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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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#import ''
def _logwrap(o : Object, s : String)
def metrics()
var elems := model objects();
var nbclasses := elems[Class] size();
log('#Class = ' + nbclasses);
log(' * abstract = ' + elems[Class]->select(e | e.isAbstract) size());
log(' * concrete = ' + elems[Class]->select(e | not e.isAbstract) size());
var nbinter := elems[Interface] size();
log('#Interface = ' + nbinter);
var notcontained := elems[Classifier]->select(e | __ROOT.packagedElement contains(e));
log('#Class/Interface not contained in Package = ' + notcontained size());
notcontained->_logwrap(' * ' + self.qualifiedName);
var nonmatch := elems[Class]->select(e | not matches('.*Entity'));
log('#Class that do not end with "Entity" = ' + nonmatch size());
nonmatch->_logwrap(' * ' + self.qualifiedName);
var badprop := elems[Property]->select(e | e.type = null);
log('#Property w/out type = ' + badprop size());
badprop->_logwrap(' * ' + self.qualifiedName);
log('Misplaced elements = ' + ((notcontained size() / (nbinter + nbclasses) toReal()) * 100.0) + '%');
log('Bad class name = ' + ((nonmatch size() / nbclasses toReal()) * 100.0) + '%');
log('Property w/ missing type = ' + ((badprop size() / elems[Property] size() toReal()) * 100.0) + '%');
def _uml_cPackage(name : String, x : Integer, y : Integer) : Package
var p := create Package{name := name};
__ROOT.packagedElement += p;
__ROOT relatedVisibleGraphics()![Plane].ownedDiagramElements += create PackageWidget{modelElement := p; x :=x; y := y};
return p;
def init_wspace(bname : String) : Collection
var res := [];
res += _uml_cPackage(bname + '.entity', 100, 100) createClass('EntityClass') createAtt('ID') withType(umllib::Integer);
res += _uml_cPackage(bname + '.view', 300, 100) createClass('EntityView');
res += _uml_cPackage(bname + '.presenter', 100, 300) createClass('EntityPresenter');
return res;
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