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Created October 27, 2017 08:43
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Perl get hardware/OS data without non-standard modules
if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
require Win32; Win32::->import();
require Win32::API; Win32::API::->import();
require Win32::TieRegistry; Win32::TieRegistry::->import();
use List::Util 'first';
my $cpu = 'Unknown';
my $cpus = 0;
my $cpufreq = 0;
my $ram = 0;
my $os = 'Unknown';
sub trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s };
if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
# 0.09s
# Note: could use "wmic" to query that stuff, but that is a bit slower (e.g. whole script takes 0.38s)
# OS: 'Windows 10.0.15063'
# CPU: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz'
# CPU count: 12
# CPU freq: 3.3 GHz
# RAM: 16 GB
my $cpuKey = $Registry->Open( "LMachine/HARDWARE/DESCRIPTION/System/CentralProcessor/0", {Access=>Win32::TieRegistry::KEY_READ(),Delimiter=>"/"} );
if ($cpuKey)
$cpu = $cpuKey->{"/ProcessorNameString"};
$cpufreq = hex($cpuKey->{"/~MHz"});
$cpufreq = int(($cpufreq + 50) / 100) * 100; # round to hundreds of MHz
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD MemLoad;
ULONGLONG TotalVirtual;
ULONGLONG AvailVirtual;
ULONGLONG AvailExtendedVirtual;
if (Win32::API->Import('kernel32', 'BOOL GlobalMemoryStatusEx(LPMEMORYSTATUSEX lpMemoryStatusEx)'))
my $memstatus = Win32::API::Struct->new('MEMORYSTATUSEX');
$memstatus->{dwLength} = $memstatus->sizeof();
$memstatus->{MemLoad} = 0;
$memstatus->{TotalPhys} = 0;
$memstatus->{AvailPhys} = 0;
$memstatus->{TotalPage} = 0;
$memstatus->{AvailPage} = 0;
$memstatus->{TotalVirtual} = 0;
$memstatus->{AvailVirtual} = 0;
$memstatus->{AvailExtendedVirtual} = 0;
$ram = $memstatus->{TotalPhys};
($osString, $osMajor, $osMinor, $osBuild, $osID) = Win32::GetOSVersion();
$os = "Windows $osMajor.$osMinor.$osBuild";
elsif ($^O eq 'darwin')
# 0.03s
# OS: 'macOS 10.12.6'
# CPU: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4850HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz'
# CPU count: 8
# CPU freq: 2.3 GHz
# RAM: 16 GB
$os = 'macOS Unknown';
my $strOS = trim(scalar(`sw_vers`));
$os = 'macOS ' . $1 if $strOS =~ /ProductVersion:\s*(.+)/;
$cpu = trim(`sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string`);
$cpus = trim(`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`);
$cpufreq = trim(`sysctl -n hw.cpufrequency`) / 1000000.0;
$ram = trim(`sysctl -n hw.memsize`);
# 0.03s
# OS: 'Linux Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS'
# CPU: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz'
# CPU count: 12
# CPU freq: 3.301 GHz
# RAM: 16 GB
open my $h, "/proc/cpuinfo";
if ($h)
my @info = <$h>;
close $h;
$cpus = scalar(map /^processor/, @info);
my $strCPU = first { /^model name/ } @info;
$cpu = $1 if ($strCPU && $strCPU =~ /:\s+(.*)/);
my $strFreq = first { /^cpu MHz/ } @info;
$cpufreq = $1 if ($strFreq && $strFreq =~ /:\s+(.*)/);
open $h, "/proc/meminfo";
if ($h)
my @info = <$h>;
close $h;
my $strRAM = first { /^MemTotal/ } @info;
$ram = $1 * 1024 if ($strRAM && $strRAM =~ /:\s+(\d+)/);
$os = 'Linux Unknown';
open $h, "/etc/lsb-release";
if ($h)
my @info = <$h>;
close $h;
my $strOS = first { /^DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION/ } @info;
$os = 'Linux ' . $1 if ($strOS && $strOS =~ /=\"(.*)\"/);
$ram = int($ram / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 + 0.5);
$cpufreq = int($cpufreq) / 1000;
print "OS: '$os'\n";
print "CPU: '$cpu'\n";
print "CPU count: $cpus\n";
print "CPU freq: $cpufreq GHz\n";
print "RAM: $ram GB\n";
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There is no allowance for FreeBSD here. The best way to collect this data would be through the FreeBSD sysctl subsystem. CPU is available via 'sysctl hw.model', OS is 'sysctl kern.ostype', CPU count is 'sysctl kern.smp.cpus', CPU frequency is 'sysctl machdep.tsc_freq', and RAM is 'sysctl kern.ipc.maxmbufmem'.

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aras-p commented Oct 31, 2017

@davestoddard very much likely, all I care for my case is Windows, Mac & Linux. I don't have any FreeBSD environment here to test whether whatever I'd write up would actually work.

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nilsoberg2 commented Oct 4, 2019

Thanks for the gist. Can you provide a license for it? (E.g. MIT)

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aras-p commented Oct 12, 2019

Thanks for the gist. Can you provide a license for it? (E.g. MIT)
@nilsoberg2 I'm fine with unlicense / public domain

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