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Created December 28, 2013 05:24
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  • Save archisman-panigrahi/8156325 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save archisman-panigrahi/8156325 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function getZipCode(location, callback) {
//If it's a woeid, we bypass the first step
if ($.isNumeric(location)) {
woeid_request(location, callback)
//If they use a normal location
} else {
$.get("*%20from%20geo.places%20where%20text%3D%22" + encodeURIComponent(location) + "%22&format=xml", function(locationData) {
// Gets the WOEID && Caches Location Name
var woeid = $(locationData).children().children().children().first().children().filterNode("woeid").text()
localStorage.typhoon_location = $(locationData).children().children().children().first().children().filterNode("name").text()
if (woeid) {
// WOEID Request to find Global ZIP Code
woeid_request(woeid, callback)
} else {
function woeid_request(woeid, callback) {
$.get("" + woeid, function(woeidData) {
//Cache Name
function getWeatherData(zipCode, callback) {
url: '' + zipCode + '_f.xml?'+(Math.random() * 100),
success: function(data) {
error: function(data) {
if (data.status === 0) {
function generateStats(data, callback) {
//Weather Object
weather = {}
//Location = $(data).filterNode('yweather:location').attr("city") = $(data).filterNode('yweather:location').attr("country")
weather.temperature = $(data).filterNode('item').children().filterNode("yweather:condition").attr("temp")
weather.temperatureUnit = $(data).filterNode('yweather:units').attr("temperature")
weather.windUnit = $(data).filterNode('yweather:units').attr("speed")
weather.windSpeed = $(data).filterNode('yweather:wind').attr("speed")
weather.windDirection = $(data).filterNode('yweather:wind').attr('direction')
weather.humidity = $(data).filterNode('yweather:atmosphere').attr('humidity')
//Weekly Weather
weekArr = $(data).filterNode("item").children().filterNode("yweather:forecast")
weather.week = []
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
weather.week[i] = {}
weather.week[i].day = $(weekArr[i]).attr("day")
weather.week[i].code = $(weekArr[i]).attr("code")
weather.week[i].low = $(weekArr[i]).attr("low")
weather.week[i].high = $(weekArr[i]).attr("high")
//Current Weather
weather.code = $(data).filterNode('item').children().filterNode("yweather:condition").attr("code")
if (weather.code == "3200") {
weather.code = weather.week[0].code
if (callback) {
function render(location) {
$('.border .sync').addClass('busy');
getWeatherData(location, function(rawdata) {
generateStats(rawdata, function(weather) {
$("#city").text(localStorage.typhoon_location ||
$("#code").text(weather_code(weather.code)).attr("class", "w" + weather.code)
//Sets initial temp as Fahrenheit
var temp = weather.temperature
if (localStorage.typhoon_measurement == "c") {
temp = Math.round((weather.temperature -32)*5/9)
$("#temperature").text(temp + " °C")
} else if (localStorage.typhoon_measurement == "k") {
temp = Math.round((weather.temperature -32)*5/9) + 273
$("#temperature").text(temp + " K")
} else {
$("#temperature").text(temp + " °F")
document.title = temp
var windSpeed = weather.windSpeed
if (localStorage.typhoon_speed != "mph") {
//Converts to either kph or m/s
windSpeed = (localStorage.typhoon_speed == "kph") ? Math.round(windSpeed * 1.609344) : Math.round(windSpeed * 4.4704) /10
$("#windUnit").text((localStorage.typhoon_speed == "ms") ? "m/s" : localStorage.typhoon_speed)
$("#humidity").text(weather.humidity + " %")
//Background Color
//Weekly Bro.
