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Created October 29, 2023 10:43
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A simple text to show how long it takes for streaming to start based on the prompt length sent to Claude API
from anthropic import Anthropic
import time
anthropic = Anthropic(api_key="claude-api-key")
prompt_lengths = [100, 1000, 10000, 50000]
for prompt_length in prompt_lengths:
# generate a prompt of the desired length
prompt = "Human: " + "cars are great " * (prompt_length // 5) + "write an essay on cars"
prompt += "\n\nAssistant:"
start_time = time.time() # Record the time before the stream starts
stream = anthropic.completions.create(
stream_start_time = time.time() # Record the time after the stream starts
text = ""
for data in stream:
diff = data.completion # incremental text
text += diff
# print(diff, end="")
end_time = time.time() # Record the time after the stream ends
print(f"\nFor prompt length {prompt_length}:")
print(f"Time taken to start the stream: {stream_start_time - start_time} seconds")
print(f"Time taken for the stream to finish: {end_time - stream_start_time} seconds")
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This is an interesting fact @arafatkatze. I didn't know that the prompt length also affects the response time for the resulting output.

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arafatkatze commented Oct 31, 2023

@deepak2431 That's an important one. Its harder to notice in GPT 4 api coz of the token limits being much lower(only 8 K) and also coz its faster but the token size's correlation with time to respond is a thing I have seen in most LLMs I tried.

This is also true for Mistral/LLama2 when I am running them hosted locally.

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