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Last active May 20, 2023 06:02
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<map proto="1.4.2">
<name>Jungle Arena</name>
<objective>Kill the most players in 10 minutes</objective>
<author uuid="bf9c87df-fd6c-4b2d-b1f2-aefb5512a46d" contribution="Map Creator"/> <!-- JIGABOT -->
<author uuid="c25a6f7b-4c42-40da-8cd6-add53f0c84eb" contribution="Logistics, Tweaks, XML"/> <!-- arcadeboss -->
<rule>Don't spawn kill, go fight in the arenas.</rule>
<players max="32" max-overfill="100"/>
<kit id="spawn-kit">
<effect duration="oo" amplifier="255">damage resistance</effect>
<effect duration="oo" amplifier="255">mining_fatigue</effect>
<kit id="pvp-kit" force="true">
<item slot="0" unbreakable="true" material="iron sword"/>
<item slot="1" unbreakable="true" material="bow" enchantment="arrow infinite"/>
<item slot="2" unbreakable="true" material="fishing rod"/>
<item slot="28" material="arrow"/>
<item slot="8" material="golden apple"/>
<chestplate unbreakable="true" material="iron chestplate"/>
<leggings unbreakable="true" material="iron leggings"/>
<boots unbreakable="true" material="iron boots" enchantment="feather_falling:7"/>
<effect duration="5s" amplifier="255">damage resistance</effect>
<effect duration="oo" amplifier="255">mining_fatigue</effect>
<default yaw="-90" region="obs-spawn-point"/>
<spawn kit="spawn-kit" yaw="180" region="spawn-point"/>
<tip after="2s" every="3m" count="3">This is the original ROXBOT Jungle Arena, by JIGABOT.</tip>
<tip after="5s" every="3m" count="2">Leave the lobby to get your PVP kit and begin the battle.</tip>
<tip after="60s" every="3m" count="3">The map contains several areas and arenas, including secret passages.</tip>
<tip after="90s" every="3m" count="2">Hint: One hard-to-reach area is accessible only through lava.</tip>
<tip after="120s" every="3m" count="2">There is more than one trap, but those are in the advanced areas.</tip>
<tip after="150s" every="3m" count="2">Three diamond swords are stashed on the map.</tip>
<any id="only-redstone">
<material>piston base</material>
<material>piston sticky base</material>
<material>piston extension</material>
<material>piston moving piece</material>
<material>smooth brick</material>
<material>double step</material>
<negative id="pvp-area">
<cuboid id="lobby-area" min="-5,61,13" max="6,67,24"/>
<cylinder id="spawn-point" base=".5,63,18.5" radius="5" height="0"/>
<cylinder id="obs-spawn-point" base="-25.5,94,-71.5" radius="0" height="0"/>
<!-- applicators -->
<apply block-break="only-redstone" block-place="only-redstone" region="everywhere" message="You may not edit the map!"/>
<apply kit="spawn-kit" region="lobby-area"/>
<apply kit="pvp-kit" region="pvp-area"/>
<apply velocity="0,0,-.5"> <!-- no returning to spawn, push back -->
<cuboid min="-2,62,12" max="3,65,15"/>
<item>iron sword</item>
<item>iron helmet</item>
<item>iron leggings</item>
<item>iron chestplate</item>
<item>iron boots</item>
<item>golden apple</item>
<item material="golden apple" amount="1"/>
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