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Created January 27, 2021 17:55
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import numpy as np
def madd_net(net='50', image_res=224, use_s1=False, is_bot=False, use_se=False, include_fc=True):
num_blocks = {
'50': [3, 4, 6, 3],
'101': [3, 4, 23, 3],
'152': [3, 8, 36, 3],
'128': [3, 4, 23, 12],
'77': [3, 4, 6, 12],
'110': [3, 4, 23, 6],
'59': [3, 4, 6, 6],
'350': [3, 44, 66, 3]
resolution = [image_res // 4, image_res // 4, image_res // 8, image_res // 16]
input_channels = [64, 256, 512, 1024]
output_channels = [256, 512, 1024, 2048]
bottleneck_channels = [64, 128, 256, 512]
strides = [1, 2, 2, 1] if use_s1 else [1, 2, 2, 2]
is_conv = [True, True, True, False] if is_bot else [True, True, True, True]
se_ratio = 0.0625 if use_se else None
stem_madds = 7**2 * 3 * 64 * (image_res // 2)**2
stem_params = 7**2*3*64
dense_madds = 2048 * 1000
dense_params = 2048 * 1000
net_madds = stem_madds + dense_madds if include_fc else stem_madds
net_params = stem_params + dense_params if include_fc else stem_params
for i in range(4):
group_madds, group_params = madd_per_group(
input_channels[i], bottleneck_channels[i], output_channels[i],
resolution[i], stride=strides[i], is_conv=is_conv[i],
se_ratio=se_ratio, num_blocks=num_blocks[i])
net_madds += group_madds
net_params += group_params
return net_madds, net_params
def madd_per_group(
madds_first_group, params_first_group = madd_per_bottleneck_block(input_channels, bottleneck_channels, output_channels, resolution, stride=stride, is_conv=is_conv, se_ratio=se_ratio)
madds_rest, params_rest = madd_per_bottleneck_block(output_channels, bottleneck_channels, output_channels, resolution // stride, stride=1, is_conv=is_conv, se_ratio=se_ratio)
madds_rest *= (num_blocks - 1)
params_rest *= (num_blocks - 1)
return madds_first_group + madds_rest, params_first_group + params_rest
def madd_per_bottleneck_block(
### Begin Input 1x1 ###
input_pointwise_madds = input_channels * bottleneck_channels * resolution ** 2
input_pointwise_params = input_channels * bottleneck_channels
### End Input 1x1 ###
### Begin Bottleneck ###
if not is_conv:
### Begin All2All Self-Attention w/ Rel-Pos ####
attention_pointwise_params = 3 * bottleneck_channels ** 2
attention_pointwise_madds = 3 * bottleneck_channels **2 * resolution ** 2
attention_logit_qk_madds = bottleneck_channels * (resolution)**4
attention_logit_qr_madds = 2 * (2*resolution-1) * bottleneck_channels * (resolution)**2 # no split relative by default
attention_logit_madds = attention_logit_qk_madds + attention_logit_qr_madds
v_accumulation_madds = resolution**2 * bottleneck_channels * (resolution)**2
spatial_mixing_madds = attention_pointwise_madds + attention_logit_madds + v_accumulation_madds
conv_params = 0
spatial_mixing_params = attention_pointwise_params
### End All2All Self-Attention w/ Rel-Pos ###
### Begin Conv Flops ###
spatial_mixing_madds = (resolution // stride)**2 * kernel_size ** 2 * bottleneck_channels**2
conv_params = kernel_size **2 * bottleneck_channels**2
attention_pointwise_params = 0
spatial_mixing_params = conv_params
### End Conv Flops ###
### End Bottleneck ###
### Begin Output 1x1 ###
output_pointwise_madds = bottleneck_channels * output_channels * (resolution // stride)**2
output_pointwise_params = bottleneck_channels * output_channels
### End Output 1x1 ###
### Projection Shortcut ###
if input_channels != output_channels:
projection_madds = input_channels * output_channels * (resolution // stride)**2
projection_params = input_channels * output_channels
projection_madds = 0 # (resolution//stride_after)**2 * output_channels DOUBLE CHECK THIS
projection_params = 0
### End Projection Shortcut ###
### Squeeze-Excite ###
if se_ratio:
se_contraction_madds = output_channels**2 * se_ratio
