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Created August 14, 2012 07:56
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from eveapi.eveapi import EVEAPIConnection
import pickle, zlib
import os
from os.path import join, exists
import tempfile
import time
from itertools import chain
debug = True
hardcoded_types = {
27: 'Office',
654: 'Iteron Mark II',
2203: 'Acolyte I',
2454: 'Hobgoblin I',
23087: 'Amarr Encryption Method',
90877978: 'Station Container',
1270092916: 'Station Vault',
def type_name(id):
if id in hardcoded_types:
return hardcoded_types[id]
return "Type %d" % id
my_format = "{0:<30}:{1:>20,.2f}".format
class CorpState(object):
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self.debug = debug
def location(self, row):
office = row.locationID
return "%s flag %s" % (office, row.flag)
def fetch(self, keyID, vCode):
auth = api.auth(keyID=keyID, vCode=vCode)
key = auth.account.ApiKeyInfo().key
if key.type != 'Corporation' or key.expires != "" and time.time() < key.expires:
raise ValueError = time.time() = key.characters[0].corporationName
info = auth.corp.CorporationSheet()
self.wallets = {}
self.hangars = {}
for wallet in info.walletDivisions:
self.wallets[wallet.accountKey] = {'name': wallet.description}
for hangar in info.divisions:
self.hangars[hangar.accountKey] = hangar.description
self.shares = 0
self.shareholders = []
holders = auth.corp.ShareHolders()
for sh in chain(holders.characters, holders.corporations):
self.shareholders.append((sh.shareholderName, sh.shares))
self.shares += sh.shares
self.balance = 0.0
for account in auth.corp.AccountBalance().accounts:
b = float(account.balance)
self.wallets[account.accountKey]['balance'] = b
self.balance += b
self.assets = {}
for c in auth.corp.AssetList(flat=1).assets:
if self.debug:
print("Got %s x%d %d in %s" % (type_name(c.typeID), c.quantity or 1, c.itemID, self.location(c)))
if 'rawQuantity' in c:
print("rawq =", c.rawQuantity)
def print(self):
print("Corporation \"%s\"" %
for i, w in self.wallets.items():
print(my_format(w['name'], w['balance']))
print(my_format("Total", self.balance))
print(my_format("Shares", self.shares))
print(my_format("Per share", self.balance/self.shares))
class MyCacheHandler(object):
# Note: this is an example handler to demonstrate how to use them.
# a -real- handler should probably be thread-safe and handle errors
# properly (and perhaps use a better hashing scheme).
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self.debug = debug
self.count = 0
self.cache = {}
self.tempdir = join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "eveapi")
if not exists(self.tempdir):
def log(self, what):
if self.debug:
print("[%d] %s" % (self.count, what))
def retrieve(self, host, path, params):
# eveapi asks if we have this request cached
key = hash((host, path, frozenset(params.items())))
self.count += 1 # for logging
# see if we have the requested page cached...
cached = self.cache.get(key, None)
if cached:
cacheFile = None
#print "'%s': retrieving from memory" % path
# it wasn't cached in memory, but it might be on disk.
cacheFile = join(self.tempdir, str(key) + ".cache")
if exists(cacheFile):
self.log("%s: retrieving from disk" % path)
f = open(cacheFile, "rb")
cached = self.cache[key] = pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(
if cached:
# check if the cached doc is fresh enough
if time.time() < cached[0]:
self.log("%s: returning cached document" % path)
return cached[1] # return the cached XML doc
# it's stale. purge it.
self.log("%s: cache expired, purging!" % path)
del self.cache[key]
if cacheFile:
self.log("%s: not cached, fetching from server..." % path)
# we didn't get a cache hit so return None to indicate that the data
# should be requested from the server.
return None
def store(self, host, path, params, doc, obj):
# eveapi is asking us to cache an item
key = hash((host, path, frozenset(params.items())))
cachedFor = obj.cachedUntil - obj.currentTime
if cachedFor:
self.log("%s: cached (%d seconds)" % (path, cachedFor))
cachedUntil = time.time() + cachedFor
# store in memory
cached = self.cache[key] = (cachedUntil, doc)
# store in cache folder
cacheFile = join(self.tempdir, str(key) + ".cache")
with open(cacheFile, "wb") as f:
f.write(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(cached, -1)))
def readfile(filename, separator="="):
with open(filename) as f:
for line in map(str.strip, f.readlines()):
if not line.startswith('#'):
yield map(str.strip, line.split(separator))
class WWESConfig(object):
data = {}
def __init__(self, path = 'config'):
for (key, value) in readfile(path):
if key in[key].append(value)
else:[key] = [value]['keys'] = chain.from_iterable([readfile(f, ':') for f in['keys']])
def __getattr__(self, this):
def __hasattr__(self, this):
return this in
if __name__ == "__main__":
api = EVEAPIConnection(cacheHandler=MyCacheHandler(debug=True))
current_state = CorpState(debug=debug)
cfg = WWESConfig()
for (keyID, vCode) in cfg.keys:
current_state.fetch(keyID, vCode)
except Exception as e:
if debug:
print("No working key pair found")
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