent?.toLowerCase();
if (userAgent.includes(" electron/")) {
// Test for Electron in case no Node.js environment is loaded
return true;
return Logger.isNode && typeof process?.versions?.electron !== "undefined";
/** Returns `true` if running in a CI environment, e.g. during an automated build */
static get isCI(): boolean {
if (!Logger.isNode) {
return false;
// Shamelessly stolen from
return !!(
CI || // Travis CI, CircleCI, Cirrus CI, Gitlab CI, Appveyor, CodeShip, dsari
BUILD_NUMBER || // Jenkins, TeamCity
RUN_ID || // TaskCluster, dsari
/** Retruns `true` if running as part of a unit test */
static get isUnitTest(): boolean {
if (window?.__karma__ !== undefined) {
return true;
if (Logger.isNode) {
const { JEST_WORKER_ID } = process.env;
return !!(JEST_WORKER_ID || typeof global?.it === 'function');
return false;
* Retruns `true` if `--silent` is passed on command line, e.g. when executed via an `npm` script
static get isSilent(): boolean {
if (!Logger.isNode) {
return false;
return process.argv?.includes("--silent");
/** Checking if console exists */
static get hasConsole(): boolean {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
return !!(console.log && console.debug && && console.warn && console.error);
/** Enable/disable all logging */
static enabled: boolean = !Logger.isCI && !Logger.isSilent && !Logger.isUnitTest && Logger.hasConsole;
/** The default log level if no other option is specified */
static defaultLevel: LogLevels =
Logger._parseLogLevel(process?.env?.LOG_LEVEL) ??
Logger._parseLogLevel(global?.LOG_LEVEL) ??
Logger._parseLogLevel(window?.LOG_LEVEL) ??
(process?.env?.NODE_ENV === "production" ? LogLevels.INFO : LogLevels.DEBUG);
* Set Global Meta Data for Logger. The global meta data will only be included in
* Loggers that are instantiated _after_ the meta data was set using this function.
* Therefore it is recommended to put all Logger initialization into a `bootstrap.ts`
* file and import this at the very beginning of your app or project, making sure
* its code is executed before anything else.
* @param meta meta data
static setGlobalMeta(meta: Payload): void {
Logger._globalMetaData = { ...meta };
* Like `JSON.stringify` but handles circular references and serializes error objects.
static stringify(value: any, space?: string | number | undefined): string {
return JSON.stringify(value, Logger._serializeObj, space);
* Destroys circular references for use with JSON serialization
* @param from - Source object or array
* @param seen - Array with object already serialized. Set to `[]` (empty array)
* when using this function!
* @param scrub - If set, passwords and other sensitive data fields will be replaced by a placeholder and hidden from console or log files
private static _destroyCircular(from: any, seen: any[], scrub: boolean = false) {
let to: any;
if (Array.isArray(from)) {
to = [];
} else {
to = {};
Object.keys(from).forEach((key) => {
const value = from[key];
if (
typeof value === "string" &&
(Logger.scrubValues.includes(key.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, "")) ||
Logger._creditCardRegEx.test(value) ||
value.startsWith("Bearer "))
) {
// Looks like a sensitive value. Hide it from the logging endpoint
to[key] = "[hidden]";
if (typeof value === "function") {
// No Logging of functions
if (typeof value === "symbol") {
// Use the symbol's name
to[key] = value.toString();
if (!value || typeof value !== "object") {
// Simple data types
to[key] = value;
if (typeof value === "object" && typeof value.toJSON === "function") {
to[key] = value.toJSON();
if (typeof value === "object" && value.constructor) {
// Superagent/Axios includes a lot of detail information in the error object.
// For the sake of readable logs, we remove all of that garbage here.
const className =;
if (Logger.collapseClasses.includes(className)) {
to[key] = `[${className}]`;
if (!seen.includes(from[key])) {
to[key] = Logger._destroyCircular(from[key], seen.slice(0), scrub);
to[key] = "[Circular]";
if (typeof === "string") { =;
if (typeof from.message === "string") {
to.message = from.message;
if (typeof from.stack === "string") {
to.stack = from.stack;
return to;
* Helper function to serialize class instances to plain objects for logging
* @param key - Property key
