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Created August 22, 2008 16:58
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serve_form('GET', Req) ->
{ok, Form} = form:render(signup_form()),
Req:ok("text/html", Form);
serve_form('POST', Req) ->
Post = Req:parse_post(),
case form:valid_post(signup_form(), Post) of
{valid, Fields} ->
NewAcct = [{name, proplists:get_value("txtusername",Fields)},
{pass, proplists:get_value("txtpassword",Fields)},
{addr, proplists:get_value("txtemailaddress",Fields)}],
Req:ok("text/html", io_lib:format("New account: ~p", [NewAcct]));
{invalid, Result, Fields} ->
{ok, Form} = form:render_with_fields(signup_form(), Fields),
Req:ok("text/html", Form)
signup_form() ->
form:create("Account details",
"", % URL to this form (POST)
[form:text("User Name:", [string, not_empty, {length, [3,30]},
{not_predicate, fun vhreg_account:exists/1}]),
form:text("Email Address:", [not_empty, email_address]),
form:password("Password:", "txtpassword",
[password, not_empty, {length, [8, infinity]}]),
form:password("Re-enter Password:", "txtpasswordc",
[{"passwords", [{duplication, ["txtpassword", "txtpasswordc"]}]}]
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