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Created January 7, 2021 11:15
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ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller_base) do
bc =
bc.add_silencer { |line| line.start_with?(RbConfig::CONFIG["rubylibdir"]) }
bc.add_silencer { |line| line =~ Regexp.union(
%w{ bootsnap railties spring activesupport actionpack zeitwerk thor rack }.
map{|g| /\A#{g} \([\w.]+\) /}
trace = bc.clean(caller)
puts "Cleaned backtrace:\n\t#{trace.join("\n\t")}\n"
puts "Most probably the cause is: #{trace.first}"
puts "If not - uncomment `raise` at #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__+1}"
# raise "i can haz full backtrace"
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