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Last active December 22, 2021 11:02
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Project Structure for React


react-ps is an a proposed React.js application's project structure. The document is currently under developement but will be available soon for inspiration.


A component is a react component responsible for the visuals following the file/folder structure. Please note NewsLetter is the name of the component

|-- NewsLetter
    |-- NewsLetter.tsx
    |-- index.tsx
    |-- index.styled.ts
    |-- container.tsx
    `-- components/
        |-- UserInformation/ (follows the component's file structure)

What does it contain?

  • NewsLetter.tsx contains the component itself. It should be exported as default. The name of the component matches the folder & file name it is contained in. In the above example, the file will

    /** NewsLetter.tsx */
    export default NewsLetter;
  • index.tsx imports the component from the NewsLetter.tsx file and exports it as default.

    /** index.tsx */
    import NewsLetter from "./NewsLetter";
    export default NewsLetter;
  • index.styled.ts will contain & export all the styled-components to be used by the component.

  • container.tsx will contain business logic, i.e. sending the user's email to server, accessing context API or redux store. This way the component will not be polluted with business logic making it re-usable. It will export the container component which will be the same name as the component followed by the suffix Container i.e.

    /** container.tsx */
    export default NewsLetterContainer;
  • components/ will contain components used by the component under discussion.

How to use a Component?

If a component requires another component, it should create a folder (name should be the same as the component that is required) inside its components/ directory. The folder should now follow the same structure but with a slight twist.

Rather than creating a component from scratch and then exporting it, the already existing component that is required should be imported and then exported as default i.e.

/** inside index.tsx file of UserInformation */
import UserInformation from "components/UserInformation";
export default UserInformation;

If we need to add business logic before this component can be used, we need to create a container.tsx file which will then use the component and add business logic. It will then export this container as default. i.e.

export default UserInformationContainer;


A route is a react component responsible for managing sub-routes and the route itself. The name will be the route's name + 'Route' (as suffix).

Naming Convention

Human Readable URL/URI (Kebab Case) Route Route's Component
User Management user-management UserManagementRoute UserManagement
Create Account user-management/create-account CreateAccountRoute CreateAccount

Following is the file/folder structure:

|-- HomeRoute/
    |-- index.tsx
    |-- component/ (follows the component's file structure)
    |   |-- index.tsx
    |   |-- container.tsx
    |   |-- index.styled.ts
    |   ...
    `-- routes/
        |-- AboutRoute/ (follows the route's file structure)
        |   |-- component/ (follows the component's file structure)
        |   |   |-- index.tsx
        |   |   ...
        |   `-- index.tsx
        `-- ContactRoute/ (follows the route's file structure)
            |-- component/ (follows the component's file structure)
            |   |-- index.tsx
            |   ...
            `-- index.tsx

What does it contain?

  • index.tsx contains the component that manages routing, this includes accessing route parameters, managing sub-routes and rendering of the route itself. The component name will be the same as the folder name i.e. AboutRoute and will be exported as default.

    export default AboutRoute;
  • component/ directory will hold the component that will be rendered on the route/url. It will follow the component's file structure excluding naming of the folder. The component will be named after the route name (excluding the Route suffix) i.e. the component of AboutRoute will be About.

    export default About;
  • routes/ directory will hold the Route components of the sub-routes. The Route components will follow the Route's file structure.

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