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Last active September 24, 2022 02:47
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What to know and do, before and during the development of a php framework?
Hello friends; if you got here you already know a little about what this is about, I am trying to create a roadmap to develop my own framework with your ideas and opinions, since I believe that there is no absolute truth.
Objective: create a framework from scratch; with a graphical environment for its setup/configuration; with CMS capabilities to establish the different areas of development: Maintenance, Processes, Reports.
What I want to avoid: dependencies on external libraries.
What I need from you: your opinions, to know what you consider to be good and bad in the other frameworks, what things would change, but first I need to know in what order it should be developed.
What to know and do, before and during the development of a php framework (The Roadmap)?
Before development:
1. Select the platform (OS, Stack) and the minimum requirements for your framework to work correctly, establish the stack dependencies and the methods to carry out the development and deployment without major problems. create the minimum documentation required on the platform (SO, Stack) to make your framework work.
During the development:
1. The use of interfaces, traits will be avoided.
1. Generic Libraries.
1.1 classLoader.
2. installer/environment configuration from form.
OS: Operating System
Stack: Server application or that provides the web service for the execution of php or other languages
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@givihuda thank you, i will take your experience and work in account.

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