This is a quick attempt to participate in Jadi's contest. If this gist doesn't make any sense to you, just ignore it :)
Usage example: ruby heram.rb 1 2 6 6 70_000_000 4
for instructions, run without arguments (ruby heram
) or just read the source!
human readable results will be printed on STDERR, Comma Separated Value (CSV) format will be printed to STDOUT, so you can ruby heram.rb 1 2 6 6 70_000_000 4 > results.csv
and maybe xdg-open results.csv
to plot it with your program of choice :)
With Gnuplot
installed you can do something like this: ruby heram.rb 1 2 6 6 70_000_000 4 | gnuplot "" > test.png && xdg-open test.png
to generate a plot with Gnuplot file (
) provided here.