* @param value - Property value
* @example
* const myObj = { foo: "bar" };
* const str = JSON.stringify(myObj, serializeObj, "\t");
private static _serializeObj(key: any, value: any): any {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
return Logger._destroyCircular(value, []);
return value;
private static _parseLogLevel(value?: string | number | null): LogLevels | undefined {
const logLevelMap = {
S: LogLevels.SILLY,
D: LogLevels.DEBUG,
I: LogLevels.INFO,
W: LogLevels.WARN,
E: LogLevels.ERROR,
C: LogLevels.CRITICAL,
N: LogLevels.NONE,
if (typeof value === "string") {
const firstChar = value?.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase();
const entry = Object.entries(logLevelMap).find(([key]) => firstChar === key);
return entry?.[1];
} else if (typeof value === "number") {
return (value >= LogLevels.SILLY && value <= LogLevels.CRITICAL) || value === LogLevels.NONE ? value : undefined;
return undefined;
/** Metadata passed with each log line */
meta: Payload;
/** Current log level; if `undefined` the default level is used */
logLevel?: LogLevels;
private constructor(tag?: string, meta?: Payload, logLevel?: LogLevels) {
if (logLevel) {
this.logLevel = logLevel;
} else if (Logger.isNode) {
this.logLevel = Logger._parseLogLevel(process.env.LOG_LEVEL);
let sanitizedTag = tag ?? "default";
if (/\.(?:tsx?|jsx?)$/i.test(sanitizedTag)) {
// Strip off unnecessary path information from the logger tag (e.g. if using __filename as tag)
if (Logger.isNode && sanitizedTag.startsWith(process.cwd())) {
sanitizedTag = sanitizedTag.replace(process.cwd(), "");
sanitizedTag = sanitizedTag.replace(
this.meta = {
tag: sanitizedTag,
silly(message: string, payload?: Payload): Logger {
return this._logInternal(LogLevels.SILLY, message, payload);
trace(message: string, payload?: Payload): Logger {
return this._logInternal(LogLevels.SILLY, message, payload);
debug(message: string, payload?: Payload): Logger {
return this._logInternal(LogLevels.DEBUG, message, payload);
info(message: string, payload?: Payload): Logger {
return this._logInternal(LogLevels.INFO, message, payload);
warn(message: string, payload?: Payload): Logger {
return this._logInternal(LogLevels.WARN, message, payload);
error(message: string, payload?: Payload): Logger;
error(message: string, error?: Error): Logger;
error(error: Error): Logger;
error(...args: [string, (Error | Payload)?] | [Error]): Logger {
return this._logExceptionInternal(LogLevels.ERROR, ...args);
critical(message: string, payload?: Payload): Logger;
critical(message: string, error?: Error): Logger;
critical(error: Error): Logger;
critical(...args: [string, (Error | Payload)?] | [Error]): Logger {
return this._logExceptionInternal(LogLevels.CRITICAL, ...args);
private _dispatchToHandlers(logEntry: LogEntry) {
for (const handler of Logger._handlers) {
* Write message to logs
* @param level
* @param logFunc
* @param message
* @param payloadRaw
private _logInternal(level: LogLevels, message: string, payloadRaw?: Payload): Logger {
const logLevel =
this.logLevel ??
Logger._parseLogLevel(global?.LOG_LEVEL) ??
Logger._parseLogLevel(window?.LOG_LEVEL) ??
if (!Logger.enabled || level < logLevel) {
return this;
const hasPayload = typeof payloadRaw !== "undefined" && payloadRaw !== null;
let payload: any = null;
try {
// The Browser logger seems to have issues with circular references if no
// debugger is attached. So we break all circular references here to be safe.
payload = hasPayload ? Logger._destroyCircular(payloadRaw, [], true) : undefined;
} catch (error) {
payload = `[${(error as Error).message}]`;
timestamp: new Date(),
meta: this.meta,
return this;
* Special handling for error objects
* @param level
* @param logFunc
* @param messageRaw
* @param payloadRaw
private _logExceptionInternal(level: LogLevels, ...args: [string, (Error | Payload)?] | [Error]): Logger {
const logLevel =
this.logLevel ??
Logger._parseLogLevel(global?.LOG_LEVEL) ??
Logger._parseLogLevel(window?.LOG_LEVEL) ??
if (!Logger.enabled || level < logLevel) {
return this;
let message: string = "";
let payload: Payload | undefined;
if (typeof args[0] === "string" || args[0] instanceof String) {
message = args.splice(0, 1)[0] as string;
if (args[0] instanceof Error) {
const error = args[0];
if (message.length === 0) {
