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Last active November 13, 2023 21:29
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List email notification recipients for Jobs #adtempus #sql #version4

This SQL script lists the names and addresses of all Notification Recipients used by Notification Actions in Responses defined for Jobs and Job Steps and for Notification Tasks within jobs.

select as JobName,0 as stepNumber,'Response' as [Type],,addr.address
from job j
join response r on j.oid=r.JobOID
join ResponseAction a on a.ResponseOID=r.oid
join notificationAction na on na.oid=a.oid
join NotificationActionRecipient nar on nar.NotificationActionOID=na.oid
join NotificationRecipient nr on nr.oid=nar.NotificationRecipientOID
join notificationAddress addr on addr.ownerOID=nr.oid
select as JobName,js.stepNumber as stepNumber,'Response' as [Type],,addr.address
from job j
join jobStep js on j.oid=js.JobOID
join response r on js.oid=r.JobStepOID
join ResponseAction a on a.ResponseOID=r.oid
join notificationAction na on na.oid=a.oid
join NotificationActionRecipient nar on nar.NotificationActionOID=na.oid
join NotificationRecipient nr on nr.oid=nar.NotificationRecipientOID
join notificationAddress addr on addr.ownerOID=nr.oid
select as JobName,js.stepNumber as stepNumber,'Notification Task' as [Type],,addr.address
from job j
join jobStep js on j.oid=js.JobOID
join task t on js.oid=t.JobStepOID
join notificationTask nt on nt.oid=t.oid
join NotificationTaskRecipient ntr on ntr.NotificationTaskOID=t.oid
join NotificationRecipient nr on nr.oid=ntr.NotificationRecipientOID
join notificationAddress addr on addr.ownerOID=nr.oid
order by,stepNumber
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