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Created November 28, 2018 02:11
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Wilbur vs rdflib
import sys
import jsonlines
import rdflib
from rdflib.namespace import RDFS, SKOS, RDF
from rdflib import Namespace
import json
ont = sys.argv[1]
g.parse(ont, format="nt")
DU = Namespace("")
def get_relations(sent):
return [ dict(origin = g.value(rel, DU.origin),
subject = g.value(rel, DU.subject),
predicate = g.value(rel, DU.predicate),
object = g.value(rel, DU.object))
for rel in g.subjects(sent,DU.hasRelation)]
def get_tokens(sent):
tks = g.subjects(DU.sentence, sent)
objs = []
for tk in tks:
type = g.value(tk, RDF.type)
lbl = g.value(tk, RDFS.label)
if type == DU.Token:
wn = g.value(tk, DU.wn30_sense)
geo = g.value(tk, DU.geoname_sense)
if wn != None or geo != None:
obj = dict(txt = lbl,
type = type,
wn = wn,
geo = geo)
objs = objs + [obj]
obj = dict(txt = lbl, type = type)
objs = objs + [obj]
return objs
def sentence(sent):
return dict(text = g.value(sent, RDFS.label),
status = g.value(sent, DU.complete),
relations = get_relations(sent),
tokens = get_tokens(sent))
with[2], mode='w') as writer:
for a,b,c in g.triples( (None, RDF.type, DU.Sentence) ):
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