message = error.message;
payload = { error };
} else if (typeof args[0] === "object") {
payload = { ...(args[0] as object) };
return this._logInternal(level, message, payload);
/** Log output to interactive terminal in a human readable format and in colors (if supported) */
export function createTTYLogger(forceColor: boolean = false): LogHandlerFunc {
// Colors see
const logLevelColors = {
[LogLevels.SILLY]: "\x1b[4m\x1b[2m\x1b[37m",
[LogLevels.DEBUG]: "\x1b[4m\x1b[2m\x1b[37m",
[LogLevels.INFO]: "\x1b[4m\x1b[1m\x1b[37m",
[LogLevels.WARN]: "\x1b[4m\x1b[33m",
[LogLevels.ERROR]: "\x1b[4m\x1b[31m",
[LogLevels.CRITICAL]: "\x1b[41m\x1b[30m",
[LogLevels.NONE]: "",
// Check if FORCE_COLOR environment variable is set
const forceColorEnv = ["true", "on", "yes", "1"].includes(String(process?.env?.FORCE_COLOR).toLowerCase());
const supportsColor = (): boolean => {
if (forceColor || forceColorEnv) {
// Colors enforced in any case
return true;
if (Logger.isReactNative) {
// In React Native we have no process.env but we most likely support colors in Expo console
return true;
if (!Logger.isNode) {
// No colors if we aren't running in Node (as then we don't have `process` available)
return false;
if (!process.stdout?.isTTY) {
// No colors if we have no interactive terminal
return false;
if (process.platform === "win32") {
// A reasonably new Windows version should support colors
return true;
if (Logger.isCI) {
// Most CI/CD platforms support colors as well
return true;
if (/-256(color)?$/i.test(process.env.TERM)) {
return true;
if (/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(process.env.TERM)) {
return true;
if (process.env.COLORTERM) {
return true;
return false;
const enableColors = supportsColor();
// The payload is already sanitized so we can simply print it using `utils.inspect()` or `JSON.strigify()`:
let stringify: (value: Payload) => string;
try {
const util = require("util");
stringify = (value) => util.inspect(value, false, null, enableColors);
} catch (error) {
stringify = (value) => JSON.stringify(value, null, 2);
return function log({ level, message, payload, meta }: LogEntry) {
// Try to load `util` package. React Native requires you to install `util` manually using `npm i util --save`.
const logFunc = ConsoleLogFuncs[level];
if (enableColors) {
const log = [
logLevelColors[level] + LogLevelNames[level] + "\x1b[0m",
].join(" ");
if (payload) {
// Dim the output of the payload for better overall readability,
"\x1b[2m\n" + stringify(payload) + "\x1b[0m",
} else {
} else {
const log = [`[${meta?.tag}]`, LogLevelNames[level], message].join(" ");
if (payload) {
logFunc(log, "\n" + stringify(payload));
} else {
/** Log to Browser Console; Use colorful logs for Chome, Safari, etc. */
export function createBrowserLogger(): LogHandlerFunc {
return function log({ level, message, payload, meta }: LogEntry) {
const logFunc = ConsoleLogFuncs[level];
if (payload && typeof console.groupCollapsed === "function") {
console.groupCollapsed(`%c[${meta?.tag}] %c${message}`, "color:magenta;", "color:black;font-weight:normal");
} else if (payload) {
logFunc(`%c[${meta?.tag}] %c${message}`, "color:magenta;", "color:black;", payload);
} else {
logFunc(`%c[${meta?.tag}] %c${message}`, "color:magenta;", "color:black;");
export function createJsonConsoleLogger() {
return function log(logEntry: LogEntry) {
const logFunc = ConsoleLogFuncs[logEntry.level];
timestamp: logEntry.timestamp.toISOString(),
level: LogLevelNames[logEntry.level],
); // no need to break circular references anymore here
/** Automatically chooses the "best" handler depending on whether we're running on a terminal, in a browser or in any other supported environment */
export function createDefaultLogger(forceColor?: boolean): LogHandlerFunc {
const logTTY = createTTYLogger(forceColor);
const logBrowser = createBrowserLogger();
const logJson = createJsonConsoleLogger();
return function log(logEntry: LogEntry) {
if (Logger.isBrowser && !Logger.isIE && (!Logger.isReactNative || Logger.isReactNativeDebugger)) {
return logBrowser(logEntry);
} else if (Logger.isBrowser || process.stdout?.isTTY) {
return logTTY(logEntry);
} else {
return logJson(logEntry);
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arabold commented Nov 10, 2019


