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Created June 24, 2017 15:47
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Trivia Game Feedback
// ADINA: This structure works but a constructor object would help you avoid repeating code. It would look something like this:
// var questions = [];
// function question(question, answers, correctAnswer) {
// this.question = question;
// this.answers = answers;
// this.correctAnswer = correctAnswer;
// questions.push(this);
// }
// var q1 = new question("Who was the team’s coach in the 1999-2000 season?",["Dean Smith", "Bill Guthridge", "Matt Doherty", "Roy Williams"]);
//Missing is code that on click would access file for "gun cocking".
//Second Sound File would be accessed upon a wrong answer and would fire a shot.
var triviaQuestions = [{
question: "Which villian's weapon was a hat?",
answerList: ["Odd Job", "Jaws", "Xenia Onatopp", "Auric Goldfinger"],
answer: 0
question: "How does Goldfinger try to kill James Bond?",
answerList: ["Gun","Laser","Car Bomb","Strangulation"],
answer: 1
question: "What is Octopussy's main talent?",
answerList: ["Criminal Mastermind", "Gymnast", "Pilot", "World-class hotdog eating champ"],
answer: 2
question: "Who is notorius for using a golden gun?",
answerList: ["Ernst Stavro Blofeld","Alec Trevelyan","Francisco Scaramanga","Dr. Kananga"],
answer: 2
question: "Who was the first actor to portray James Bond?",
answerList: ["Daniel Craig", "Zac Efron", "George Lazenby", "Sean Connery"],
answer: 3
question: "What type of gun does James Bond use?",
answerList: ["Ak-47","Walther PPK","Machine Gun","Glock"],
answer: 1
question: "What does the second 'E' in SPECTRE stand for?",
answerList: ["Extortion","Extinction","Extermination","Elimination"],
answer: 0
question: "Who created James Bond?",
answerList: ["J.K. Rowling", "Ian Fleming", "Mario Puzo", "Tom Clancy"],
answer: 1
question: "What is James Bond's Military Rank?",
answerList: ["Private First Class","Colonel British Army","007 Agent","Commander in the Royal Navy"],
answer: 3
question: "What is Q's Real Name?",
answerList: ["It's Actually Q"," Sir Christopher Smith","Major Geoffrey Boothroyd","Colonel William Lawrence"],
answer: 2
var gifArray = ['question1', 'question2', 'question3', 'question4', 'question5', 'question6', 'question7', 'question8','question9','question10'];
var currentQuestion; var correctAnswer; var incorrectAnswer; var unanswered; var seconds; var time; var answered; var userSelect;
var messages = {
correct: "Way to go Double-0!",
incorrect: "You might want Q to answer these for you",
endTime: "Out of time!",
finished: "The mission is over,<br> did you come out unscathed."
$('#startBtn').on('click', function(){
$('#startOverBtn').on('click', function(){
function game(){
currentQuestion = 0;
correctAnswer = 0;
incorrectAnswer = 0;
unanswered = 0;
function Question(){
answered = true;
$('#currentQuestion').html('Question #'+(currentQuestion+1)+'/'+triviaQuestions.length);
$('.question').html('<h3>' + triviaQuestions[currentQuestion].question + '</h3>');
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
var choices = $('<div>');
choices.attr({'data-index': i });
userSelect = $(this).data('index');
function countdown(){
seconds = 15;
$('#timeLeft').html('<h3>Time Remaining: ' + seconds + '</h3>');
answered = true;
time = setInterval(showCountdown, 1000);
function showCountdown(){
$('#timeLeft').html('<h3>Time Remaining: ' + seconds + '</h3>');
if(seconds < 1){
answered = false;
function answers(){
var rightAnswerText = triviaQuestions[currentQuestion].answerList[triviaQuestions[currentQuestion].answer];
var rightAnswerIndex = triviaQuestions[currentQuestion].answer;
$('#gif').html('<img src = "assets/images/'+ gifArray[currentQuestion] +'.jpg" width = "200px">');
if((userSelect == rightAnswerIndex) && (answered == true)){
} else if((userSelect != rightAnswerIndex) && (answered == true)){
$('#correctedAnswer').html('The correct answer was: ' + rightAnswerText);
} else{
$('#correctedAnswer').html('The correct answer was: ' + rightAnswerText);
answered = true;
if(currentQuestion == (triviaQuestions.length-1)){
setTimeout(scoreboard, 5000)
} else{
setTimeout(Question, 5000);
function scoreboard(){
$('#correctAnswers').html("Correct Answers: " + correctAnswer);
$('#incorrectAnswers').html("Incorrect Answers: " + incorrectAnswer);
$('#unanswered').html("Unanswered: " + unanswered);
$('#startOverBtn').html('Start Over?');
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