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Created July 5, 2017 22:13
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Ruby on Rails Test - Adina Bianchi
class MissionsController < ApplicationController
def index
# Gets list of unique mission type ids for current program
# Could be pulled out into a model method.
mission_type_ids = (
current_company.missions_for_program(current_program).pluck("distinct(mission_type_id)") #+
# Gets mission types with IDs matching mission_type_ids. Could avoid multiple calls by using a join.
@mission_types = MissionType.prioritised.where id: mission_type_ids
# Gets missions for current program including associated data for later use.
@missions = current_company.missions_for_program(current_program)
.includes(:company, :mission_type, :survey => {:questions => [:translations, {:answers => :translations }] })
# Checks to see if any of the missions have the featured attribute set to true.
@featured_present = @missions.exists?(featured: true)
# Filter to single intersecting mission_type if param is present:
if params[:mission_type_id].present? && !sponsored?
@missions = @missions.with_mission_type_id (mission_type_ids & Array(params[:mission_type_id]).map(&:to_i))
# Gets MissionType by specific mission type id.
# Could use find_by instead of where...first
@mission_type = MissionType.where(id: params[:mission_type_id]).first
elsif params[:search].blank?
# If no mission type id or search term is passed in through params, or if sponsored...
if @featured_present
# Changes @missions to only include those that are featured and have specified mission type ids
@missions = @missions.featured.with_mission_type_id @mission_types.pluck(:id)
# If no featured present, update mission_type to the first mission type with specified IDs
@mission_type = @mission_types.first
# Sets mission type id to previously specified @mission_type id.
# Would probably store this in a new variable instead of updated the param itself.
params[:mission_type_id] =
@missions = @missions.with_mission_type_id (mission_type_ids & [])
# Filters @missions by those with names matching or containing the search term if it is present.
@missions = @missions.where('UPPER(name) LIKE ?', "%#{params[:search].upcase}%") if params[:search].present?
# Filters @missions by those that are sponsored.
@missions = @missions.sponsored if sponsored?
# Sorts @missions by position, date, name and id.
@missions = @missions.order 'missions.position asc, missions.mission_date asc, asc, desc'
# Gets milestones associated with @missions
@missions = @missions.includes(:milestones)
# Annotate the Code Above with an explanation of what's being done
# List the params being acted upon
# :mission_type_id and :search
# List the variables being exposed for the view and what you expect they'll contain
# @mission_type will contain the id of the first mission_type for a program
# @mission_types will contain an array of MissionTypes scoped by priority key and filtered by a search term if that is present
# @featured_present will contain a boolean specifying whether there are any featured missions
# @missions will contain an array of Missions for a particular program
# Annotate or propose how you'd improve the code for readability/maintainability
# In addition to the above comments, I would add 'scope' statements to the Mission model to pull some of this search logic out of the controller.
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