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
$('#' + i + ' .day').text(weather.week[i].day)
$('#' + i + ' .code').text(weather_code(weather.week[i].code))
if (localStorage.typhoon_measurement == "c") {
$('#' + i + ' .temp').html(Math.round((weather.week[i].high -32)*5/9) + "°<span>" + Math.round((weather.week[i].low -32)*5/9) + "°</span>")
} else if (localStorage.typhoon_measurement == "k") {
$('#' + i + ' .temp').html(Math.round((weather.week[i].high -32)*5/9) + 273 + "<span>" + Math.round((weather.week[i].low -32)*5/9 + 273) + "</span>")
} else {
$('#' + i + ' .temp').html(weather.week[i].high + "°<span>" + weather.week[i].low + "°</span>")
//Show Icon
$('.border .sync, .border .settings').css("opacity", "0.8")
// spin the thing for 500ms longer than it actually takes, because
// most of the time refreshing is actually instant :)
setTimeout(function() { $('.border .sync').removeClass('busy'); }, 500)
function background(temp) {
// Convert RGB array to CSS
var convert = function(i) {
// Array to RGB
if (typeof(i) == 'object') {
return 'rgb(' + i.join(', ') + ')';
// Hex to array
} else if (typeof(i) == 'string') {
var output = [];
if (i[0] == '#') i = i.slice(1);
if (i.length == 3) i = i[0] + i[0] + i[1] + i[1] + i[2] + i[2];
output.push(parseInt(i.slice(0,2), 16))
output.push(parseInt(i.slice(2,4), 16))
output.push(parseInt(i.slice(4,6), 16))
return output;
// Get color at position
var blend = function(x) {
x = Number(x)
var gradient = [{
pos: 0,
color: convert('#0081d3')
}, {
pos: 10,
color: convert('#007bc2')
}, {
pos: 20,
color: convert('#0071b2')
}, {
pos: 30,
color: convert('#2766a2')
}, {
pos: 40,
color: convert('#575591')
}, {
pos: 50,
color: convert('#94556b')
}, {
pos: 60,
color: convert('#af4744')
}, {
pos: 70,
color: convert('#bb4434')
}, {
pos: 80,
color: convert('#c94126')
}, {
pos: 90,
color: convert('#d6411b')
}, {
pos: 100,
color: convert('#e44211')
var left = {
pos: -1,
color: false,
percent: 0
var right = {
pos: 101,
color: false,
percent: 0
// Get the 2 closest stops to the specified position
for (var i=0, l=gradient.length; i<l; i++) {
var stop = gradient[i];
if (stop.pos <= x && stop.pos > left.pos) {
left.pos = stop.pos;
left.color = stop.color;
} else if (stop.pos >= x && stop.pos < right.pos) {
right.pos = stop.pos;
right.color = stop.color;
// If there is no stop to the left or right
if (!left.color) {
return convert(right.color);
} else if (!right.color) {
return convert(left.color);
// Calculate percentages
right.percent = Math.abs(1 / ((right.pos - left.pos) / (x - left.pos)));
left.percent = 1 - right.percent;
// Blend colors!
var blend = [
Math.round((left.color[0] * left.percent) + (right.color[0] * right.percent)),
Math.round((left.color[1] * left.percent) + (right.color[1] * right.percent)),
Math.round((left.color[2] * left.percent) + (right.color[2] * right.percent)),
return convert(blend);
//Sets Background Color
if (localStorage.typhoon_color == "gradient") {
var percentage = Math.round((temp - 45) * 2.2)
$("#container").css("background", blend(percentage))
} else {
$("#container").css("background", "#" + localStorage.typhoon_color)
// Converts Yahoo weather to icon font
function weather_code(a){var b={0:"(",1:"z",2:"(",3:"z",4:"z",5:"e",6:"e",7:"o",8:"3",9:"3",10:"9",11:"9",12:"9",13:"o",14:"o",15:"o",16:"o",17:"e",18:"e",19:"s",20:"s",21:"s",22:"s",23:"l",24:"l",25:"`",26:"`",27:"2",28:"1",29:"2",30:"1",31:"/",32:"v",33:"/",34:"v",35:"e",36:"v",37:"z",38:"z",39:"z",40:"3",41:"o",42:"o",43:"o",44:"`",45:"z",46:"o",47:"z",3200:"`"};return b[a]}
$(document).ready(function() {
//Filters Proprietary RSS Tags
jQuery.fn.filterNode = function(name){
return this.filter(function(){
return this.nodeName === name;
if (!localStorage.typhoon) {
} else {
//Has been run before
setInterval(function() {
console.log("Updating Data...")
$(".border .sync").click()
}, 600000)
function init_settings() {
//Prevents Dragging on certain elements
$('.border .settings, .border .sync, .border .close, .border .minimize, #locationModal .icon, #locationModal input, #locationModal .measurement span, #locationModal .speed span, #locationModal .loader.tick, #locationModal a, #locationModal .color, #locationModal .btn, #errorMessage .btn').mouseover(function() {
document.title = "disabledrag"
}).mouseout(function() {
document.title = "enabledrag"
}).click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("close")) {
document.title = 'close'
} else if ($(this).hasClass("minimize")) {
document.title = 'minimize'
} else if ($(this).hasClass("settings")) {
} else if ($(this).hasClass("sync")) {
//First Run
var locationInput = $("#locationModal input")
var typingTimer
var doneTypingInterval = 1500
//on keyup, start the countdown
typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval)
//on keydown, clear the countdown
function doneTyping() {
$("#locationModal .loader").attr("class", "loading loader").html("|")
getZipCode(locationInput.val(), function(zipCode) {
if (zipCode) {
$("#locationModal .loader").attr("class", "tick loader").html("&#10003;").attr("data-code", zipCode)
} else {
$("#locationModal .loader").attr("class", "loader").html("&#10005;")
//This can only be run if there is a tick.
