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Last active November 3, 2016 00:37
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For an animation of the run see:
2d Implementation of the Lenz-Ising Model
Created on May 13, 2014
Updated on Nov 02, 2016
@author: Andrew Bennett
The Ising model can be used to calculate the ground state energy of a spin lattice. You can think
of a spin lattice as a grid of particles with a property called spin, which can be plus or minus 1.
Energy can be stored between two particles, a and b, and is defined by
E(a,b) = J if spin(a)==spin(b),
0 otherwise.
We "solve" the Ising model with the Metropolis algorithm with selection probabilities related to
thermal equilibrium. First, let dE = E(~a,b) - E(a,b) where ~a refers to a, but with the spin flipped.
Then, the probability of keeping a random flip is given by
P(switch) = 1 if dE < 0,
exp(-b*dE) otherwise
Given this information the algorithm is as follows:
1. Choose a random lattice site
2. Calculate the energy associated with it
3. Calculate the energy of the site if the spin were flipped
4. If the energy is lowered, keep the flip, otherwise keep the flip with P(switch)
5. Goto 1
Note that this does _not_ simulate the lattice in time, but is rather an optimization to find the ground
state energy of the system.
for more information about the implementation.
# Imports
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
def neighbors(a,b):
Nearest neighbors (up, down, left, right)
return [[a+1,b],[a-1,b],[a,b+1],[a,b-1]]
def E1(x,y):
Calculates the energy at a site
for n in neighbors(x,y):
# If spins are the same energy is added (ie opposites attract)
energy += J if lat[x][y] == lat[n[0]][n[1]] else 0
return energy
def E2(x,y):
Calculates the energy at a site, given a flipped spin
for n in neighbors(x,y):
# If spins are the same energy is added (ie opposites attract)
energy += J if -lat[x][y] == lat[n[0]][n[1]] else 0
return energy
def base_energy():
Calculates the energy of the initial lattice
# Loop over all cells
for j in range(N-2):
for k in range(N-2):
# At each cell grab 4 nearest neighbors
for n in neighbors(j+1,k+1):
# Interaction energy defined in E1
return energy
# Variables
N_draws = 400 # Number of images to create
N_it = 50 # Number of iterations before drawing
N = 52 # reassigning from parsed args may be
J = -1 # Strength of the interaction
H = 0 # Background field
beta = 1e-20 # kT (very small unless ridiculous temperature)
# Initialize the lattice with random spins
# Calculate the initial energy
energy = np.zeros(N_draws)
energy[1] = base_energy()
# Run the simulation
for i in range(N_draws-1):
fig = plot.figure()
# Compute N_it flips
net_dE = 0 # Reset change in energy
for t in range(N_it):
# Choose a random site
x = random.randint(0,N-4)+2 # Need to pad the boundaries to account for
y = random.randint(0,N-4)+2 # different neighbor arrangements
# Compute the energy difference of flipped - current
dE = E2(x,y)-E1(x,y)
# Selection criteria:
# - If energy was lowered by flipping, flip
# - Otherwise, still flip with probability exp(-b*dE)
if dE < 0 or np.random.rand() > math.exp(-beta*dE):
lat[x][y] =- lat[x][y] # Flip the spin
net_dE += dE # Keep track of energy shift
# Record the energy
energy[i+1] = energy[i] + net_dE
# Plotting and saving
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax2.imshow(lat, interpolation='nearest', cmap='bone')
plot.savefig("out_" + str(i).zfill(5) + ".png")
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