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Created June 24, 2017 15:16
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Trivia Game Feedback
//ADINA: Using an array for storing questions/answers but a constructor object would help you avoid repeating code. It would look something like this:
// var questions = [];
// function question(question, answers, correctAnswer) {
// this.question = question;
// this.answers = answers;
// this.correctAnswer = correctAnswer;
// questions.push(this);
// }
// var q1 = new question("Who was the team’s coach in the 1999-2000 season?",["Dean Smith", "Bill Guthridge", "Matt Doherty", "Roy Williams"]);
$( document )
.ready( function() {
var un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix;
var questions, counter, currentQuestion, currentAnswer, numberCorrect, intervalId;
// Timer Functionality
var timer = {
time: 30,
resetTime: function() {
timer.time = 30;
clearInterval( intervalId );
start: function() {
intervalId = setInterval( timer.count, 1000 );
count: function() {
var newTime = timer.convert( timer.time );
if ( timer.time === 0 ) {
updateDisplay: function() {
$( "#time-display" )
.html( timer.convert( timer.time ) );
convert: function( t ) {
var minutes = Math.floor( t / 60 );
var seconds = t - ( minutes * 60 );
if ( seconds < 10 ) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
if ( minutes === 0 ) {
minutes = "00";
} else if ( minutes < 10 ) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
return minutes + ":" + seconds;
// Questions
function mrMinutiae( question, answers, correct, img ) {
this.question = question;
this.answers = answers;
this.correctAnswer = correct;
this.image = img;
this.answerSelected = false;
this.answeredCorrectly = false;
function riddleMeThis() {
un = new mrMinutiae( "What is the name of the main character in Beyond Good and Evil?", [ "Woof", "Pey'j", "Double H", "Jade" ]
, "Jade"
, "assets/images/jade.jpg" );
deux = new mrMinutiae( "What is Jade's occupation?", [ "Photographer", "Barmaid", "Police Officer", "Pro Dog Petter" ]
, "Photographer"
, "assets/images/boss.png" );
trois = new mrMinutiae( "Who composed the soundtrack of Beyond Good and Evil?", [ "Woof", "Yves Guillemot", "Christophe Heral", "Shigeru Miyamoto" ]
, "Christophe Heral"
, "assets/images/Woof.jpg" );
quatre = new mrMinutiae( "What is the name of Jade's spaceship?", [ "Suck-it-Miyamoto", "Space Doggy", "The Fortune", "The Beluga" ]
, "The Beluga"
, "assets/images/beluga.jpg" );
cinq = new mrMinutiae( "Why are there human-animal hybrids?", [ "Humans needed a new form of slavery for space colonization", "Because the wealthy wanted to talk to their dogs", "Because it's just a game and not everything needs a reason", "They're actually just aliens that resemble human animals" ]
, "Humans needed a new form of slavery for space colonization"
, "assets/images/peyj.jpg" );
six = new mrMinutiae( "Why did Beyond Good and Evil fail commercially?", [ "It was released the same day as The Prince of Persia"
, "Because the marketing was poor"
, "Because the doggy wasn't shown off in trailers"
, "All of the above" ]
, "All of the above"
, "assets/images/kbups.jpg" );
sept = new mrMinutiae( "Who is the main enemy in Beyond Good and Evil?", [ "Dog Haters United!", "The IRIS Network", "Shigeru Miyamoto", "The Dom'z" ]
, "The Dom'z"
, "assets/images/hillys.png" );
huit = new mrMinutiae( "How many platforms has Beyond Good and Evil been released on?", [ "6", "4", "3", "8" ]
, "6"
, "assets/images/nino.jpg" );
neuf = new mrMinutiae( "How many PA-1s can be acquired in Beyond Good and Evil?", [ "1", "13", "14", "Virtually infinite" ]
, "13"
, "assets/images/mei.jpg" );
dix = new mrMinutiae( "What is the name of the moon above Hillys?", [ "Selene", "Luna", "Karl Marx", "Dog Heaven" ]
, "Selene"
, "assets/images/doubleh.jpg" );
questions = [ un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix ];
counter = 0;
numberCorrect = 0;
showQuestion( counter );
$( "#next" )
.css( "display", "block" );
// Game Logic
function newSequence( array ) {
// ADINA: Try to avoid using javascript reserved words as variable names:
var length = array.length;
while ( length > 0 ) {
var index = Math.floor( Math.random() * length );
//swaps randomly chosen element with the element at current end index
var temp = array[ length ];
array[ length ] = array[ index ];
array[ index ] = temp;
return array;
function answerList( question ) {
//returns list of scrambled answers from triviaQuestion object
var scrambledAnswers = newSequence( question.answers );
var ul = $( "<ul>" );
for ( var i = 0; i < question.answers.length; i++ ) {
var current = question.answers[ i ];
ul.append( $( "<li>" )
.html( current )
.addClass( "answer" ) );
return ul;
function select( choice ) {
choice.css( {
"font-size": "18pt"
, "background": "green"
} );
choice.attr( "id", "selection" );
currentQuestion.answeredCorrectly = isCorrect();
function deselect( choice ) {
choice.removeAttr( "id", "selection" );
choice.css( {
"font-size": ""
, "background": ""
} );
function isCorrect() {
if ( currentQuestion.correctAnswer === currentAnswer.html() ) {
return true;
return false;
function endGame() {
var score = ( numberCorrect / questions.length ) * 100;
var endGameText = "You completed the quiz! Your score is " + score + "% (" + numberCorrect + " out of " + questions.length + " questions correct).";
if ( score < 60 ) {
alert( "You failed this quiz. You need to play Beyond Good and Evil." )
$( "#questions" )
.append( endGameDiv( endGameText ) );
$( "#next" )
function timeUp() {
var score = ( numberCorrect / questions.length ) * 100;
var timeUpText = "You ran out of time! Your score is " + score + "%.";
$( "#questions" )
.append( endGameDiv( timeUpText ) );
clearInterval( intervalId );
$( "#next" )
function endGameDiv( text ) {
return $( "<div>" )
.addClass( "end-game" )
.html( text );
$( document )
.on( "click touchstart", ".answer", function( event ) {
currentAnswer = $( this );
if ( currentQuestion.answerSelected === false ) {
select( currentAnswer );
currentQuestion.answerSelected = true;
$( '#next' )
.prop( 'disabled', false );
} else {
deselect( $( "#selection" ) );
select( currentAnswer );
} );
function showQuestion( questionNumber ) {
var questionDiv = $( "<div class = 'triviaQuestions'>" );
var answersDiv = $( "<div class= 'answers'>" );
currentQuestion = questions[ questionNumber ];
$( "#questions" )
.html( "<img class='question-img img-responsive' src=" + currentQuestion.image + ">" );
questionDiv.html( currentQuestion.question );
answersDiv.html( answerList( currentQuestion ) );
$( "#questions" )
.append( questionDiv )
.append( answersDiv );
// Buttons
$( "#start" )
.on( "click", function() {
$( "#timer-" )
$( this )
} )
$( "#next" )
.on( "click", function( event ) {
if ( currentQuestion.answerSelected && counter < questions.length ) {
//log correct/incorrect for prev question
//display correct/incorrect
if ( isCorrect( currentQuestion.correctAnswer ) ) {
showQuestion( counter );
} else if ( currentQuestion.answerSelected && counter === questions.length ) {
if ( isCorrect( currentQuestion.correctAnswer ) ) {
clearInterval( intervalId );
$( '#next' )
.prop( 'disabled', true );
} )
} )
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