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Created April 13, 2022 17:53
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$ brew list
==> Formulae
ali gnu-sed libogg mitmproxy recode
aom gnupg libpng mpdecimal rtmpdump
apr gnutls libpq mpfr rubberband
apr-util go libpthread-stubs mpv ruby
argon2 gobject-introspection librist msgpack sdl2
asdf graphite2 librsvg mujs sheldon
aspell graphviz libsamplerate mutagen six
autoconf grep libsndfile ncurses snappy
automake groonga libsodium neko speex
bat gts libsoxr neovim sqlite
bazel guile libssh2 netpbm srt
bdw-gc harfbuzz libtasn1 nettle starship
berkeley-db haxe libtermkey nginx telnet
brotli helix libtiff nnn tesseract
btop helm libtool node theora
c-ares htop libunistring npth tidy-html5
ca-certificates httpie libusb oniguruma tile38
cairo icu4c libuv openal-soft tldr
chezmoi imath libvidstab opencore-amr tmux
cjson isl libvmaf openexr tokei
cmocka jansson libvorbis openjdk@11 tree-sitter
composer jasper libvpx openjpeg uchardet
coreutils jpeg libx11 openldap unbound
curl jpeg-turbo libxau openssl@1.1 unibilium
dav1d jpeg-xl libxcb opus unixodbc
dnsmasq jq libxdmcp p11-kit utf8proc
ffmpeg jshon libxext pango util-linux
ffmpeg@4 krb5 libxrender pcre vapoursynth
flac lame libyaml pcre2 vim
fontconfig leptonica libzip perl webp
freetds libarchive little-cms2 php wget
freetype libass lsd pinentry x264
frei0r libassuan lua pipenv x265
fribidi libavif luajit-openresty pixman xorgproto
gcc libb2 luv pkg-config xvid
gd libbluray lz4 postgresql xxh
gdbm libevent lzo pre-commit xz
gdk-pixbuf libffi m4 protobuf yt-dlp
genact libgcrypt macos-term-size pwgen zeromq
gettext libgpg-error mariadb python@3.10 zimg
giflib libidn2 mbedtls python@3.9 zsh
git libksba mbedtls@2 rav1e zstd
glib libmpc mecab readline
gmp libnghttp2 mecab-ipadic reattach-to-user-namespace
==> Casks
android-file-transfer flutter google-chrome notion robo-3t
android-studio font-cascadia-code http-toolkit paw skype
balenaetcher font-fira-code iina phpstorm spotify
chromium font-fira-code-nerd-font iterm2 postman tableplus
docker font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font lyricsx proxyman utm
eul font-monoid maccy pycharm visual-studio-code
figma font-vazirmatn macfuse raycast webstorm
firefox goland motrix rectangle
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