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Created July 16, 2016 23:14
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var playerScore = 0;
var correctGuesses = [];
// A function to get the set of possible letters
function getLetters() {
// Select the element with the id 'letters'
var lettersContainer = document.querySelector('#letters');
// Get the text content of the element
var letters = lettersContainer.innerText;
// Return the letters
return letters;
// A function to get the user's guess
function getGuess() {
// Select the input element where the user enters their guess
var wordGuess = document.querySelector('input#word-guess');
// Get the text content of the element
var guess = wordGuess.value;
// Return the guess
return guess;
function shuffleLetters() {
var currentLetters = getLetters().split("");
var newLetters = new Array(7);
var randomIndex = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 7));
for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
while (newLetters[randomIndex]) {
randomIndex = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 7));
newLetters[randomIndex] = currentLetters.pop();
return newLetters.join('');
// A function to display a message on the screen
function showMessage(messageText) {
// Select the element to display a message
var messageElem = document.querySelector('#game-message');
// Set the text value of the element to the provided text
messageElem.innerText = messageText;
// A function to check whether the guessed word is correct or not
function checkGuess() {
// Collect the text from the letters and the guess
var letters = getLetters();
var guess = getGuess();
if (guess.length === 0 || guess.length > 7) {
showMessage("Guess is the wrong length! Try again!");
return false;
// Convert both to uppercase so we can compare equals
guess = guess.toUpperCase().split('');
letters = letters.toUpperCase().split('');
// Determine if all the characters in the guess are in the letters
for (var i = 0; i < guess.length; i++) {
var currentChar = guess[i];
// If the current character can't be found in letters, the guess is incorrect
if (letters.indexOf(currentChar) === -1) {
// Show a message saying guess is incorrect
showMessage("Wrong guess, try again.");
// Return false to exit the function
return false;
letters[letters.indexOf(currentChar)] = "-";
// If we've made it this far, then the guess must be correct!
// Show a message saying guess is correct
showMessage("Good guess, that is correct!");
document.getElementById("guesses").innerHTML = "<div>" + correctGuesses.join("</div><div>") + "</div><br>";
// Return true to exit the function
return true;
function getNewLetters()
var text = "";
var vowels = "AEIOUY";
var vowelNumber = 0;
for( var i=0; i < 7; i++ ) {
text += possible.charAt(getWeightedCharacterIndex());
for (var x=0; x<7; x++) {
if (vowels.indexOf(text[x]) != -1) {
vowelNumber += 1;
if (vowelNumber < 2) {
return getNewLetters();
} else {
return text;
function updateLetters(fun, message) {
document.getElementById("letters").innerHTML = fun();
function startNewGame() {
updateLetters(getNewLetters, "New game - good luck!");
document.getElementById("guesses").innerHTML = "";
function shuffle() {
updateLetters(shuffleLetters, "Letters shuffled!");
var letterThresholds = [8167, 9659, 12441, 16694, 29396, 31624, 33639, 39733, 46699, 46852, 47624, 51649, 54055, 60804, 68311, 70240, 70335, 76322, 82649, 91705, 94463, 95441, 97801, 97951, 99925, 99999];
function getWeightedCharacterIndex() {
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999);
for (var x=0; x<letterThresholds.length; x++) {
if (num < letterThresholds[x]) {
return x;
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