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Last active April 15, 2020 16:32
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Simple triangle enumeration julia
using SparseArrays
function find_triangles(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Int64,Int64})
n = size(A, 1) # number of nodes
d = vec(sum(A, dims=2)) # degree vector
deg_order = zeros(Int64, n)
deg_order[sortperm(d)] = 1:n
triangles = []
for i = 1:n
N_i = findnz(A[:, i])[1] # neighbors of node i
# only look over pairs of neighbors with higher degree order
N_i_keep = [j for j in N_i if deg_order[j] > deg_order[i]]
for jj = 1:length(N_i_keep)
for kk = (jj + 1):length(N_i_keep)
j = N_i_keep[jj]
k = N_i_keep[kk]
# check for triangle
if A[j, k] > 0
# triangle (i, j, k)
push!(triangles, (i, j, k))
return triangles
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