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Last active June 19, 2022 10:08
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Mongoose sum and group model's field.
/* fetch all users user_totaldocs and user_totalthings values and want to sum those variables.*/
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
local : {
user_id : String,
user_totaldocs : Number,
user_totalthings : Number
var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
/*For example, to calculate sums (per user document) you can use the $add expression in a $project stage:*/
// Limit to relevant documents and potentially take advantage of an index
{ $match: {
user_id: "foo"
{ $project: {
user_id: 1,
total: { $add: ["$user_totaldocs", "$user_totalthings"] }
/* To calculate totals across multiple documents you need to use a $group stage with a $sum accumulator, for example: */
{ $group: {
_id: null,
total: { $sum: { $add: ["$user_totaldocs", "$user_totalthings"] } },
totaldocs: { $sum: "$user_totaldocs" },
totalthings: { $sum: "$user_totalthings" }
A group _id of null will combine values from all documents passed to the $group stage,
but you can also use other criteria here (such as grouping by user_id).
i.e. _id: user_id
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