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Created March 26, 2019 15:21
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"use strict";
// -- stdlib --
var pure = a=>_=>a // pure :: a -> IO a
var bind = m=>f=>_=>f(m())() // bind :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
var exec = m=>m() // exec :: IO a -> a
var wrap = f=>a=>_=>f(a) // wrap :: (a -> b) -> (a -> IO b)
var put = wrap(console.log.bind(console)) // put :: a -> IO ()
var get = wrap(url=>{ // get :: string -> IO string
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()"get", url, false)
return xhr.responseText
// -- runtime --
Object.defineProperty(window, "main", { set: exec });
A proof that (pure,bind) is a Monad:
law1: (return x) >>= f == f x
= (m=>f=>_=>f(m())())(pure(x))(f)
= (f=>_=>f(pure(x)())())(f)
= _=>f(pure(x)())()
= f((pure)(x)())
= f((a=>_=>a)(x)())
= f((_=>x)())
= f(x)
bind(pure(x))(f) = f(x)
law2: m >>= return == m
= (m=>f=>_=>f(m())())(m)(pure)
= ( f=>_=>f (m())()) (pure)
= ( _=>pure(m())())
= ( _=>(a=>_=>a)(m())())
= ( _=>(_=>(m())) ())
= ( _=>((m())) )
= _=>(m())
bind(m)(pure)() = m()
bind(m)(pure) = m
law3: (m >>= f) >>= g == m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
= bind( bind (m) (f) )(g)
= bind( (n=>h=>_=>h(n())()) (m) (f) )(g)
= bind( ( h=>_=>h(m())()) (f) )(g)
= bind ( _=>f(m())()) (g)
= bind (_=>f(m())()) (g)
= (n=>h=>_=>h (n())()) (_=>f(m())()) (g)
= (n=>h=>_=>h( n ())()) (_=>f(m())()) (g)
= ( h=>_=>h( (_=>f(m())()) ())()) (g)
= ( _=>g( (_=>f(m())()) ())())
= ( _=>g( f(m())() )())
= (_=>g(f(m())())())
bind(m)(x => bind(f(x))(g))
= bind(m)(x => (n=>h=>_=>h(n())()) (f(x)) (g))
= bind(m)(x => (n=>h=>_=>h(n ())()) (f(x)) (g))
= bind(m)(x => ( h=>_=>h((f(x)) ())()) (g))
= bind(m)(x => ( h=>_=>h((f(x)) ())()) (g))
= bind(m)(x => ( _=>g((f(x)) ())()) )
= bind(m)(x => (_=>g((f(x))())()))
= (n=>h=>_=>h(n())()) (m) (x => (_=>g((f(x))())()))
= ( h=>_=>h(m())()) (x => (_=>g((f(x))())()))
= ( h=>_=>h (m())()) (x => (_=>g((f(x))())()))
= ( _=>(x => (_=>g((f(x))())())) (m())())
= ( _=>(x => (_=>g((f(x ))())())) (m())())
= ( _=>( (_=>g((f((m()) ))())())) ())
= (_=>((_=>g((f((m())))())()))())
= (_=>(_=>g(f(m())())())())
= (_=>g(f(m())())())
bind(bind(m)(f))(g) = bind(m)(x => bind(f(x))(g))
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