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Created March 26, 2020 21:37
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def convert_to_midi(prediction_output):
offset = 0
output_notes = []
# create note and chord objects based on the values generated by the model
for pattern in prediction_output:
# pattern is a chord
if ('.' in pattern) or pattern.isdigit():
notes_in_chord = pattern.split('.')
notes = []
for current_note in notes_in_chord:
new_note = note.Note(cn)
new_note.storedInstrument = instrument.Piano()
new_chord = chord.Chord(notes)
new_chord.offset = offset
# pattern is a note
new_note = note.Note(pattern)
new_note.offset = offset
new_note.storedInstrument = instrument.Piano()
# increase offset each iteration so that notes do not stack
offset += 1
midi_stream = stream.Stream(output_notes)
midi_stream.write('midi', fp='music.mid')
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