We have a c source file: something.c
int xmode(char** str)
(*str)[0] = 'X';
(*str) ++; // xmode modified *str
return 0;
version 3
sub xmode(CArray[Str] is rw) returns int32 is native('xmode') { * }
my CArray[Str] $astr .= new;
my $str = "54365";
explicitly-manage($str, encoding => 'utf8');
$astr[0] = $str;
say $astr[0].perl; # "54365"
say xmode($astr);
say $astr[0].perl; # "4365"
say $str; # "54365"
version 2
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
use NativeCall;
sub xmode(CArray[CArray[uint8]]) returns int32 is native('xmode') { * }
my CArray[CArray[uint8]] $astr .= new;
$astr[0] = CArray[uint8].new("54365".encode.list);
say $astr[0].list.perl; # (53, 52, 51, 54, 53)
say xmode($astr);
say $astr[0][0], $astr[0][1]; # 52 51
# say $astr[0].list; # a exception throwed : Don't know how many elements a C array returned from a library
So, how to get orignal string "X4654" in perl6 side .
version 1
Setup a perl6 file, use NativeCall call function xmode: something.p6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
use NativeCall;
sub xmode(CArray[Str]) returns int32 is native('xmode') { * }
my CArray[Str] $astr .= new;
$astr[0] = "54654";
say xmode($astr);
say $astr[0]; // rakudo output -> "4654"
So, how to get orignal string "X4654" in perl6 side .