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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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# configuration for osx clipboard support | |
set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l sh" |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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# start window index of 1 | |
set-option -g base-index 1 | |
setw -g pane-base-index 1 | |
# sane scrolling | |
# set-option -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@' | |
# UTF-8 | |
set-option -g status-utf8 on | |
#supposedly fixes pausing in vim | |
set-option -sg escape-time 1 | |
set-window-option -g mode-mouse on | |
set-option -g mouse-select-pane on | |
set-option -g mouse-resize-pane on | |
set-option -g mouse-select-window on | |
# act like vim | |
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi | |
bind h select-pane -L | |
bind j select-pane -D | |
bind k select-pane -U | |
bind l select-pane -R | |
bind-key -r C-h select-window -t :- | |
bind-key -r C-l select-window -t :+ | |
# # act like GNU screen | |
unbind C-b | |
set -g prefix C-a | |
# Allow C-A a to send C-A to application | |
bind C-a send-prefix | |
# Reload key | |
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf | |
# # look good | |
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" | |
set -g history-limit 5000 | |
setw -g xterm-keys on | |
# # Rebinding the pane splitting bindings | |
# unbind % # Remove default bindings since we're replacing | |
bind | split-window -h | |
bind - split-window -v | |
# Open panes in new window | |
unbind v | |
unbind n | |
bind v send-keys " ~/tmux-panes -h" C-m | |
bind n send-keys " ~/tmux-panes -v" C-m | |
# # Set window notifications | |
setw -g monitor-activity on | |
set -g visual-activity on | |
# panes | |
bind-key -r J resize-pane -D 5 | |
bind-key -r K resize-pane -U 5 | |
bind-key -r H resize-pane -L 5 | |
bind-key -r L resize-pane -R 5 | |
set-option -g pane-border-fg green | |
set-option -g pane-border-bg black | |
set-option -g pane-active-border-fg white | |
set-option -g pane-active-border-bg yellow | |
# statusbar -------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# # default statusbar colors | |
set-option -g status-fg white | |
set-option -g status-bg black | |
set-option -g status-attr default | |
# # default window title colors | |
set-window-option -g window-status-fg cyan | |
set-window-option -g window-status-bg default | |
set-window-option -g window-status-attr dim | |
# # active window title colors | |
set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg white | |
set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg red | |
set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright | |
# # command/message line colors | |
set-option -g message-fg white | |
set-option -g message-bg black | |
set-option -g message-attr bright | |
# # Refresh the status bar every 30 seconds. | |
set-option -g status-interval 30 | |
# # The status bar itself. | |
set -g status-justify centre | |
set -g status-left-length 40 | |
set -g status-left "#[fg=#009900]Session: #S #[fg=yellow]#I #[fg=cyan]#P" | |
set -g status-right "#[fg=blue]#(~/battery Discharging) | #[fg=cyan]%d %b %R" | |
set-option -g display-time 1000 | |
# Reload source file | |
bind-key r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "Configuration reloaded" | |
# Macros | |
# Show url in buffer | |
bind C-o run-shell "open $(tmux show-buffer)" | |
# Pipe pane to log file | |
bind-key P pipe-pane -o "cat >>$HOME/#W-tmux.log" \; display-message "Toggled logging to $HOME/#W-tmux.log" | |
# Maximize and restore panes. Don't switch windows between using these :) | |
# maximize | |
unbind Up | |
bind Up neww -d -n tmp \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; select-window -t tmp | |
# Restore | |
unbind Down | |
bind Down last-window \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; kill-window -t tmp | |
# Sync panes | |
bind C-s set-window-option synchronize-panes | |
# OSX Clipboard support | |
source ~/.tmux.clipboard | |
bind C-v run "tmux set-buffer $(reattach-to-user-namespace pbpaste); tmux paste-buffer" | |
bind C-c run "tmux save-buffer - | reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy" | |
# Linux clipboard support | |
bind C-p run "tmux set-buffer \"$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)\"; tmux paste-buffer" | |
bind C-y run "tmux save-buffer - | xclip -i -selection clipboard" | |
# Clear the current pane AND clear the pane's history | |
bind C-k send-keys 'C-l'\; clear-history |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#!/bin/sh | |
# This needs to be in the home folder and needs | |
# to be chmod +x so it runs right. | |
linux_get_bat () | |
{ | |
bf=$(cat $BAT_FULL) | |
bn=$(cat $BAT_NOW) | |
BAT=`echo "100 * $bn / $bf" | bc` | |
echo $BAT | |
} | |
freebsd_get_bat () | |
{ | |
echo "$(sysctl -n hw.acpi.battery.life)%" | |
} | |
# Do with grep and awk unless too hard | |
# TODO Identify which machine we're on from teh script. | |
case $(uname -s) in | |
"Linux") | |
BATPATH=/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 | |
STATUS=$BATPATH/status | |
BAT_FULL=$BATPATH/energy_full | |
BAT_NOW=$BATPATH/energy_now | |
if [ "$1" = `cat $STATUS` -o "$1" = "" ]; then | |
echo $(linux_get_bat)% | |
fi | |
;; | |
"FreeBSD") | |
STATUS=`sysctl -n hw.acpi.battery.state` | |
case $1 in | |
"Discharging") | |
if [ $STATUS -eq 1 ]; then | |
freebsd_get_bat | |
fi | |
;; | |
"Charging") | |
if [ $STATUS -eq 2 ]; then | |
freebsd_get_bat | |
fi | |
;; | |
"") | |
freebsd_get_bat | |
;; | |
esac | |
;; | |
"Darwin") | |
case $1 in | |
"Discharging") | |
ext="No";; | |
"Charging") | |
ext="Yes";; | |
esac | |
ioreg -c AppleSmartBattery -w0 | \ | |
grep -o '"[^"]*" = [^ ]*' | \ | |
sed -e 's/= //g' -e 's/"//g' | \ | |
sort | \ | |
while read key value; do | |
case $key in | |
"MaxCapacity") | |
export maxcap=$value;; | |
"CurrentCapacity") | |
export curcap=$value;; | |
"ExternalConnected") | |
if [ "$ext" != "$value" ]; then | |
exit | |
fi | |
;; | |
"FullyCharged") | |
if [ "$value" = "Yes" ]; then | |
exit | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
if [[ -n "$maxcap" && -n $curcap ]]; then | |
BAT=`echo "100 * $curcap / $maxcap" | bc` | |
echo ${BAT}% | |
exit | |
fi | |
done | |
esac |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
tmux split-window $1 | |
tmux send-keys "cd $TMUX_CURRENT_DIR;clear" C-m |
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