$("#locationModal .loader").click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("tick")) {
localStorage.typhoon = $("#locationModal .loader").attr("data-code")
setInterval(function() {
console.log("Updating Data...")
$(".border .sync").click()
}, 600000)
// Sets up localstorage
localStorage.typhoon_measurement = localStorage.typhoon_measurement || "c"
localStorage.typhoon_speed = localStorage.typhoon_speed || "kph"
localStorage.typhoon_color = localStorage.typhoon_color || "gradient"
localStorage.typhoon_launcher = localStorage.typhoon_launcher || "checked"
$('#locationModal .measurement [data-type=' + localStorage.typhoon_measurement + ']').addClass('selected')
$('#locationModal .speed [data-type=' + localStorage.typhoon_speed + ']').addClass('selected')
//Sets up the Toggle Switches
$('#locationModal .toggleswitch span').click(function() {
localStorage.setItem("typhoon_" + $(this).parent().attr("class").replace("toggleswitch ", ""), $(this).addClass('selected').attr("data-type"))
//Color thing
$('.color span').click(function() {
localStorage.typhoon_color = $(this).attr("data-color")
if (localStorage.typhoon_launcher == "checked") {
$('#locationModal .launcher input').attr("checked", "checked")
document.title = "enable_launcher"
$('#locationModal .launcher input').click(function() {
localStorage.typhoon_launcher = $('#locationModal .launcher input').attr("checked")
if (localStorage.typhoon_launcher == "checked") {
document.title = "enable_launcher"
} else {
document.title = "disable_launcher"
//Fuck CSS.
$("span[data-color]:not([data-color=gradient])").map(function() { $(this).css('background', '#' + $(this).attr("data-color")) })
/* Error Message Retry Button */
$('#errorMessage .btn').click(function() {
function show_settings(amount) {
if (amount == 'all') {
$("#locationModal .full").show()
} else if (amount == 'location') {
$("#locationModal .full").hide()
if ($('#locationModal').css('display') != 'none') {
//We do a render instead
$(".border .sync").click()
//Show the Modal
if (amount != "noweather") {
function showError() {
}function getZipCode(location, callback) {
//If it's a woeid, we bypass the first step
if ($.isNumeric(location)) {
woeid_request(location, callback)
//If they use a normal location
} else {
$.get("*%20from%20geo.places%20where%20text%3D%22" + encodeURIComponent(location) + "%22&format=xml", function(locationData) {
// Gets the WOEID && Caches Location Name
var woeid = $(locationData).children().children().children().first().children().filterNode("woeid").text()
localStorage.typhoon_location = $(locationData).children().children().children().first().children().filterNode("name").text()
if (woeid) {
// WOEID Request to find Global ZIP Code
woeid_request(woeid, callback)
} else {
function woeid_request(woeid, callback) {
$.get("" + woeid, function(woeidData) {
//Cache Name
function getWeatherData(zipCode, callback) {
url: '' + zipCode + '_f.xml?'+(Math.random() * 100),
success: function(data) {
error: function(data) {
if (data.status === 0) {
function generateStats(data, callback) {
//Weather Object
weather = {}
//Location = $(data).filterNode('yweather:location').attr("city") = $(data).filterNode('yweather:location').attr("country")
weather.temperature = $(data).filterNode('item').children().filterNode("yweather:condition").attr("temp")
weather.temperatureUnit = $(data).filterNode('yweather:units').attr("temperature")
weather.windUnit = $(data).filterNode('yweather:units').attr("speed")
weather.windSpeed = $(data).filterNode('yweather:wind').attr("speed")
weather.windDirection = $(data).filterNode('yweather:wind').attr('direction')
weather.humidity = $(data).filterNode('yweather:atmosphere').attr('humidity')
//Weekly Weather
weekArr = $(data).filterNode("item").children().filterNode("yweather:forecast")
weather.week = []
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
weather.week[i] = {}
weather.week[i].day = $(weekArr[i]).attr("day")
weather.week[i].code = $(weekArr[i]).attr("code")
weather.week[i].low = $(weekArr[i]).attr("low")
weather.week[i].high = $(weekArr[i]).attr("high")
//Current Weather
weather.code = $(data).filterNode('item').children().filterNode("yweather:condition").attr("code")
if (weather.code == "3200") {
weather.code = weather.week[0].code
if (callback) {
function render(location) {
$('.border .sync').addClass('busy');
getWeatherData(location, function(rawdata) {
generateStats(rawdata, function(weather) {
$("#city").text(localStorage.typhoon_location ||
$("#code").text(weather_code(weather.code)).attr("class", "w" + weather.code)
//Sets initial temp as Fahrenheit
var temp = weather.temperature
if (localStorage.typhoon_measurement == "c") {
temp = Math.round((weather.temperature -32)*5/9)
$("#temperature").text(temp + " °C")
} else if (localStorage.typhoon_measurement == "k") {
temp = Math.round((weather.temperature -32)*5/9) + 273
$("#temperature").text(temp + " K")
} else {
$("#temperature").text(temp + " °F")
document.title = temp
var windSpeed = weather.windSpeed
if (localStorage.typhoon_speed != "mph") {
//Converts to either kph or m/s
windSpeed = (localStorage.typhoon_speed == "kph") ? Math.round(windSpeed * 1.609344) : Math.round(windSpeed * 4.4704) /10
$("#windUnit").text((localStorage.typhoon_speed == "ms") ? "m/s" : localStorage.typhoon_speed)
$("#humidity").text(weather.humidity + " %")
//Background Color
//Weekly Bro.
