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Last active December 25, 2015 17:39
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First implementation of a Trie in Scala. Only supports Strings as of now.
import scala.language.postfixOps
import sys.process._
import trie._
object Main {
val ENTER = 10
val BACKSPACE = 127
// Dict sample
val words = io.Source.fromFile("/usr/share/dict/words").getLines
.map(x => x.toLowerCase).toList
val sample = Trie(words)
def suggestBasedOn(input: String) =
sample.getPrefix(input.mkString) match {
case Some(prefix) =>
println(Trie.availableWords(prefix).mkString(", "))
case None => println("No words matching input")
def runAutoCompleter = {
var run = true
var buffer = ""
while (run) {
val cin =
if (cin == ENTER)
run = false
else if (cin == BACKSPACE && buffer.length > 0) {
buffer = buffer.substring(0, buffer.length-1)
println(": " + buffer)
} else {
buffer = buffer + cin.toChar
println(": " + buffer)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// required to capture every keystroke on *nix-like systems
(Seq("sh", "-c", "stty -icanon min 1 < /dev/tty") !)
(Seq("sh", "-c", "stty -echo < /dev/tty") !)
println("Start typing a word")
package trie
* Semi-functional implementation of a Trie
* Only operates on Strings as of now
// weights in edges (frequency of usgae for ex)
// the node data is mutable
case class Node(value: String,
var children: Map[Char, Node] = Map(),
var isValidWord: Boolean = false)
class Trie {
private val root = Node("")
def addWord(word: String) = {
val chars = word.toCharArray
var curnode = root
for (ch <- chars) {
if (!curnode.children.contains(ch))
curnode.children += (ch -> Node(curnode.value + ch))
curnode = curnode.children(ch)
curnode.isValidWord = true
def containsPrefix(prefix: String): Boolean = contains(prefix, false)
def containsWord(word: String): Boolean = contains(word, true)
def contains(word: String, isWord: Boolean): Boolean = getNode(word) match {
case Some(n: Node) => ((n.isValidWord && isWord) || (!isWord))
case None => false
def getWord(word: String): Option[Node] = getNode(word) match {
case Some(n) if n.isValidWord => Some(n)
case _ => None
def getPrefix(prefix: String): Option[Node] = getNode(prefix)
def getNode(arg: String): Option[Node] = {
def nodeFinder(node: Node, chpos: Int): Option[Node] =
node.children.get(arg(chpos)) match {
case Some(n) if chpos == arg.length-1 => Some(n)
case Some(n) => nodeFinder(n, chpos+1)
case None => None
nodeFinder(root, 0)
// companion object
object Trie {
def apply(words: List[String]): Trie = {
val t = new Trie
for (word <- words)
// this works but looks kind of crazy
def availableWords(n: Node): List[String] = {
def helper(node: Node): List[String] = {
var acc = List[String]()
if (node.isValidWord)
acc ::= node.value
for (child <- node.children.values)
acc :::= helper(child)
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