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Last active January 20, 2019 01:13
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function readBooks(variableString) {
let variables = JSON.parse(variableString);
let { page = 1, pageSize = 50, title_contains, sort } = variables;
let predicate = null;
let limit = pageSize;
let skipAmount = (page - 1) * pageSize;
let skip, cursorSkip;
if (title_contains) {
let searchRegex = new RegExp(escapeRegex(title_contains), "i");
predicate = book => searchRegex.test(book.title);
cursorSkip = 0;
skip = skipAmount;
} else {
cursorSkip = skipAmount;
skip = 0;
let sortField = sort ? Object.keys(sort)[0] : null;
// No sort field will default to sorting by date added, which is the same as sorting by _id, given how
//Mongo object ID's work.
let idx = !sort || sortField == "_id" ? "dateAdded" : sortField == "pages" ? "pages" : "title_ci";
let idxDir = sortField && sort[sortField] == -1 ? "prev" : void 0;
return readTable("books", idx, { predicate, skip, cursorSkip, limit, idxDir }).then(gqlResponse("allBooks", "Books", { Meta: { count: 12 } }));
function readTable(table, idxName = null, { predicate, idxDir, cursorSkip, skip, limit } = {}) {
let open ="books", 1);
if (!predicate) {
predicate = () => true;
return new Promise(resolve => {
open.onsuccess = evt => {
let db = open.result;
let tran = db.transaction(table);
let objStore = tran.objectStore(table);
let tranCursor = idxName ? objStore.index(idxName).openCursor(null, idxDir) : objStore.openCursor(idxDir);
let result = [];
let skipped = 0;
let hasSkipped = false;
tranCursor.onsuccess = evt => {
let cursor =;
if (cursorSkip && !hasSkipped) {
hasSkipped = true;
return cursor.advance(cursorSkip);
if (!cursor) return resolve(result);
let item = cursor.value;
if (predicate(item)) {
if (skip && skipped < skip) {
} else {
if (limit && result.length == limit) {
return resolve(result);
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