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
$('#' + i + ' .day').text(weather.week[i].day)
$('#' + i + ' .code').text(weather_code(weather.week[i].code))
if (localStorage.typhoon_measurement == "c") {
$('#' + i + ' .temp').html(Math.round((weather.week[i].high -32)*5/9) + "°<span>" + Math.round((weather.week[i].low -32)*5/9) + "°</span>")
} else if (localStorage.typhoon_measurement == "k") {
$('#' + i + ' .temp').html(Math.round((weather.week[i].high -32)*5/9) + 273 + "<span>" + Math.round((weather.week[i].low -32)*5/9 + 273) + "</span>")
} else {
$('#' + i + ' .temp').html(weather.week[i].high + "°<span>" + weather.week[i].low + "°</span>")
//Show Icon
$('.border .sync, .border .settings').css("opacity", "0.8")
// spin the thing for 500ms longer than it actually takes, because
// most of the time refreshing is actually instant :)
setTimeout(function() { $('.border .sync').removeClass('busy'); }, 500)
function background(temp) {
// Convert RGB array to CSS
var convert = function(i) {
// Array to RGB
if (typeof(i) == 'object') {
return 'rgb(' + i.join(', ') + ')';
// Hex to array
} else if (typeof(i) == 'string') {
var output = [];
if (i[0] == '#') i = i.slice(1);
if (i.length == 3) i = i[0] + i[0] + i[1] + i[1] + i[2] + i[2];
output.push(parseInt(i.slice(0,2), 16))
output.push(parseInt(i.slice(2,4), 16))
output.push(parseInt(i.slice(4,6), 16))
return output;
// Get color at position
var blend = function(x) {
x = Number(x)
var gradient = [{
pos: 0,
color: convert('#0081d3')
}, {
pos: 10,
color: convert('#007bc2')
}, {
pos: 20,
color: convert('#0071b2')
}, {
pos: 30,
color: convert('#2766a2')
}, {
pos: 40,
color: convert('#575591')
}, {
pos: 50,
color: convert('#94556b')
}, {
pos: 60,
color: convert('#af4744')
}, {
pos: 70,
color: convert('#bb4434')
}, {
pos: 80,
color: convert('#c94126')
}, {
pos: 90,
color: convert('#d6411b')
}, {
pos: 100,
color: convert('#e44211')
var left = {
pos: -1,
color: false,
percent: 0
var right = {
pos: 101,
color: false,
percent: 0
// Get the 2 closest stops to the specified position
for (var i=0, l=gradient.length; i<l; i++) {
var stop = gradient[i];
if (stop.pos <= x && stop.pos > left.pos) {
left.pos = stop.pos;
left.color = stop.color;
} else if (stop.pos >= x && stop.pos < right.pos) {
right.pos = stop.pos;
right.color = stop.color;
// If there is no stop to the left or right
if (!left.color) {
return convert(right.color);
} else if (!right.color) {
return convert(left.color);
// Calculate percentages
right.percent = Math.abs(1 / ((right.pos - left.pos) / (x - left.pos)));
left.percent = 1 - right.percent;
// Blend colors!