se_contraction_params = output_channels**2 * se_ratio
se_expansion_madds = output_channels**2 * se_ratio
se_expansion_params = output_channels**2 * se_ratio
se_params = se_expansion_params + se_contraction_params
se_madds = se_expansion_madds + se_contraction_madds
se_contraction_madds = 0
se_contraction_params = 0
se_expansion_madds = 0
se_expansion_params = 0
se_params = se_expansion_params + se_contraction_params
se_madds = se_expansion_madds + se_contraction_madds
## End Squeeze-Excite ###
return (input_pointwise_madds + spatial_mixing_madds + output_pointwise_madds + projection_madds + se_madds,
input_pointwise_params + spatial_mixing_params + output_pointwise_params + projection_params + se_params)
base_mrcnn_config = {'net': '50', 'image_res': 1024, 'include_fc': False}
base_imnet_config = {'net': '50', 'image_res': 224}
configs = {
'res50_mrcnn': {'net': '50', 'image_res': 1024, 'include_fc': False},
'bot50_mrcnn': {'net': '50', 'image_res': 1024, 'include_fc': False, 'is_bot': True},
'res101_mrcnn': {'net': '101', 'image_res': 1024, 'include_fc': False},
'bot101_mrcnn': {'net': '101', 'image_res': 1024, 'include_fc': False, 'is_bot': True},
'res152_mrcnn': {'net': '152', 'image_res': 1024, 'include_fc': False},
'bot152_mrcnn': {'net': '152', 'image_res': 1024, 'include_fc': False, 'is_bot': True},
# ImNet
'res50_imnet': {'net': '50'},
'res50_imnet_i256': {'net': '50', 'image_res': 256},
'se50_imnet': {'net': '50', 'use_se': True},
'bot50_imnet': {'net': '50', 'is_bot': True},
'bot_s1_50_imnet': {'net': '50', 'is_bot': True, 'use_s1': True},
'res101_imnet': {'net': '101'},
'se101_imnet': {'net': '101', 'use_se': True},
'res152_imnet': {'net': '152'},
'se152_imnet': {'net': '152', 'use_se': True},
'bot7': {'net': '128', 'is_bot': True, 'use_s1': True, 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 384},
'bot7a': {'net': '128', 'is_bot': True, 'use_s1': True, 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 320},
'bot6': {'net': '77', 'is_bot': True, 'use_s1': True, 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 320},
'bot5': {'net': '128', 'is_bot': True, 'use_s1': True, 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 256},
'bot4': {'net': '110', 'is_bot': True, 'use_s1': True, 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 224},
'bot3': {'net': '59', 'is_bot': True, 'use_s1': True, 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 224},
'se152_288': {'net': '152', 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 288},
'se50_160': {'net': '50', 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 160},
'se350_320': {'net': '350', 'use_se': True, 'image_res': 320}}
models = ['res50_mrcnn', 'bot50_mrcnn', 'res101_mrcnn', 'res152_mrcnn']
for model in models:
madds, params = madd_net(**configs[model])
print('madds for {}'.format(model), madds)
print('params for {}'.format(model), params)
print('ImageNet Stuff')
models = ['res50_imnet', 'bot50_imnet', 'bot_s1_50_imnet',
'res101_imnet', 'res152_imnet', 'se50_imnet', 'se101_imnet',
'se152_imnet', 'res50_imnet_i256']
for model in models:
madds, params = madd_net(**configs[model])
print('madds for {}'.format(model), madds)
print('params for {}'.format(model), params)
print('ImageNet BoT family Stuff')
models = ['bot3', 'bot4', 'bot5', 'bot6', 'bot7', 'bot7a']
for model in models:
madds, params = madd_net(**configs[model])
print('madds for {}'.format(model), madds)
print('params for {}'.format(model), params)
print('ImageNet SE family Stuff')
models = ['se50_160', 'se152_288', 'se350_320']
for model in models:
madds, params = madd_net(**configs[model])
print('madds for {}'.format(model), madds)
print('params for {}'.format(model), params)
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