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Last active March 15, 2021 04:12
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  • Save araphiel/8e9d4527a61c66f4a2fdc351bcb1cf27 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Basic Contentful + MJML email example
const { resolve } = require('path')
const { outputFile, pathExists, removeSync } = require('fs-extra')
const contentful = require('contentful')
const { documentToHtmlString } = require('@contentful/rich-text-html-renderer')
const { BLOCKS, INLINES } = require('@contentful/rich-text-types')
const mjml2html = require('mjml')
const client = contentful.createClient({
const renderOptions = {
renderNode: {
const { title, file } =
const { url, contentType } = file
switch (contentType) {
case 'image/jpeg':
return `<img src="http:${url}" alt="${title}" style="width:100%"/>`
return node
const renderHTML = richText => documentToHtmlString(richText, renderOptions)
function mj(tag, { attributes, content, children } = {}) {
if (!tag) throw new Error('Missing mjml tag')
return {
'tagName': tag,
...(attributes && { 'attributes': attributes }),
...(content && { 'content': content }),
...(children && { 'children': children })
function generateHTML(dir, name, mjml) {
// Remove previous artifacts
const ARTIFACTS = resolve(dir)
if (pathExists(ARTIFACTS)) {
console.log('Old artifacts removed...')
// Create HTML
const { html } = mjml2html(mjml)
const fileName = name.replace(/\s+/g, "-").toLowerCase()
return outputFile(`contentful/${fileName}.html`, html).catch(console.error);
.getEntries({ 'content_type': 'email', 'include': 4 })
.then(entries => => {
const { internalName, title, previewText, section: sections } = entry.fields
$sections = []
sections.forEach((section, idx) => {
const { columns } = section.fields
let $columns = []
columns.forEach((column, idx) => {
let $column = []
const contents = column.fields.content
contents.forEach((item, idx) => $column[idx] = renderHTML(item.fields.text))
$columns[idx] = { content: $column }
$sections[idx] = { columns: $columns }
return {
title: title,
previewText: previewText,
internalName: internalName,
sections: $sections
.then(emails => {
let mjml = []
emails.forEach((email, idx) => {
const { title, previewText, sections, internalName } = email
const mjHeadAttributes = [
mj('mj-title', { 'content': title }),
mj('mj-preview', { 'content': previewText }),
const mjSections ={ columns }) => mj('mj-section', {
'children':{ content }) => mj('mj-column', {
'children': => mj('mj-text', { 'content': item }))
const mjHead = mj('mj-head', { 'children': mjHeadAttributes })
const mjBody = mj('mj-body', { 'children': mjSections })
const mjEmail = mj('mjml', { 'children': [mjHead, mjBody] })
mjml[idx] = {
name: internalName,
mjml: mjEmail
return mjml
.then(email => email.forEach(({ name, mjml }) => {
generateHTML('contentful', name, mjml)
.then(() => console.log('Build complete!'))
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