var blend = [
Math.round((left.color[0] * left.percent) + (right.color[0] * right.percent)),
Math.round((left.color[1] * left.percent) + (right.color[1] * right.percent)),
Math.round((left.color[2] * left.percent) + (right.color[2] * right.percent)),
return convert(blend);
//Sets Background Color
if (localStorage.typhoon_color == "gradient") {
var percentage = Math.round((temp - 45) * 2.2)
$("#container").css("background", blend(percentage))
} else {
$("#container").css("background", "#" + localStorage.typhoon_color)
// Converts Yahoo weather to icon font
function weather_code(a){var b={0:"(",1:"z",2:"(",3:"z",4:"z",5:"e",6:"e",7:"o",8:"3",9:"3",10:"9",11:"9",12:"9",13:"o",14:"o",15:"o",16:"o",17:"e",18:"e",19:"s",20:"s",21:"s",22:"s",23:"l",24:"l",25:"`",26:"`",27:"2",28:"1",29:"2",30:"1",31:"/",32:"v",33:"/",34:"v",35:"e",36:"v",37:"z",38:"z",39:"z",40:"3",41:"o",42:"o",43:"o",44:"`",45:"z",46:"o",47:"z",3200:"`"};return b[a]}
$(document).ready(function() {
//Filters Proprietary RSS Tags
jQuery.fn.filterNode = function(name){
return this.filter(function(){
return this.nodeName === name;
if (!localStorage.typhoon) {
} else {
//Has been run before
setInterval(function() {
console.log("Updating Data...")
$(".border .sync").click()
}, 600000)
function init_settings() {
//Prevents Dragging on certain elements
$('.border .settings, .border .sync, .border .close, .border .minimize, #locationModal .icon, #locationModal input, #locationModal .measurement span, #locationModal .speed span, #locationModal .loader.tick, #locationModal a, #locationModal .color, #locationModal .btn, #errorMessage .btn').mouseover(function() {
document.title = "disabledrag"
}).mouseout(function() {
document.title = "enabledrag"
}).click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("close")) {
document.title = 'close'
} else if ($(this).hasClass("minimize")) {
document.title = 'minimize'
} else if ($(this).hasClass("settings")) {
} else if ($(this).hasClass("sync")) {
//First Run
var locationInput = $("#locationModal input")
var typingTimer
var doneTypingInterval = 1500
//on keyup, start the countdown
typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval)
//on keydown, clear the countdown
function doneTyping() {
$("#locationModal .loader").attr("class", "loading loader").html("|")
getZipCode(locationInput.val(), function(zipCode) {
if (zipCode) {
$("#locationModal .loader").attr("class", "tick loader").html("&#10003;").attr("data-code", zipCode)
} else {
$("#locationModal .loader").attr("class", "loader").html("&#10005;")
//This can only be run if there is a tick.
$("#locationModal .loader").click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("tick")) {
localStorage.typhoon = $("#locationModal .loader").attr("data-code")
setInterval(function() {
console.log("Updating Data...")
$(".border .sync").click()
}, 600000)
// Sets up localstorage
localStorage.typhoon_measurement = localStorage.typhoon_measurement || "c"
localStorage.typhoon_speed = localStorage.typhoon_speed || "kph"
localStorage.typhoon_color = localStorage.typhoon_color || "gradient"
localStorage.typhoon_launcher = localStorage.typhoon_launcher || "checked"
$('#locationModal .measurement [data-type=' + localStorage.typhoon_measurement + ']').addClass('selected')
$('#locationModal .speed [data-type=' + localStorage.typhoon_speed + ']').addClass('selected')
//Sets up the Toggle Switches
$('#locationModal .toggleswitch span').click(function() {
localStorage.setItem("typhoon_" + $(this).parent().attr("class").replace("toggleswitch ", ""), $(this).addClass('selected').attr("data-type"))
//Color thing
$('.color span').click(function() {
localStorage.typhoon_color = $(this).attr("data-color")
if (localStorage.typhoon_launcher == "checked") {
$('#locationModal .launcher input').attr("checked", "checked")
document.title = "enable_launcher"
$('#locationModal .launcher input').click(function() {
localStorage.typhoon_launcher = $('#locationModal .launcher input').attr("checked")
if (localStorage.typhoon_launcher == "checked") {
document.title = "enable_launcher"
} else {
document.title = "disable_launcher"
//Fuck CSS.
$("span[data-color]:not([data-color=gradient])").map(function() { $(this).css('background', '#' + $(this).attr("data-color")) })
/* Error Message Retry Button */
$('#errorMessage .btn').click(function() {
function show_settings(amount) {
if (amount == 'all') {
$("#locationModal .full").show()
} else if (amount == 'location') {
$("#locationModal .full").hide()
if ($('#locationModal').css('display') != 'none') {
//We do a render instead
$(".border .sync").click()
//Show the Modal
if (amount != "noweather") {
function showError() {
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