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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Instruction for using PCAPI

Instructions for using the PCAPI for app development. Original documentation can be found here. Source code is hosted on Github.

1. Usage

For the mobile app, you will need a server-side compenent for the app to communicate with. This will be PCAPI, which at the moment is running at EDINA, university of Edinburgh. PCAPI receives and stores observations, when these are send to PCAPI. PCAPI can also publish the observations to a WFS server, so the observations will be avalaible in a standardized way. This is a requirement for your application, but PCAPI is taking care of this. This document will explain how to setup a PCAPI development server and how to "talk" to PCAPI. You will need a development server, since most of the data you will be creating during development will just be dummy data. So it is better to not "bother" the live server with it.

Virtual machine with Ubuntu running

To setup a test server, easiest way is to use a clean Ubuntu installation. You can get a clean installation of Ubuntu running on every operating system with Virtual Box. You can download the latest version of Ubuntu here. Here is a guide how to get ubuntu running with in virtualbox.

Prerequisites on clean Ubuntu installation

You can install the prerequisites by issueing the commands in terminal which are listed after every dash.

  • Fabric - sudo apt-get install fabric
  • virtualenv - sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
  • Wand - sudo apt-get install python-pip && sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev && sudo pip install Wand
  • libxml2-dev - sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
  • libxslt1-dev - sudo apt-get install libxslt1-dev
  • python-dev - sudo apt-get install python-dev

Run development server first time

Checkout code, deploy with fabric and run python script in virtualenv by executing the following commands in the terminal:

  1. git clone && cd pcapi
  2. fab deploy_local
  3. cd ~/local/pcapi
  4. . bin/activate
  5. python ~/local/pcapi/pcapi/wsgi/
  • When installing, it might complain on some python modules missing, then you can install them with: sudo easy_install NAME_OF_PACKAGE. Some package that were missing: dropbox, beautifulsoup4 and then try later.

Now the PCAPI test server should be running on You can check it by requesting in your browser.

Running development server second time and more

  1. Make sure that the network adaptor of the VM is running in bridged mode
  2. Edit and save ~/local/pcapi/pcapi/resources/config.ini to set host IP in config file to IP adress of VM machine on local network (get this ip adress by executing ifconfig on VM machine)
  3. Executecd ~/local/pcapi
  4. . bin/activate
  5. python ~/local/pcapi/pcapi/wsgi/

If you experience problems first try to ping the VM from the host machine. If that works try telnet; telnet IPADRESS PORTNUMBER. If that works, you know that you do not experience network problems, so therefore the problem is with the (running) server (perhaps it is not running after all?).

PCAPI usage

Currently PCAPI does not have authentication for local storage. For the moment this is fine, for the application. Theoretically, nobody knows the URL for the application, so at least it is. As a consequence of this lack of authentication every user is anonymous. For testing the PCAPI yourself you can create a new user (1), create a new file to create a directory for the user (2) and (3) start uploading records. In the app itself only (3) will take place, since all the users will upload records to the same userid.

Down here are some examples how to use the PCAPI. For this I use curl, a commandline tool for sending http requests (and much more). You can install curl by typing sudo apt-get install curl in the terminal.

  1. Issue authentication request: curl Which returns, if succesfull: {"state": 1, "userid": "7c3474746e9c4067898a3dd4bb7e3a79"}
  2. Create first file if userid has never been used: curl -X POST --form file=@/path/tosomefile
  3. Upload a record: curl --form file=@/path/tosomerecord http://localhost:8080/records/dropbox/EXVLgQ5yVXaS8scB/myrecord/myrecord.json

The userid can be used for subsequent requests you can use this userid for uploading records and files. For now there is now authentication yet. Nobody knows the URL so it is security through obscurity.

2. Format of records

The current format that is being used for uploading records to PCAPI is a custom JSON format, for sake of compatibility this will be changed soon. Keep this in mind for the implementation. JSON is the defacto data format standard for the web world, GeoJSON is a standard created for the web to exchange spatial data.

Current record format (custom JSON)

		"editor": "some test form.edtr",
		"fields": [
				"id": "fieldcontain-image-1",
				"val": "1400232234488.jpg",
				"label": "Image"
				"id": "fieldcontain-textarea-1",
				"val": "aaaaaa",
				"label": "Are you crazy?"
		"name": "Image (16-05-2014 10h23m48s)",
		"point": {
			"lon": -2.61423674216074,
			"lat": 53.75417231374662
		"timestamp": "2014-05-16T09:24:08.620Z"

Near future record format (GeoJSON)

		"type": "Feature",
		"geometry": {
		"type": "Point",
		"coordinates": [
		"properties": {
			"name": "Dinagat Islands",
			"editor": "UCD.edtr",
			"fields": [
					"id": "fieldcontain-select-1",
					"label": "Floodies",
					"val": "Lake"
					"id": "fieldcontain-image-1",
					"val": "1401104417222.jpg",
					"label": "Take"
			"timestamp": "2014-05-26T11:40:48.217Z"

3. Information on HTTP requests

Some general information on HTTP REST services and how the internet works: link

Information on how to send HTTP request with a JAVA library: link

THis REST API enables you to develop a CRUD application (this is more background information on the concept): link

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