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Created February 18, 2014 16:57
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(defun normalize-agents ()
(labels ((compare-agents (agent1 agent2)
(let ((u1 (nth 0 agent1))
(u2 (nth 0 agent2)))
(if (upi= u1 u2)
(list u1 u2 0)
(list u1 u2
(loop for i in (cdr agent1)
for j in (cdr agent2)
summing (numeric-upi-equal i j) into total
while (< total 1)
finally (return total)))))))
(let ((agentes (select0-distinct (?url ?id ?mbox ?name)
(q ?url !rdf:type !foaf:Agent)
(q ?url !foaf:name ?name)
(optional (q ?url !foaf:identifier ?id))
(optional (q ?url !foaf:mbox ?mbox)))))
(dolist (set (disjoint-sets-1 (mapcar (lambda (e) (subseq e 0 2))
(compare-pairs agentes #'compare-agents))))
(assert-sameas-group set)))))
(defun assert-sameas-group (group)
(let* ((master (if (< 0 (length (remove-if #'blank-node-p group)))
(car (sort (remove-if #'blank-node-p group) #'<
:key #'(lambda (i) (length (part->string i)))))
(car group)))
(rest (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (part= x master)) group)))
(dolist (r rest)
(add-triple r !owl:sameAs master))))
(defun merge-sameas-nodes ()
(do ((tracing 0 (1+ tracing))
(tr (get-triple :p !owl:sameAs)
(get-triple :p !owl:sameAs)))
((null tr) tracing)
(merge-nodes (subject tr) (object tr))))
(defun merge-nodes (old new)
"Transfer all in and out edges from OLD to NEW, except owl:sameAs edges."
(let ((new-triples nil))
(mapcar #'(lambda (tr)
(if (not (get-triple :s new :p (predicate tr) :o (object tr)))
(push (list new (predicate tr) (object tr)) new-triples)))
(get-triples-list :s old :limit nil :filter #'(lambda (tr) (not (predicate-part= tr !owl:sameAs)))))
(mapcar #'(lambda (tr)
(if (not (get-triple :s (subject tr) :p (predicate tr) :o new))
(push (list (subject tr) (predicate tr) new) new-triples)))
(get-triples-list :o old :limit nil :filter #'(lambda (tr) (not (predicate-part= tr !owl:sameAs)))))
(dolist (a new-triples)
(add-triple (nth 0 a) (nth 1 a) (nth 2 a)))
(delete-triples :s old)
(delete-triples :o old))))
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