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{"song": {"song": "Anubis", "notes": [{"lengthInSteps": 16, "bpm": 70.25444719657735, "changeBPM": false, "mustHitSection": true, "sectionNotes": [], "typeOfSection": 0}, {"lengthInSteps": 16, "bpm": 130, "changeBPM": false, "mustHitSection": true, "sectionNotes": [], "typeOfSection": 0}, {"lengthInSteps": 16, "bpm": 130, "changeBPM": false, "mustHitSection": true, "sectionNotes": [], "typeOfSection": 0}, {"lengthInSteps": 16, "bpm": 129, "changeBPM": false, "mustHitSection": true, "sectionNotes": [], "typeOfSection": 0}, {"lengthInSteps": 16, "bpm": 130, "changeBPM": false, "mustHitSection": true, "sectionNotes": [], "typeOfSection": 0}, {"lengthInSteps": 16, "bpm": 129, "changeBPM": false, "mustHitSection": true, "sectionNotes": [], "typeOfSection": 0}, {"lengthInSteps": 16, "bpm": 129, "changeBPM": false, "mustHitSection": true, "sectionNotes": [], "typeOfSection": 0}, {"lengthInSteps": 16, "bpm": 129, "changeBPM": false, "mustHitSection": true, "sectionNotes": [], "typeOfSection": 0}, {"lengthInSteps": 16