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Created April 28, 2021 08:44
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Commandline tool to convert ISO(19119 and 19139) metadata to DCAT-AP
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Commandline tool to convert ISO(19119 and 19139) metadata to DCAT-AP based on
Requires: lxml
Usage: `./ --help`
from lxml.etree import XML, XSLT, tostring
from urllib.request import urlopen
import argparse
XSL_URL = ""
def main(xml, xsl):
if xml.startswith("http://") or xml.startswith("https://"):
with urlopen(xml) as response:
xml_string =
with open(xml, mode="rb") as xml_file:
xml_string =
if xsl.startswith("http://") or xsl.startswith("https://"):
with urlopen(xsl) as response:
xsl_string =
with open(xsl, mode="rb") as xsl_file:
xsl_string =
xml = XML(xml_string)
xsl = XML(xsl_string)
transform = XSLT(xsl)
print(tostring(transform(xml), pretty_print=True).decode("utf-8"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert ISO19139 to DCAT-AP")
parser.add_argument("xml", metavar="XML", type=str, help="XML file or URL")
parser.add_argument("--xsl", metavar="XSL", type=str, help="XSLT file or URL")
args = parser.parse_args()
xsl = args.xsl
if xsl is None:
xsl = XSL_URL
main(args.xml, xsl)
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