  • Written in TypeScript for a clean and self-explanatory API.
  • Supports and automatically detects Node.js, Electron, Browser, Web Worker, React and React Native environments.
  • Outputs colorful logs when running in the browser or in a Terminal window to make logging friendly and useful.
  • Outputs JSON structures with added details when running without TTY for easier processing and analysis.
  • Automatically chooses suitable, human, or machine-readable output format depending on the environment.
  • Zero 3rd party dependencies (not counting TypeScript).

Example usage in Node.js

import Logger from "./logger";

const logger = Logger.create(__filename);

function myFunc() {
  try {"Hello!");"With payload:", { foo: "bar" });
    // ...
  catch (error) {
    logger.error("Oh no!", { error });

Example usage in Browser

import Logger from "./logger";

const logger = Logger.create("myFunc");

function myFunc() {
  try {"Hello!");"With payload:", { foo: "bar" });
    // ...
  catch (error) {
    logger.error("Oh no!", { error });

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arabold commented Mar 6, 2020

Example Sentry Logger

This extension forwards all log messages automatically to as so-called Breadcrumbs. This can be very helpful to reconstruct what exactly happened prior to an error. In fact, I rarely find myself looking at the raw logs anymore but can fully rely on Sentry to help me identify the root cause.

// createSentryLogger.tsx
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/minimal'
import { Severity } from '@sentry/types'

import { LogEntry, LogLevels } from "./Logger";

/** Forward logs to By default only log levels WARNING and above will be forwarded. */
export default function createSentryLogger(minLevel: LogLevels = LogLevels.WARN, enableBreadcrumbs: boolean = true) {
  const mapLevelToSeverity: { [key in LogLevels]: Severity | undefined } = {
    [LogLevels.SILLY]: Severity.Debug,
    [LogLevels.DEBUG]: Severity.Debug,
    [LogLevels.INFO]: Severity.Info,
    [LogLevels.WARN]: Severity.Warning,
    [LogLevels.ERROR]: Severity.Error,
    [LogLevels.CRITICAL]: Severity.Critical,
    [LogLevels.NONE]: undefined

  return function log(logEntry: LogEntry) {
    const severity = mapLevelToSeverity[logEntry.level]
    if (typeof severity !== 'undefined' && logEntry.level >= minLevel) {
      const message = logEntry.message
      const extras = logEntry.payload ? { ...logEntry.payload } : {}
      const exception = extras.error instanceof Error ? extras.error : undefined
      if (exception) {
        delete extras.error
      const captureContext = { extra: extras, level: severity, tags: { log_tag: logEntry.meta?.tag } }
      if (message && message !== exception?.message) {
        Sentry.captureMessage(message, captureContext)
      if (exception) {
        Sentry.captureException(exception, captureContext)
    } else if (enableBreadcrumbs) {
        category: logEntry.meta?.tag,
        message: logEntry.message,
        data: logEntry.payload,
        level: severity,
        type: 'default'

Example Use

// index.ts
import Logger from "./Logger";
import createSentryLogger from "./createSentryLogger";


// ... your main application code ...

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