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Last active August 1, 2018 20:11
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df <- tibble::tribble(
~id, ~response,
1, "Paris to Berlin blah blah blah",
2, "Hello there stuff berlin London to Madrid berlini-Stuff Dover",
3, "Białystok to Port-au-Prince",
4, "I went to Saudi",
5, "I went to Saudi arabia"
cities <- c("Paris", "Berlin", "London", "Madrid", "Dover(-Foxcroft)?",
"Bialystok", "Port-au-Prince", "Beijing", "Saudi( Arabia)?")
codes_rex <- "\\b(BOS|CDG|LAX)((?:-(BOS|CDG|LAX))+)\\b"
stri_match_all_regex("BOS-CDG-LAX and other stuff", codes_rex)
cities_rx <- str_c("(?i)\\b(", str_c(cities, collapse = "|"), ")\\b")
df_ <- df %>%
mutate(response = stri_trans_general(response, "latin-ascii")) %>%
mutate(cities = str_extract_all(response, cities_rx)) %>%
select(id, cities) %>%
unnest %>%
mutate(cities = str_to_title(cities))
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