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Created February 6, 2017 23:09
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Payne-Hanek reduction based on the Jetfuel C# library
# Based on the Jetfuel C# library
# Bits of 1/2π
const INV2PI = UInt64[
(0x28be60db << 32) | 0x9391054a,
(0x7f09d5f4 << 32) | 0x7d4d3770,
(0x36d8a566 << 32) | 0x4f10e410,
(0x7f9458ea << 32) | 0xf7aef158,
(0x6dc91b8e << 32) | 0x909374b8,
(0x01924bba << 32) | 0x82746487,
(0x3f877ac7 << 32) | 0x2c4a69cf,
(0xba208d7d << 32) | 0x4baed121,
(0x3a671c09 << 32) | 0xad17df90,
(0x4e64758e << 32) | 0x60d4ce7d,
(0x272117e2 << 32) | 0xef7e4a0e,
(0xc7fe25ff << 32) | 0xf7816603,
(0xfbcbc462 << 32) | 0xd6829b47,
(0xdb4d9fb3 << 32) | 0xc9f2c26d,
(0xd3d18fd9 << 32) | 0xa797fa8b,
(0x5d49eeb1 << 32) | 0xfaf97c5e,
(0xcf41ce7d << 32) | 0xe294a4ba,
0x9afed7ec << 32
# Bits of π/4
const PI04 = UInt64[
(0xc90fdaa2 << 32) | 0x2168c234,
(0xc4c6628b << 32) | 0x80dc1cd1
const TWOPOWER52 = 2^52
paynehanek(x) -> (quadrant, TwicePrecision{Float64}(hi, lo))
Reduce `x` using the Payne-Hanek method. This method is appropriate
for ``0 < x < ∞``. Returns the remainder of `x` divided by ``π/2``
as a tuple, where the first argument is the quadrant and the second
is a double-double value containing the upper and lower bits of the
remainder, `hi` and `lo`.
function paynehanek(x::Float64)
inbits = reinterpret(UInt64, x)
exponent = ((inbits >> 52) & 0x7ff) - 1023
# Convert to a fixed point representation
inbits &= 0x000fffffffffffff
inbits |= 0x0010000000000000
# Normalize the input to be between 1/2 and 1
exponent += 1
inbits <<= 11
# Based on the exponent, get a shifted copy of INV2PI
idx = exponent >> 6
shift = exponent - (idx << 6)
if shift != 0
shpi0 = idx == 0 ? UInt64(0) : INV2PI[idx] << shift
shpi0 |= INV2PI[idx+1] >> (64 - shift)
shpiA = (INV2PI[idx+1] << shift) | (INV2PI[idx+2] >> (64 - shift))
shpiB = (INV2PI[idx+2] << shift) | (INV2PI[idx+3] >> (64 - shift))
shpi0 = (idx == 0) ? UInt(0) : INV2PI[idx]
shpiA = INV2PI[idx+1]
shpiB = INV2PI[idx+2]
# Multiply input by shpiA
a = inbits >> 32
b = inbits & 0xffffffff
c = shpiA >> 32
d = shpiA & 0xffffffff
ac = a * c
bd = b * d
bc = b * c
ad = a * d
prodB = bd + (ad << 32)
prodA = ac + (ad >> 32)
bita = (bd & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitb = (ad & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitsum = (prodB & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
# Carry
prodA += (bita && bitb) || ((bita || bitb) && !bitsum)
bita = (prodB & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitb = (bc & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
prodB += bc << 32
prodA += bc >> 32
bitsum = (prodB & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
# Carry
prodA += (bita && bitb) || ((bita || bitb) && !bitsum)
# Multiply input by shipiB
c = shpiB >> 32
d = shpiB & 0xffffffff
ac = a * c
bc = b * c
ad = a * d
# Collect terms
ac += (bc + ad) >> 32
bita = (prodB & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitb = (ac & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
prodB += ac
bitsum = (prodB & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
# Carry
prodA += (bita && bitb) || ((bita || bitb) && !bitsum)
c = shpi0 >> 32
d = shpi0 & 0xffffffff
bd = b * d
bc = b * c
ad = a * d
prodA += bd + ((bc + ad) << 32)
# prodA, prodB now contain the remainder as a fraction of π. We
# want that as a fraction of π/2, so use the following steps:
# 1.) multiply by 4
# 2.) do a fixed point multiply by π/4
# 3.) convert to floating point
# 4.) multiply by 2
# This identifies the quadrant
intpart = Int(prodA >> 62)
# Multiply by 4
prodA <<= 2
prodA |= prodB >> 62
prodB <<= 2
# Multiply by π/4
a = prodA >> 32
b = prodA & 0xffffffff
c = PIO4[1] >> 32
d = PI04[1] & 0xffffffff
ac = a * c
bd = b * d
bc = b * c
ad = a * d
prod2B = bd + (ad << 32)
prod2A = ac + (ad >> 32)
bita = (bd & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitb = (ad & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitsum = (prod2B & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
# Carry
prod2A += (bita && bitb) || ((bita || bitb) && !bitsum)
bita = (prod2B & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitb = (bc & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
prod2B += bc << 32
prod2A += bc >> 32
bitsum = (prod2B & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
# Carry
prod2A += (bita && bitb) || ((bitb || bita) && !bitsum)
# Multiply input by PIO4[2]
c = PIO4[2] >> 32
d = PIO4[2] & 0xffffffff
ac = a * c
bc = b * c
ad = a * d
# Collect terms
ac += (bc + ad) >> 32
bita = (prod2B & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitb = (ac & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
prod2B += ac
bitsum = (prod2B & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
# Carry
prod2A += (bita && bitb) || ((bita || bitb) && !bitsum)
# Multiply input by PIO4[1]
a = prodB >> 32
b = prodB & 0xffffffff
c = PIO4[1] >> 32
d = PIO4[1] & 0xffffffff
ac = a * c
bc = b * c
ad = a * d
# Collect terms
ac += (bc + ad) >> 32
bita = (prod2B & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
bitb = (ac & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
prod2B += ac
bitsum = (prod2B & 0x8000000000000000) != 0
# Carry
prod2A += (bita && bitb) || ((bita || bitb) && !bitsum)
# Convert back to Float64
tmpA = (prod2A >> 12) / TWOPOWER52 # high order 52 bits
tmpB = (((prod2A & 0xfff) << 40) + (prod2B >> 24)) / TWOPOWER52 / TWOPOWER52 # low bits
sumA = tmpA + tmpB
sumB = -(sumA - tmpA - tmpB)
# Multiply by π/2 and return
return (intpart, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(2sumA, 2sumB))
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(0x28be60db << 32) | 0x9391054a,

should probably be

(UInt64(0x28be60db) << 32) | 0x9391054a,

or even simpler


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